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 A case of double Lethergy !

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 18 Aug 2017 : 01:39:05
Very interesting :
Magistrate Abeke of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court Stated in his ruling:

"...the presiding magistrate told the court that the accused was arraigned before the court one year, six months ago and was granted bail, but could not fulfill the bail conditions.
He said the accused has since been remanded in custody.
He stated that Kebba Fadera who was the prosecutor, had informed the court that someone had threatened to take his life."

Alleged D33M theft case struck out
Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Magistrate Abeke of the Kanifing Magistrates’ Court on 7 August 2017, struck out the case involving Babucarr Badjie, who was charged with stealing D33 million from the company he was working for.

He also discharged the accused.

In his ruling, the presiding magistrate told the court that the accused was arraigned before the court one year, six months ago and was granted bail, but could not fulfill the bail conditions.

He said the accused has since been remanded in custody.

He stated that Kebba Fadera who was the prosecutor, had informed the court that someone had threatened to take his life.

The case was transferred to the Attorney General’s Chambers for the state to take over

He adduced that the state had written to the court that the case should be transferred back to the police prosecution, adding that the state counsel, Lamin Jarju, submitted that the case file was never sent to the Attorney General’s Chambers for legal advice.

He then urged the court to allow the police to continue the case, since they have called witnesses and the case is almost coming to an end.

Magistrate Abeke posited that the Attorney General’s Chambers also had written to the court that the case be transferred back to the police to continue the prosecution of the case.

He further adduced that it seemed that both the police and state are lethargic in the prosecution of the case.

He, therefore, struck out the case and discharged the accused.

Earlier, it was Pa Harry Jammeh who represented the accused, but Lawyer Edward Gomez later took over from him.

He warned the prisons wardens or officers to immediately release the accused.
Author: Dawda Faye

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