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 Four soldiers arrested for alleged mutiny

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 20 Jul 2017 : 14:06:46
Four soldiers arrested for alleged mutiny

The Point: Thursday, July 20, 2017

Four soldiers, including middle to high ranking officers, have been arrested for apparently refusing to obey orders, regarded as “mutinous act”, The Point has been informed,

The spokesperson of the Gambia Armed Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Omar B. Bojang, confirmed the information, saying the soldiers were arrested on Sunday.

“They were arrested three days ago. Two of them were arrested and are being investigated for being part of a WhatsApp chat group apparently engaged in alleged mutinous acts,” he said. “The other two were arrested for being complacent in the escape of the third suspect from custody.”

Bojang said he does not want to give the names, for now, since investigation is going on and more people could be invited for questioning.

Meanwhile, GAF yesterday issued a statement condemning “in the strongest term this alleged act by some disgruntled elements of the Gambia Armed Forces”.

“The Gambia Armed Forces will continue to embark on threat assessment and analysis both internally and externally to ensure a more robust and professional force that would be able to counter any threats both within or outside The Gambia,” the GAF statement said while assuring the general public that the armed forces remain focused, intact and vigilant.

Below is the full statement from GAF.

Some members of the Gambia Armed Forces are being investigated for being part of a Whatsapp chat group that has audio recordings that are apparently engaged in allegedly mutinous acts, defamatory, scandalous and unethical. Members of the Gambia Armed Forces have a Code of Conduct and Rules and Regulations that governed us. As soldiers once we accept to serve in the armed forces we surrender certain privileges and rights. This is done to ensure that command and control is made easier. This is why upon enlistment, every soldier signs a form called ‘DECLARATION BY SOLDIERS ON ENLISTMENT’ as enshrined in the Gambia Armed Forces Act 1985, Part 1, Section 22. The soldiers make a solemn and sincere declaration which reads, “I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the President of the Republic of The Gambia and obey his successor and the government of The Gambia. I will also obey all Orders, both written and verbal, given to me by my officers placed over me and subject myself to all Acts, Regulations and Standing Orders relating to the Gambia Armed Forces now in force or which may from time to time be brought into force for so long as I shall serve”.

Furthermore, it is also incumbent upon every serving member of the Gambia Armed Forces to sign the Official Secret Act, which barred every serving member/or upon retirement not to make any unauthorised disclosure in material published in a speech, lecture or radio or television broadcast, or in press or in book form. I am aware that I should not divulge any information gained by me as a result of my appointment to any unauthorised person, either orally or in writing, without the previous officials sanction in writing of my head of Department. I understand also that I am liable to be prosecuted if I publish without officials sanction any information i may acquire in the course of my tenure of an official appointment (unless it has already officially been made public) or retain without official sanction any sketch plan, model, article, note or officials documents which are no longer needed for my officials duties and that these provisions apply not only during the period of my appointment but also my appointment has ceased or I have retired.”

Consequently, based on these provisions the Gambia Armed Forces has convened a Board of Inquiry to look into circumstances surrounding the whole of the group. They are also to find out the content of the messages whether they have any implications to jeopardise national security and to come up with recommendations.

The CDS wishes to assure the general public that the Gambia Armed Forces remains focused, intact, vigilant and alert to continue to deliver the noble services and keep our beloved motherland secured and peaceful. We will continue to bring about the needed reform and structuring programs that are required to make the Gambia Armed Forces more responsive to the needs and aspirations of Gambians especially in this new democratic dispensation. The Gambia Armed Forces will continue to embark on training programs, threat assessment and analysis both internally and externally to ensure a more robust and professional force that would be able to counter any threats both within or outside The Gambia.

The Gambia Armed Forces condemn in the strongest term this alleged act by some disgruntled elements of the Gambia Armed Forces. Some of the alleged culprits are already helping our team of investigators.

While we remain steadfast in the execution of our noble constitutional mandate, please accept on behalf of the Gambia Armed forces our unalloyed loyalty to the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, the government and people of The Gambia at all times.

Lieutenant Colonel Omar B Bojang, Gambia Armed Forces Spokesperson.
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Momodou Posted - 20 Jul 2017 : 14:18:57

The Point Editorial: Thursday, July 20, 2017

We have been hearing rumours of insurgence, especially within the rank and file of the Gambia Armed Forces (GAF).

Indeed things have come to light with the just released press statement from the Gambia army disclosing that some members of the Gambia Armed Forces are being investigated for being part of a WhatsApp chat group that has audio recordings that are apparently engaged in alleged mutinous acts, defamatory, scandalous and unethical behaviour, for which at least four arrests have been made, according to our findings.

We find this scary and more so at this point in time that the dust is still settling from the intense and nail-biting 20-day transition period we underwent during the last days of former President Jammeh, who had refused to hand over power and the reins of governance after he had lost the December1, 2016 presidential election.

We think we should be left in peace to re-build our political, economic and social lives after the terror we faced under Jammeh in his 22-year grip of our nation.

We should be mindful of the fact that our nation has been a beacon of peace and tranquility, envied far and wide. We therefore do not want to mess up with that virtue and indulge into anything that would cause us to slip into the abyss of violence, turmoil and decadence, a situation we have seen befall other sister nations far and near.

In life we learn in various ways, and one of the ways is through the mistakes of others, which we should avoid repeating. Nations around us have tasted the bitterness of violence, chaos and war. Therefore we should do everything possible to guard against going down that path.

As someone has said, “we desire increased security, peace and stability” in this country. Hence we would like to commend the officers of the Gambia Armed Forces to continue the good job of maintaining peace and security in this country and would encourage them to intensify security across the country, for we are peace-loving people who cannot afford to entertain violence and conflict in our midst.

Author John Steinbeck once said: “We spend our time searching for security and hate it when we get it.” Please we have just been redeemed from the shackles and terrific grips of the Jammeh regime. Let’s therefore enjoy the peace and liberty we were sorely yearning for over the years.

“Security depends not so much upon how much you have, as upon how much you can do without.”

Joseph Wood Krutch

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