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 Alleged kidnapping of PDOIS youth secretary Kexx

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 28 Mar 2021 : 23:12:47
Public Notice by the Police

The Police High Command has received disturbing reports about the alleged kidnapping of Kemeseng Sanneh commonly known as Kexx Sanneh on the 24th March 2021.

The public is hereby informed that, the GPF has opened investigations into the matter.

Members of public who have information that may be useful to the investigations, are encouraged to come forward.

The public is assured that, a thorough investigation will be conducted and will do its utmost to get to the bottom of the matter.

The cooperation of the public is highly solicited.


Source: Poliso Magazine
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toubab1020 Posted - 31 Mar 2021 : 11:11:43



EDITORIAL March 30, 2021

Kemeeng’s mother was accompanied to the police station to secure bail for him. He was found in a cell at Kairaba Police Station. The impression was given that he could not be released on bail on the same day.

The heart of the nation was with the police as they conducted investigation to unravel what appeared to be a security threat to those associated with Kemeseng.

Now that the police did claim that they have sufficient information one would have thought that releasing Kemeseng on bail would have confirmed that they have conducted their work with professionalism.

It is difficult to find good reason why Kemeseng is denied bail and why he is put in cell . Foroyaa will find out more about this strange developing story.
toubab1020 Posted - 30 Mar 2021 : 13:20:36

"The Crime Investigation Department opened a swift investigation into the circumstances leading to his alleged kidnapping with a view to prosecute anyone found responsible in accordance with the Laws.
However, investigations revealed that, Kemeseng Sanneh was never kidnapped or abducted by any individual."




A highly experienced and professional investigation team has been put together to investigate one of the most significant cases that fell into the hands of our law enforcement agents. Foroyaa has been reliably informed that Halifa Sallah will hold a Press Conference this evening to promote due process regarding the case. Speculations should not be entertained. The police should be allowed to establish the facts and the PRO should update the journalists on what is being done to handle the case.
toubab1020 Posted - 30 Mar 2021 : 13:08:32
S0 this has been a waste of time by the police in an unnecessary allegation of crime by a young man who I suspect has seen an opportunity to generate a good deal of publicity to enhance his image on social media platforms and the active free press of Gambia.
Momodou Posted - 29 Mar 2021 : 19:39:59
Kemeseng Sanneh under arrest for giving false information

The Police High Command wishes to inform the public that Kemeseng Sanneh known as Kexx Sanneh is currently under arrest and helping the Police in their investigations.

His arrest came following a case report he filed at the LK German Police Station on Saturday 27th March 2021, alleging being kidnapped by unidentified individuals.

He claimed to have been dumped at Erinjang Cemetery on the 24th March 2021, which information he knew to be false and misleading.

The Crime Investigation Department opened a swift investigation into the circumstances leading to his alleged kidnapping with a view to prosecute anyone found responsible in accordance with the Laws.

However, investigations revealed that, Kemeseng Sanneh was never kidnapped or abducted by any individual.

Sufficient evidence gathered showed that he was not kidnapped and placed in a car as alleged; but instead, he spent that very night in his house with a Marabout from Senegal who's service he hired.

Further investigations revealed that Kemeseng Sanneh was involved in a fraudulent marabout scam, details of which are subject of further investigations.

The GPF High Command hereby commends the public for the swift response in providing relevant information useful to the Investigation.

Members of the public are further encouraged to be law abiding and warned against spreading false and misleading information on crime for any reason.

The Police is also applying due diligence in ensuring the safety of Kemeseng as he continues to help in the investigations.

Source: Poliso Magazine
Momodou Posted - 28 Mar 2021 : 23:16:22
By Alagi Yorro Jallow
Banditry, Militancy, Kidnapping, and Vandalism as a catalyst to The Gambia's Lastest Security Problem.

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