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 Politics: Gambian politics
 Ministers should emerge from their hibernation

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 29 Mar 2020 : 20:04:40
Health Minister Ahmad Lamin Samateh is working hard, yet he cannot do it alone. Other ministers should emerge from their self-imposed hibernation.

By Basidia M Drammeh

1- Finance Minister Mambury Njie should come out to tell Gambians how the D500 million-dalasi emergency fund will be spent. He should also tell Gambians how the government plans to support small business owners who stand to face insurmountable challenges over Covid-19. Mr. Njie should explain the short and long-term economic ramifications of the pandemic.

2- Foreign Minister Dr. Tangara should come out to tell Gambians how his Ministry, being also in charge of Gambians abroad, is catering for Gambian citizens overseas.

3- Interior Minister should come out to explain how the recent partial lockdown will be enforced. He should also explain how the borders are being secured, amid closure..

4- Trade Minister should come out to explain how the recent price control would be enforced and what his Ministry is doing to combat hoarding and price gouging.

5- Tourism Minister Hamat Bah should come out and elaborate on the implications of Covid-19 for the tourism industry that accounts for 20-30% of the nation’s GDP.

6-Basic Education and Higher Education Ministers should explain how the pandemic is affecting the students and what they are doing to offset the class hours lost. The radio education program that has been launched by the Ministry of Education has been sharply criticized. The Basic Education Minister should react to those criticisms and defend her decision.

7- The Government’s spokesman should play a liaison role and arrange regular press conferences for the ministers concerned.

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