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 Politics: Gambian politics
 Political decision making by Twitter et al ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 17 Jul 2017 : 15:22:41
I am baffled by this article is anyone else?
Can SOMEONE please post a translation in PLAIN ENGLISH so I can UNDERSTAND !!!!.


Monday, July 17, 2017

(Thursday, 13th July 2017 issue)

Dear Editor.

Over the past month’s, the democratic Political system in the country has ever more becomes fragmented. At the opposing end of each coin, people promulgated lots of bickering discourse in order to nail the matter down, but all their concerted efforts have all remains unanswered, and unresolved at the borders of inquiry.

Most of the major party militants, are now subscribing to the dogma of political character assassinations for the simpler reason of appeasing their political† interest. Much of them are politically chauvinistic hammering political suicidal words, which are bizzare and utterly grotesque across the political landscape in the country.

To hark back, at the epochal presidential election 2016, most especially the wake of the popular liberation movement; that inclusive movement, called the ‘Kalamaa revolution.’ A revolution that sought to end the unbearable climate of fear, human right defender’s betokened to take a supplementary response for the country’s safety and security. The online digital media has over the past years gone spiral, on one hand, it has accelerated and shapes popular discourses.

The Twitter periscope to YouTube channels, and Facebook medium. The dissemination and production of news coverage’s is rapidly evolving. This begs the quest whether professional Journalist are becoming of a less pertinent, in the eyes of citizen Journalism.

Social media has played an instrumental role during the wake of the Kalamaa revolution; a hike in online discourse often preceded major events on the ground. The politico and ideological landscape ripped through the minds of political dissent. The devoid of new foresight to map out political strategies were on high alert for the country’s safety.

Thus the Kalamaa revolution has liberated people’s freedom, a cornerstone of progress, humanitarianism and the active construction of a more caring and supportive society. It became a philosophical view for all inclusive coalition members, since the formation of the coalition to maintaining the bedrock that epitomizes people’s popular struggle for change.

Alas, those lofty ideal promises have all diminished within our political sphere; there are numerous habitual predisposition of factors why some party militants utter bizzare sentimental rhetoric’s, couple with other unlawful acts within our mainstream societies. One prime prerequisite are due to the ill breeding by their political figureheads.

This tendency has breed hooliganism and violent thugs on the streets. Nevertheless, galloping many unruly militants trying to unleash their anger in a misappropriate manner. It is a dutifully bound on President Barrow couple with his cohorts to revisit mitigation and adaptation effort with incorporation of traditional method that impacts negatively, on the current state of affairs by ways of resolving them amicably.

Barrow’s administration has to immediately Sally forth; in order to secure and adapt a peace deal rapproachement to ethnic groups that severely at loggerheads for the past decades.

President Barrow wishes to lend a ready ear, through research and consultation in order to secure the restoration of democracy, rule of law and free speech in the country. That pattern has been quite adrift; there are public backlash from neo democrats who are now left with the questioning minds on how to make our participatory democracy an ideal one.

Sheriff SaidyKhan, Journalist and Political Commentator.

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