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 What is a " Revising Court" in Gambia ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 06 Aug 2021 : 16:53:40



By Omar Bah on August 6, 2021

The Independent Electoral Commission chairman has disclosed that his office will officially write to the Ministry of Justice next week to appoint judges for the revising courts.

“It is standard procedure that immediately after the registration, we check the list and see whether there are people who have registered more than once and that is what we are doing currently. We will soon be done with that as soon as next week we will write to the Ministry of Justice and ask them to appoint judges for the revising courts,” Alieu Momarr Njai told The Standard yesterday.

He said there will be seven revising courts, one for each of the seven regions of the country and that they will run for sixty days.

Asked whether there have been any major issues in the registration process, Njai said: “There are some people who registered twice or even three times. This is what we are sorting out and immediately we are done with that, we will announce the provisional number of voters.”

However, Mr Njai said he could not tell whether there are other major issues in the registration, saying the database specialists are working very hard to complete their review and the moment they are done they will update him.

Revising courts

Revising courts are assigned as soon as may be practicable after the publication of the provisional voter list. The Chief Justice shall, on the advice of the Commission, appoint magistrates of the First Class to hold revising courts, to hear and decide appeals and objections against the voter list.

A revising court shall be held in each Administrative Area in which notices of appeals and objections have been received and the Chief Justice may, for this purpose, appoint different magistrates for each Administrative Area.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toubab1020 Posted - 13 Aug 2021 : 14:03:07
IEC has ideas but I think that it MAY have to wait some time to get a political solution to ITS OWN PROBLEMS.


..."He urged the country’s political parties to ensure they have agents in all the country’s polling stations to ensure that the process is given the scrutiny it deserves. However, the IEC boss insisted that the country’s current voting system is a nightmare, arguing that the need to migrate to ballot paper cannot be overemphasized.

Njai disclosed that the IEC had contracted the GTTI to manufacture its ballot drums which cost them about D20 million. "




By Omar Bah By Omar Bah on August 13, 2021

The Independent Electoral Commission is set to make a decision on the fate of some 2966 people who are found to have registered more than once in the just concluded voter registration exercise.

According to Election House, the culprits may face some disciplinary actions including prosecution.

Speaking to The Standard exclusively on Wednesday, IEC chairman Alieu Momarr Njai said: “The commission wants to sit on the issue to decide how many of them will be deleted or prosecuted”.

Asked how did the offenders beat the system, Mr Njai said it is “very simple” as people can register in Serekunda and go to Brikama to register again without IEC’s knowledge.

“It is only after the whole registration process is over and the database of all those who registered is collected and compiled that we will be able to detect it. So if people deliberately register more than once and are discovered, the commission has to make a decision as to what to do.

“We don’t like taking people to court but we must also take measures to make sure those doing it deliberately will have to account for their actions,” he said.

Revising courts

Chairman Njai said the commission has written to the Ministry of Justice to appoint magistrates for the revising courts.

Turning to the December presidential election, Njai said the electoral commission is committed to delivering a fair and transparent election, adding “the IEC’s current system is reliable and cannot be tampered with by anybody”.

He urged the country’s political parties to ensure they have agents in all the country’s polling stations to ensure that the process is given the scrutiny it deserves. However, the IEC boss insisted that the country’s current voting system is a nightmare, arguing that the need to migrate to ballot paper cannot be overemphasized.

Njai disclosed that the IEC had contracted the GTTI to manufacture its ballot drums which cost them about D20 million.


“My message to all Gambians whether you have a voter card or not, please campaign and vote peacefully because there is going to be a winner at the State House and God has already destined that. As a Muslim, I believe in destiny. Let us not instigate people to create chaos in this country,” he said.

Mr Njai urged the country’s political parties and presidential candidates to campaign on policies and to avoid creating trouble.
toubab1020 Posted - 07 Aug 2021 : 11:06:22
NOT BEING A LAWYER,as far as I can find out through a search on the internet there are no such courts in THE Gambia TODAY.On the Judicary web page such courts ae mentioned but have not been used,The IEC Chairman (no name given in the article above) has found a good way to ensure that there is only ONE VOTE PER PERSON as it is SUSPECTED that the correct way to vote in an election in THE Gambia is being abused.

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