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 Goodluck Jonathan had no luck with this.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 13 Mar 2021 : 11:49:10

"The former Nigerian president’s final attempt to find consensus on the [president’s current] term and the method to reintroduce the draft constitution to the National Assembly has now collapsed. The mediation specialist has flown back to Nigeria."



‘Emerging politicians will soon control the narrative unless…’

By Omar Bah on March 12, 2021

GMC leader has advised his fellow veteran politicians to recognise the political ‘contours’ of the times and manage its evolution effectively or risk losing the narrative to upcoming young politicians.

“The new Gambian citizen is knocking on our political doors, and if we do not open the door fast enough, they will invent a key to take control of the space. To be relevant, a leader must recognize the political contours of the times and manage its geomorphology effectively,” Mai Fatty told The Standard yesterday.

He said the trajectory of social evolution assumes a natural phenomenon.

“Politics and law, both prescriptive elements of social organisation, also follow an identical sequence. Gambian society must also evolve its prescriptive or normative practices to accommodate its prevailing consciousness and exigencies,” he said. In consequence, Fatty added, characters and organisations that are incapable of adapting or adjusting to the fleeting changing needs of their society render themselves obsolete. “This is how a social organization or its drivers grow irrelevant,” he added.

“The rapid, but complex evolution of Gambian political consciousness is breeding innovative demands from her citizens which must, of necessity be met by the political class. That class, both governing and its alternative, must adapt their methods and thinking so as to effectively manage the rapid pace of political maturity, thereby compliantly responding to prevailing demands and aspirations of the population.

“If we fail this on-going competency test, it will trigger heightened pressure from society. Increasingly, as our political organizations fail in appreciating the complexity of societal evolution and attendant consciousness vis-a-vis the imperative nature of its demands, public despondency shall give rise to the inevitable emergence of a new political order. This new variable shall be radically different from anything of the past, thus introducing a near cataclysm in national politics. This is where we are heading to,” he said.

The former special adviser to the president was speaking to this medium shortly after attending Goodluck Jonathan’s final mediation meeting yesterday. The former Nigerian president’s final attempt to find consensus on the [president’s current] term and the method to reintroduce the draft constitution to the National Assembly has now collapsed. The mediation specialist has flown back to Nigeria.

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Momodou Posted - 13 Mar 2021 : 16:44:59
By Ndey Jobarteh

The Draft Constitution has tainted the legacy of this government especially President Barrow, beyond repair. You cannot be elected based on one of the fundamental electoral agreements and promises between you and the people and you showed no regards and blatantly lead to the failure of the «The People's Constitution". Dashing the hopes and aspiration of the majority of the Gambian people and leaving the people with nothing but the 1997 Constitution. What a shattered hope? What a shattered promise? What a shattered dream for New Gambia and a Third Republic?

The fact that the President and his government showed no interest to send the right messages and messengers to convince people that the Draft Constitution is good for them, showed their blatant assault on the Draft Constitution you never heard about in history class. It shows great robbery on the people of this country. This was the life blood of President Barrow's election into office, and it has tainted his legacy and his government for good.

Let me make this very clear for those jubilating the failure of this Draft Constitution. The many reasons why the Draft Constitution has enjoyed tremendous support in The Gambia and the Diaspora. It is because, the Draft Constitution introduces far reaching changes to Gambia’s system of governance. It creates a decentralized system of government characterized by different levels of Government. It seeks to fundamentally restructure the core institutions of governance. In this regard, the Executive, Parliament and the judiciary are to be fundamentally restructured and reformed. It also seeks to protect and promote the rights of its citizens in a more elaborate manner. Finally, it introduces national values and principles of governance and further devotes a chapter on leadership and integrity. Absence of an adequate and enforceable code of ethics and normative standards for the public service has, since independence, created a public service weighed down by problems like corruption, poor governance, mismanagement of resources, tribalism, criminal conduct, and impunity, among others.

Therefore for the deep seated interest of the President Barrow to be elected in December 2021 lead to the rejection of the “People’s Constitution” thus pose three types of threats or challenges to the passing of the “People’s Draft Constitution”. These interests seek to retain the status quo, reverse the gains, or manipulate the content, direction and pace of reform or implementation.
The December 4, 2021 General Elections are essentially a referendum on fidelity to the Draft Constitution, on the one hand, or the reversal or manipulation of the reform process.

May God Bless the Gambia!!
May God Bless our People!!

The Struggle Continues............................................

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