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 Politics: Gambian politics
 Hol(e)y man, Yahya Jammeh revealed

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 29 Jul 2016 : 15:39:58


Yahya says his greatest achievement is making The Islamic teaching well known to the Gambia... What Yahya Jammeh fails to see is that Islam came to West Africa early.

About 800-850 AD Islam was embrased by the king of the Kingdom of Takrur which was in Nothern Senegal and the borders of Muritania, later on in the 11 th Century, the Jolof Empire which Covered parts of the Gambia and Senegal were muslim and practised Sharia Law. Islam was Well known in this region. Later came the Mali Empire which were followers of Islam.

The Senegambian people have known Islam, followed Islam and practised Islam long before Yahya Jammeh. Gambia and Senegal has had great Muslim leaders and practitioners of Islam for about 1200 years before his time, So Yahya... Give us a break.

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