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 Dead body of youth found.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 27 Apr 2021 : 11:49:34
"Preliminary investigations revealed that the body found is a male person in his early youthful age. The body was found covered in bags and legs tied with a rope at the Bird Watching Forest located between Brufut and Madiana villages in the Kombo North of West Coast Region."


A dead body is reportedly found at the Bird Watching Forest between Brufut and Madiana, police have confirmed. The circumstances swirling the death of this unidentified youth is unknown, police say in a news releases which reads below:

“The Office of the Inspector General of Police hereby informs the public that it has received reports of a case of suspected murder or death under unknown circumstances.

Preliminary investigations revealed that the body found is a male person in his early youthful age. The body was found covered in bags and legs tied with a rope at the Bird Watching Forest located between Brufut and Madiana villages in the Kombo North of West Coast Region.

Police Investigators are working on constructing the crime scene and gathering evidence to ascertain the circumstances of the incident.

The body has been moved to the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital in Banjul for further examinations.

The general public particularly people living within Brufut and Madiana villages, who may have information that may be useful to the investigation are encouraged to come forward to assist in the investigation.

Equally, members of the public are advised to desist from spreading false rumours or unverified information that may be detrimental to the investigation.

The cooperation and understanding of the public is highly solicited.”
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toubab1020 Posted - 28 Apr 2021 : 10:52:27
It is now apparant that SOME MEDIA who have not complied with the Police authority when they stated :

"Equally, members of the public are advised to desist from spreading false rumours or unverified information that may be detrimental to the investigation.
The cooperation and understanding of the public is highly solicited.”

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