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 WHERE IS HARUNA GASSAMA? President of Rice Farmers

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 06 Mar 2015 : 08:04:01
WHERE IS HARUNA GASSAMA? President of Rice Farmers Cooperative Society Ltd?

Abdoulie G.Dibba

Foroyaa: Published on March 5, 2015

Information reaching this reporter from Brikamaba in the Lower Fulladou District Central River Region South of the Republic of the Gambia indicates that Haruna Gassama, the President of the currentCentral River Rice Growers’ Cooperative has been arrested on Monday 2nd March 2015.

This development took place after Judgment was delivered by her Ladyship Justice Penda Dibba on the 12th of January 2015 in favour of the plaintiff, Haruna Gassama and his committee, in which she ordered the defendants Alhagi Musa Gimbo Trawally and his committee to forthwith hand over the affairs and assets of the Rice Farmers Cooperative Society Ltd to the duly elected Executive of the Rice
Farmers Cooperative Society Ltd (Haruna Gassama and his committee) and further give a true and proper account of the financial state and assets of the Rice Farmers Cooperative Society Ltd and the defendants (Alhagi Musa Gimbo Trawally and his committee) who are by each of them restrained from holding out himself or herself to be members of the Executive committee of Rice Farmers Cooperative Society Ltd and from continuing to act in such capacity during the term of the new Executive (Haruna Gassama and his committee) among others.

Letters were shown to this reporter emanating from the counsel which sought to promote an amicable implementation of the court decision to avoid any further friction between the members of the present and past executive Committee.

One month after the Judgment without execution of the court’s order, the Counsel of the plaintiff went to the high court to seek an execution order, which was granted and the Sheriff Division was ordered to execute the judgment of the court.
They sent their staff to Lower Fulladu to execute the order on Monday 2nd March 2015. Haruna Gassama was arrested on that same day.A family source confirmed the arrest of Haruna Gassama but was quick to admit that his place of detention is unknown to the family.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Momodou Posted - 15 Aug 2016 : 11:55:19

By Abdoulie G. Dibba
Foroyaa: August 14, 2016

Today, 11 August, 2016, marks 109 days of the detention of Haruna Gassama, the President of the Rice Farmers’ Cooperative Ltd., at the Janjanbureh Central Prison beyond the 72 hours constitutional requirement and without access to family members.

Mr Gassama, who was released on Thursday, 3 September, 2015 after having been held for 185 days incommunicado at the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) headquarters in Banjul, has been re-arrested on Saturday, 23 April 2016, after returning from his rice field.

As reported earlier, the president of the rice farmers’ cooperative was re-arrested by plain clothes officers at around 1pm at his home in Dasilami and taken to the Brikamaba police station and later to Janjanbureh prison where he is being detained for 109 days as of today.

The family source stated that they do not know why Mr. Gassama was arrested. They also revealed that his motor bike was taken by the security agents.

Mr. Gassama was elected unopposed as president at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the rice farmers’ cooperative held at the Brikamaba School ground on 5 January 2012. He was arrested on the 2 March 2015, the very day when officials from the Sheriff Division of the high court came to Lower Fulladu District to execute the order of a judgment delivered on the 12 January 2015 which is in favour of the plaintiff (Mr. Gassama and his newly elected committee).

This long and continued detention of the president of the rice farmers’ cooperative without charge or court appearance is in violation of Section 19 Subsection (3)(b) of the constitution of the second republic which states that “Any person who is arrested or detained… who is not released, shall be brought without undue delay before a court and, in any event, within seventy-two hours”.

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