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 Political comments on SANYANG INCIDENT

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 18 Mar 2021 : 16:07:48



By Omar Bah on March 18, 2021

In the wake of the recent riot in Sanyang which led to heightened tension and destruction of private and public facilities, after reports that a Gambian youth was killed by a Senegalese, former Interior minister has said the failure of government to heed both the SIS and police intelligence warnings of simmering tension within communities was responsible for the melee.

“Clearly, there was no failure of intelligence on potential communal violence, land disputes, the economy and their impact on internal security, and therefore the Sanyang incident is symptomatic of more critical phenomena,” Mai Fatty told The Standard.

Fatty added that the incident in Sanyang and elsewhere, “are not failures of intelligence but rather the reckless failure to act on actionable intelligence. It is the inexplicable omission on the part of policy makers to engage communities to tackle early warning signals and to effectively respond to the urgent needs of communities.”

“It translates to a failure of leadership not only to grasp or appreciate the critical exigencies but also to devalue the recommendations of those state agencies with the ability to monitor and analyse public pulse, from the prism of national security. I hope the state as the duty-bearer will adopt a more pragmatic approach,” he advised.

The GMC leader said from a governance point of view, civil protest is treated as an inconvenience or a threat to be extinguished.

“At least our recent history and experiences have shown this to be the conventional attitude of the state but broadly speaking, it’s about insecurity as there is the general feeling that no one is in charge, and therefore no one cares about public protection and safety. Public impression is that the state, through willful negligence, is not interested in protecting communities at home, places of business or in the streets and the rapid rise in violent crime justifies this thinking,” Fatty said.

He added that security is fundamentally about perception and the state must up its act, noting that lip-service and rhetoric alone will not do the job.

“It is beyond that and monetary inducements to pockets of youth groups to appease them too will backfire in a short period as it is not sustainable. So the government must change its general attitude towards governance and more particularly, how it engages and addresses the grievances of relevant communities. The problems are not political, but rather economical, and this factor must be resolved quickly,” he noted.

Government, he emphasised, must demonstrate more commitment towards fighting poverty and creating opportunities for decent livelihoods.

“It is easier to miss the picture if the government simply looks at the immediate factors that triggered the unrest. In many cases, the protests have been sparked by austerity measures such as uncontrollable price hikes, high youth unemployment and excruciating living conditions of most Gambians,” he stressed.

Mai said the government cannot treat such deep endemic economic predicaments through a palliative approach.

“Distributing bags of rice and then assume that the problems will fly away. You are compounding the problem. There has to be durable, practical, tangible policy prescriptions to accompany any limited palliative intervention, such as the purr version of a ‘stimulus package’,” Fatty noted.

He advised the government to commit a frontal approach to corruption, rising inequality, declining standard of living and high unemployment.

“Government must shift its current excessive concentration on political activities and accord primary but urgent attention to bread-and-butter issues. The problems of The Gambia are fundamentally economic factors, which cannot be addressed using palliative politics,” he said.

The 2020 Crime & Safety Report on The Gambia Security Office at the U.S. Embassy in Banjul identified the country as a moderate risk from civil unrest, as public protests, demonstrations, and strikes have become more common, as Gambians no longer fear government retaliation or persecution in their desire to exercise their freedoms of speech and expression.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toubab1020 Posted - 18 Mar 2021 : 16:10:17



By Tabora Bojang on March 18, 2021

The National Assembly Member for Tallinding has described the recent attacks on a fishmeal factory and a police station in Sanyang as “shameful”. The facilities were targeted by youths protesting the killing of a native, Gibril Ceesay by a Senegalese working for the fish meal factory.

Speaking on a National Assembly motion on the incident yesterday, Fatoumatta Jawara called on the youths of Sanyang to remain calm, saying she does not think “the killing of a Gambian has anything to do with such violent acts against” investors and security personnel.

“Burning of foreign investors’ properties and our police station is uncalled for. We all condemn the killing but we should also discourage what the youths have done,” the Tallinding NAM stated.

Jawara also took a swipe at her fellow lawmakers and challenged them to do more to empower the police instead of blaming them.

“This is totally unacceptable and as legislators, we should all condemn any act of violence, stop blame-games and take collective actions because this is a collective responsibility and we cannot blame the government neither the police,” she argued.

Kiang Central NAM, Bakary Camara expressed frustrations over the incident, describing it as an act of “aggravated anger and destruction.”

Camara, who called for vigorous police investigations into the matter, urged the Barrow government to end what he calls “lip-services to youth empowerment.”

“Unlawful killings are becoming common in the country and nothing concrete comes out of them. We must not let the country slip into a jungle nation,” Camara warned.

Jarra Central NAM, Kebba Jallow stated that despite several constraints faced by the youths in the country, “they must not take the law into their hands” to compromise national security.

Sainey Touray of Jarra East, said: “It is the duty of the government to protect its citizens especially when lives are involved. Travesty of justice anywhere is travesty of justice everywhere. I am therefore calling on the government to investigate this matter expeditiously and judiciously.”

Niamina West lawmaker, Omar Ceesay asked if the ongoing security sector reforms are yielding any benefits, given the heightened rates of killings.

“Just recently, 3 people have been deliberately killed in one area in Niamina and this is a region that has an army barracks and a police station. In fact, one of the corpses was found near a police station. I doubt if our security sector reform is yielding any benefits,” he lamented.

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