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T O P I C R E V I E W |
sankalanka |
Posted - 03 Dec 2016 : 15:54:25 What has happened with this election is indeed the dawn of a new day. Henceforth, it is expected that the coalition leadership will begin to shape the character of the third republic in words and in actions.
They should also create the environment and give assurances that no one should feel unsafe and intimidated in our new political dispensation. We should strive to evolve a new national character.
On the issue of tribalism, it is real but it should not be part of our national consciousness. We should from now on make a deliberate and conscious effort to create a national identity that will transcend our tribal biases and inclinations, and make us see ourselves as only Gambians who care for each other.
I hope the transitional government we are going to put in place, will not only reflect our diversity as a strength, but also evolve a political culture in which people will see their country first before they see anything else.
This is the time to be vigilant. We must challenge all the negative tendencies that can give birth to the worst of our humanity. We should celebrate all the positive tendencies that will give voice to the best of our humanity.
This is not the time to remain quiet and silent. This is the time to make our voices heard. Let us make the bantaba alive again. |
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