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 Politics: Gambian politics
 shutting down of country's GSM Operators billing s

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 13 Aug 2017 : 14:00:44
Gambia Government reacts to MGI shutting down of country's GSM Operators billing system, says the act a threat to national security.

The general public could recall that the MGI contract for the exclusive management of the International Gateway was terminated on 7th July 2017 after a decision was taken by Cabinet to end the contract. Despite being a separate contract from the GAMCEL billing system, MGI retaliated with threats to disrupt the GAMCEL billing platform if not reconnected as an International Gateway carrier to all networks in the country. Also, GAMCEL was requested to make some payments to MGI in order to avert this disruption with limited notice period, which ended July 31st, 2017. Consequently,MGI started disrupting the billing system from August 7, 2017.

It is worthy to apprise the public that the billing system was acquired on behalf of GAMCEL and it is the most expensive ever for the company if not around the world. The billing platform cost millions of US dollars yet the company does not have total ownership and control over the system. This is a betrayal of trust through a scheme designed to control, blackmail and direct our decisions as a nation, while perpetuating MGI to continue the management of the International Gateway.

Unfortunately, the agreementthat should have been in the name of GAMCELwas between MGI and REDKNEE on a build, operate, transfer (BOT) basis. Also, MGI signed another separate contract on the billing system with GAMCEL for the support services.The BOT agreement of the billing platform is yet to be provided by MGI after numerous follow-ups and could not be traced from either GAMCEL or GAMTEL.

The government has taken this attack as a deliberate attempt to sabotage the national communication system of the country, which is a clear threat to national security. We will not be cowed by this cowardice action and will not subdue to any such threats and/or blackmail. We will stand firm with the decision to terminate the MGI contract and we are more resolved today than before.

Finally, the general public is kindly requested to be patient and supportive to Gamcel while the company resolve the technical issues confronting its billing platform. Since, it won’t be safe to continue using a system that is vulnerable and prone to instrusion by MGI and other third parties, GAMCEL is exploring other options for a replacement billing system as soon as possible.

Ministry of Information and Communication Infrastructure
GRTS Bldg. MDI Road
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toubab1020 Posted - 18 Aug 2017 : 17:51:40
[quote]Originally posted by Momodou

Toubab, this program is not by GAMTEL. Kerr Fatou is a new TV Show in which this time GAMTEL and the Ministry of information were invited for an interview. Of course the sponsors avertissements are in the start of the show and elsewhere but try and skip the adverts and listen to the interview.

[quote]Originally posted by toubab1020

Hmmmmm......maybe Gamtel has made another mistake and put the incorrect title to this video,still hopefully they have revenue coming in from the companies whose products they advertise,"Every little helps"

Thanks you know I am a simple man
Got it.
It's in Episode 2 The phrase "Its complicated you know" springs to mind.I am still no wiser ,nice house and pool though

[quote]Originally posted by Momodou
Momodou Posted - 18 Aug 2017 : 15:22:24
Toubab, this program is not by GAMTEL. Kerr Fatou is a new TV Show in which this time GAMTEL and the Ministry of information were invited for an interview. Of course the sponsors avertissements are in the start of the show and elsewhere but try and skip the adverts and listen to the interview.

Originally posted by toubab1020

Hmmmmm......maybe Gamtel has made another mistake and put the incorrect title to this video,still hopefully they have revenue coming in from the companies whose products they advertise,"Every little helps"

Originally posted by Momodou

toubab1020 Posted - 18 Aug 2017 : 14:17:53
Hmmmmm......maybe Gamtel has made another mistake and put the incorrect title to this video,still hopefully they have revenue coming in from the companies whose products they advertise,"Every little helps"

Originally posted by Momodou

Momodou Posted - 18 Aug 2017 : 13:11:33

Momodou Posted - 14 Aug 2017 : 09:27:50
Related Topic:

Apealing to the public to be patient for the current crises because MGI is now trying to blackmail GAMTEL/GAMCEL by making the billing systen disfunctional

toubab1020 Posted - 13 Aug 2017 : 16:11:05
This PRESS RELEASE by "MINISTER" is not clear at all to me and I do not understand what information is being given to the press to inform the people can someone please enlighten me in PLAIN ENGLISH.

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