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 Waa Juwara gets six months in prison

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 19 Apr 2016 : 15:50:21
Waa Juwara gets six months in prison

The Point: Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Lamin Wa Juwara, former minister of Local Government and Lands, was yesterday sentenced to six months in prison at the Banjul Magistrate’ Court.
Mr Juwara was sentenced for only one out of eight counts, including negligence of duty.

Count one of the charge sheet indicated that Tamsir Onasis Conteh and Hamidou Jallow in November 2011, at Banjul, within the jurisdiction of the court, conspired to use forged documents to claim compensation in respect of Tanji Residential Layout.

Count two stated that Tamsir Onasis Conteh, in November 2011, in Banjul, within the jurisdiction of the court, made a document purportedly to be land title documents issued by the Alkalo of Tanji village in order to claim compensation in respect of plots acquired for Tanji Residential Layout.

Count three read that Tamsir Onasis Conteh, in November 2011, in Banjul, within the jurisdiction of the court, knowingly and fraudulently uttered false documents in order to claim compensation in respect of the plots acquired for Tanji Residential Layout.

Count four stated that Tamsir Onasis Conteh, in November 2011, in Banjul, within the jurisdiction of the court, with intent to defraud, obtained D300,000, from Edward T. Sambou as consideration of plot of land at Tanji Residential Layout with the knowledge that the said plots were allocated to him under questionable circumstances.

Count five disclosed that Hamidou Jallow, in November 2011, in Banjul, within the jurisdiction of the court, being employed in the public service and in his capacity as Principal Lands and Valuation Officer, caused plots of land (Nos.C8 and C9) to be allocated as compensation to Tamsir Onasis Conteh, with the knowledge that the said plots were already allocated to Kanilai Family Farms and Mr Basirou Sambou respectively, and with the knowledge that the said Tamsir Onasis Conteh was not qualified for any.

Count six stated that Hamidou Jallow, in November 2011, in Banjul, within the jurisdiction of the court, being employed in the public service and in his capacity as Principal Lands and Valuation Officer, caused plots of land (Nos C8 and (9) to be allocated as compensation to Tamsir Onasis Conteh as against the laid down procedure for the award of compensation. Count seven stated that Hamidou Jallow, in November 2011, in Banjul, within the jurisdiction of the court, being employed in the public service and his capacity as Principal Lands and Valuation Officer and in disobedience of the order of the director of lands, caused compensation to be paid to Tamsir Onasis Conteh.

Count eight stated that Lamin Waa Juwara, in November 2011, in Banjul, within the jurisdiction of the court, being an employee in the public service and in his capacity as Minister of Regional Administration, Lands and Traditional Rulers, by wilful negligent act, caused plots of land (Nos C8 and C9) to be allocated as compensation to Tamsir Onasis Conteh, with the knowledge that the said plots were already allocated to Kanilai Family Farms and Mr Basirou Sambou respectively, and with the knowledge that the said Tamsir Onasis Conteh was not qualified for any.

Juwara served as minister of Local Government and Lands from 2011 to 2012.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Momodou Posted - 29 Aug 2016 : 08:41:33

By Mustapha Jallow
Foroyaa: August 28, 2016

The convicted former Minister of Regional Government, Lands and Traditional Rulers, who was twice hospitalised during his 6 Waa Juwaramonths imprisonment, has been released yesterday, 25 August, 2016, after serving his jail term at the Mile Two prison, according to one of his wives.

Soma Jallow-Juwara, one of the wives of Mr. Lamin Waa Juwara, told Foroyaa that her husband was released around 2pm and had arrived home to the joy of the entire family, relatives and friends.

Asked about the wellbeing of her husband, Mrs. Juwara said he is not in a good state of health as he is physically weak and was complaining about his eyes which are seriously disturbing him. “He was so weak that he couldn’t even stand properly,” disclosed the wife.

Mrs. Juwara said the family is so much thankful to the media, particularly Foroyaa Newspaper, for reporting about Mr. Waa Juwara case and the difficulties he encountered.

The former minister under the APRC regime and leader of the National Democratic Action Movement (NDAM) was found guilty for negligence of official duty, and was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment without hard labour by Principal magistrate Omar Cham of the Banjul Magistrates’ Court on 18th April, 2016.

Mr. Waa Juwara is now a free man after serving his custodial sentence.

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