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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 13 Sep 2017 : 17:26:17
".....the presiding magistrate H.U. Abeke was informed by the Registrar and the Sheriff of the Court that they were not aware of who ordered the release of Kojo neither do they know when he complied with the court order of settling his liability......"


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A man who attempted to implicate the principal Registrar and Sheriff of Kanifing Magistrates’ Court was recently granted bail of one million dalasi (D1million) by Principal Magistrate Hilary U. Abeke of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court.

The accused, Kojo Frank Owusu, was ordered to be arrested and produced before the court to show cause why he should not be punished for attempting to fraudulently collect his International Passport and other travelling documents from the Registrar of the Court.

Owusu was involved in a civil matter with one Ebuchere Uche Collins and judgment was entered against the accused.

The court ordered amongst other things that he should deposit his International Passport and his travelling documents with the Registrar of the Court pending when he complies with the judgment of the court.

The accused was then committed to prison under the debtors Act in pursuant to the said judgment.

Few days later, the presiding magistrate H.U. Abeke was informed by the Registrar and the Sheriff of the Court that they were not aware of who ordered the release of Kojo neither do they know when he complied with the court order of settling his liability.

The court officials informed the court that Kojo came and demanded for his International Passport and travelling documents.

The presiding magistrate Abeke told the court that there was nothing before the court showing that there was an appeal against the court order or an order directing the Registrar of the court to release any document.

The trial magistrate then ruled that it would not allow any of its staff to be implicated in the same manner in which one of the Registrars was implicated for releasing a defendant passport (travelling documents) without a court order.

Kojo Frank Owusu was then arrested and granted bail of D1million and the matter was adjourned for him to show cause why he should not be punished under the laws of the Republic.
Author: Bruce Asemota

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