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 Politics: Gambian politics
 Building A New Gambia

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 03 Dec 2016 : 16:55:52
Building A New Gambia

By Madi Jobarteh

Lesson 1: How Not To Create Another Tyrant

1. Tell your mothers and fathers and older Gambians that Adama Barrow is not a Mansa, Burr, Bankutiyo, Borom Deka, Borom Rewmi and such dictatorial terms.
2. Adama Barrow is going to be President. A President is a Mbidan in our language or servant. We are above him, and he is answerable to us. He should respect us first and then we have a right to respect him or not. He should speak to us with respect and humility in politeness. We can talk to him anyhow we wish. He is our employee like your Mbidan at home.
3. Government is not Mansa Kunda or Ngurr. Government is the national administration institution and however way you can say this in your language. As a Mandinka man, I will say Government is Banko Topoto Bunda.
4. Do not bow down to Adama Barrow. When you meet him, grip his hand hard and shake it and look into his eyes and tell him Good Day Mr. Barrow. Period. No need to call him Your Excellency or Sir or Mansa or Burr or such dictatorial terms.
5. Do not immediately believe and accept anything that Mr. Barrow says even if he says God exist. Verify it first. In history presidents are the biggest liars in every country. Always suspect whatever Adama Barrow says and then found out if it is true or not.

More Lessons to follow.

Remember: Gambia has already wasted 50 years of its life including 22 very very hurtful, bloody and miserable years because we created a dictatorship by own selves.

We called Jawara names like Baba Jawara, Kairaba, Sabari, etc.
We call Yaya Jammeh such stupid names like Babili Mansa, Nasurudeen, Sheikh, Professor, Alhagie, Doctor and many other nonsense names. Don't ever forget that.

We cannot afford to create another dictatorship. Over my dead body.
Forward With the Gambia.

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