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 Politics: Gambian politics
 Fair Justice sentence.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 15 Aug 2017 : 10:09:06
This is from the "still operating" Daily Observer an article that I think shows that the Court system in Gambia is operating in a balanced way in taking into consideration the circumstances of convicted defendants.


Two men who were charged with conspiracy to commit a felony, threatening violence, stealing and assault have been convicted and sentenced by Magistrate F.B. Sallah at the Bundung Magistrates’ Court, on Wednesday.

Alieu Fatty and Abdoulie Sanneh had denied the charges since the beginning of the trial. The prosecution had called three witnesses and tendered five exhibits.
According to the evidence on record, there was nothing that connected Mr. Sanneh to the injuries sustained by the first prosecution witness. The only available piece of evidence was when the witness mentioned that Mr. Sanneh removed a razor blade and threatened to use it which had already been dealt with under count two of the charges.
The court convicted Mr. Fatty on all the four counts while Mr. Sanneh was convicted on counts 1 and 2 and acquitted on counts 3 and 4.
Mr. Fatty was sentenced to pay a fine of D1000 in default to serve 16 days jail term and 6 months mandatory jail term without a fine and another fine of D1000 in default to serve a month community service.
Mr. Sanneh was sentenced on two counts and was sentenced to pay a fine of D2000 in default to serve 6 months imprisonment and another D2000 fine in default to serve 3 months imprisonment.

by Awa Gassama

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