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 Titan Airways cancels 1st four rotations
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11649 Posts

Posted - 19 Oct 2022 :  14:30:14  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Titan Airways cancels 1st four rotations to Destination Gambia
The Point: Oct 19, 2022
By: Sulayman Waan

Information has reached this medium that Titan Airways – a British Airline has cancelled its first four rotations to Destination Gambia.

Titan Airways, a British charter airline was founded in 1988 and specialises in short-notice ACMI and wet lease operations as well as ad-hoc passenger and cargo charter services to tour operators, corporations, governments and the sports and entertainment sectors.

In a document seen by The Point, the Airline Company states: “Following recent safety Audit at The Banjul Airport, the Titan Airways have today served notice of cancellation of our first four rotations (1st, 4th, 8th, 11th November).”

“I am sharing this with you because it is absolutely critical that the in issues the report-particular fire safety and waste management- are address as matter of urgency. This cancellation will not only cause a loss of revenue and impact tourism numbers to The Gambia, but will also cause a significant reputational damage to us all,” states by Titan official (name withheld) in a correspondence.

The correspondence further states that Titan Airways will also share a summary of the report with other airlines, putting further operations at risk.

“Titan will be asking for a corrective plan to be put in place by the 28th October, but “I must stress the importance of addressing these serious issues immediately, so we may be able continue our operation,” the correspondence ends.

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone


11649 Posts

Posted - 19 Oct 2022 :  14:31:18  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
GAMBIA TOURISM: Two tour operators threatened to cease operations because of deficiencies at the Banjul International Airport
A pre-season audit inspection of the Banjul International Airport (BIA) commissioned by Tour Operators prior to the opening of the 2022/23 season revealed major deficiencies at the BIA facilities to warrant raising enough safety concerns that two important operators ie Gambia Experience and Titan threaten to stop operation unless urgent remedial measures are taken.

They’ve given government a deadline of 28th October, 2022 to fix all of the safety and aesthetic issues cited in the inspection report.
The Inspection Report cited the following safety deficiencies at the BIA which is of immediate concern for the safety of the traveling public and tourists alike.

- First, the sole fire service truck that ensures the fire safety of passengers and the aircrafts has no breaks.

- Second, the tall grass that is cleared every year before the start of the season to reduce the bird population and therefore the likelihood of bird strikes has not been cut. Tall grasses attract more birds and thus high probability for strikes to occur.

- Third, tourists cannot pay the $20 fee with credit cards because collectors always claim faulty card readers, a maddening experience for a visitor.

The auditor will be submitting his report to the concerned authorities which could result in the withdrawal of tour operators if definitive measures are not taken to urgently address these deficiencies at the airport.

Sources have confirmed that a meeting was held yesterday at State House to discuss the results of the audit and its implications. The meeting was attended by two/three Ministers including Tourism and perhaps Works, Abdou Jobe and Chief of Staff.

During the meeting, a heated argument ensured between ministers and the Director General of Tourism which did not come as a surprise. It was this same Adubacar Camara who was dabbling into the affairs of civil society groups organizing protest marches when he should be planning for the tourist season.

My advice to DG of the Tourism Board is leave the politics to the politicians and focus your attention on solving the sectors problems which is more of an existential threat to The Gambia than citizens exercising their constitutional right to petition their government. Are you up to the task?

By Sidi Sanneh

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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12306 Posts

Posted - 20 Oct 2022 :  11:56:45  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
"Mr Camara said a “high-powered” team has already been put together to make sure they address all the issues.
even before we left, the airport authorities were instructed to affect all the issues. They assured us that they will do everything possible,” Mr Camara said.DG Camara admitted that the flight cancellations are “a big blow” coming at the beginning of the tourist season.

By Alagie Manneh on October 20, 2022

Titan Airways, operated by Gambia Experience, has cancelled its scheduled first four rotations to The Gambia.

In an email sent to the director general of the Gambia Tourism Board, the British airliner said for any operations to resume, the fire safety and waste management issues highlighted in a report must be urgently addressed.

“This cancellation will not only cause a loss of revenue, and impact tourism numbers to The Gambia, but will also cause significant reputational damage to us all,” the airliner warned.

Reacting, the head of the Gambia Tourism Board, Abubacarr Camara, said the matter is being treated with the urgency it deserves.

“Before this letter came yesterday, cabinet ministers were at the airport including permanent secretaries and even director generals and other technical directors to discuss the matter. This issue was raised by the safety auditor. We are very serious about the issues and that is why four cabinet ministers have to be sent immediately to make sure that this matter is addressed. The unfortunate thing is that we have received this letter yesterday.”

Mr Camara said a “high-powered” team has already been put together to make sure they address all the issues.

“Even before we left, the airport authorities were instructed to affect all the issues. They assured us that they will do everything possible,” Mr Camara said.

DG Camara admitted that the flight cancellations are “a big blow” coming at the beginning of the tourist season.

“It will reduce the number of tourists that are going to come to The Gambia. We are not sure whether we can make it up at some point, but as it is now, it’s a big blow and it is going to affect us,” he said.

DG Camara expressed his hope that if all the matters are addressed immediately, the airliner may reconsider its decision.

“If you see Gambia Experience cancel a flight, know that that issue is very important to them. Even though other flight are going to come, they have a right to cancel theirs,” he stated.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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11649 Posts

Posted - 24 Oct 2022 :  13:25:55  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Gov’t rushes to avert flight cancelations after adverse airport security audit
The Standard: October 24, 2022
By Lamin Cham

The Standard has been reliably informed that the authorities have immediately sprung to action to urgently fix queries raised in a security audit report by a leading airline, complaining about the substandard nature of firefighting equipment at the Banjul Airport as well as the presence of garbage that can attract birds dangerous to aircraft landing or taking off.

Titan Airlines, one of the carriers critical to the new tourist season, threatened to cancel its four planned flights unless the airport fire protection service and garbage issues are fixed.
According to reliable sources, the authorities have already ordered a spare part for the faulty fire engine and both the part and expert fixing it were due in Banjul Saturday with the vehicle expected to be fully operational from today, Monday.

On the issue of garbage around the airport, The Standard understood that most of the garbage around New Yundum as well as Lamin new market areas have been removed in a huge and quick operation over the last few days. The Standard saw heavy loaders and trucks busy at various dumpsites transporting garbage away.

The security audit report has concerned the authorities who are worried by the reputational damage it can cause to the country at the beginning of what promises to be a good tourist season.

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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12306 Posts

Posted - 24 Oct 2022 :  13:58:40  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
According to reliable sources, the authorities have already ordered a spare part for the faulty fire engine and both the part and expert fixing it were due in Banjul Saturday with the vehicle expected to be fully operational from today, Monday.

On the issue of garbage around the airport, The Standard understood that most of the garbage around New Yundum as well as Lamin new market areas have been removed in a huge and quick operation over the last few days. The Standard saw heavy loaders and trucks busy at various dumpsites transporting garbage away.

The security audit report has concerned the authorities who are worried by the reputational damage it can cause to the country at the beginning of what promises to be a good tourist season."


The Report in The Standard is missing ANY mention of the SECURITY Tax that has to be paid on entry and leaving Gambia. ,no change there then.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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12306 Posts

Posted - 02 Nov 2022 :  17:01:43  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
All sorted now, COME and Enjoy the sunshine and Country !!!



The Gambia Experience & Titan celebrate inaugural flight

Nov 2, 2022, 9:56 AM | Article By: Press release

The Gambia Experience is pleased to announce the departure from Gatwick this morning of its first winter flight with its award-winning partner airline, Titan Airways.

The Gambia Experience would also like to thank everyone involved in implementing the corrective measures identified in the recent safety audit, which has ensured flights will operate as scheduled for this coming Winter season. The tour operator expressed special thanks to the Minister of Tourism, Hon. Hamat N.K. Bah and the Director of Airport Operations, Mr Abdoulie Colley.

The Gambia Experience has been a long-standing contributor to British tourism to The Gambia, and business travel for 35 years, offering regular flights from & to the UK with upgraded flying options.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 02 Nov 2022 17:10:12
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