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 Politics: Gambian politics

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 27 Jul 2017 : 15:50:39
I had a friend an old sea man who had reached pensionable age in Gambia and was looking forward to his retirement,SEVERAL YEARS AGO. these are the circumstances that he related to me,that he checked with the appropriate government department responsible for pensions and on the computer record on the screen it showed that as he had worked for at least three foreign companies who had paid in for his pension, this money, according to the official who he spoke to was not immediately available and his name would be added to the list of people awaiting payment,he checked the office every few months for his entitled pension and was always told he had not yet reached the section of the list of people to receive pension money.

My friend died last year. May he rest in Peace.

EditorJuly 26, 2017

There is a growing number of Gambian workers who are above the age of retirement. They are now facing a dilemma. Pension allowances are not sufficient to upkeep them.

Most are earning less than a dollar a day. This compels them to continue to work on contracts in order not to become destitute. This puts them in a position where they compete for jobs with the young who often direct their anger to them for holding onto posts that the young feel they should occupy.

It is therefore important to avoid a generational conflict by looking into pension claims and provide for those who have served the country with pension entitlements fit for normal life.

The plight of pensioners need attention. The degree of respect for fundamental rights in a country is determined by the quality of life of its youth, women and pensioners.

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