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 TRRC Baba Galleh has tendered his resignation

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 15 Jun 2021 : 16:38:31
By Baba Galleh Jallow

Dear Family and Friends,

I wish to confirm that I have tendered my resignation to the President and given him notice that I will be leaving my position as Executive Secretary of the TRRC with effect from July 31, 2021. The mandate of the Commission expires on June 30 and
according to our schedule, the final report and recommendations would have been submitted to the President before July 31. As at this time the Legal Team assisted by two consultants and a team of legal assistants and our Research and Investigations Unit are working closely with Commissioners to put together the final report. My office is not directly involved in the drafting of the report.

The Secretariat will still remain open for a few more months after July 31 to wrap up some administrative matters and I believe that our able Deputy Executive Secretary and the remaining staff are more than equal to that task. I will be available to offer any support and advice they might need.

I think my substantive service with the TRRC is completed and I need to start looking ahead in terms of career matters. Hence the early notice that I will be quitting on July 31, God willing.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank all the staff who have worked so diligently to make sure that our promise that failure was not an option is realized. Every single person who worked at the TRRC contributed significantly to the success of the Commission and I thank each and everyone of you wholeheartedly. May God bless you and your future career paths.

Also many thanks to the majority of the Gambian public who have encouraged us from the very beginning when many doubted our capacity to make anything significant of the TRRC. Today, thanks to God and to their support and confidence, we have literally set up and operated the most successful truth commission in the history of truth commissions in the world. This has been affirmed by many international media and experts on truth commissions and transitional justice. We are happy to note that TRRC was set up by Gambians and staffed exclusively by Gambians with the exception of one South African technical support assistant who worked with our psycho social support team.

To everyone, and especially our Gambian compatriots with the UNDP TJ team, we say thank you and God bless.

Now we all proceed to ensure that the TRRC recommendations are implemented and that Never Again shall we have dictatorship or rampant human rights violations and abuses in ths country.

God bless The Gambia and all Gambians and their families and friends everywhere.


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