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Posted - 30 Jul 2022 :  11:44:12  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
By Dembo Fatty

If by 1210, the Gelewar were already in Siin, and had become rulers of the state of Siin, under Maisa Wally Manneh few years later, and that the State of Saloum was not in existence by then, then Tiramakan Trawally found the Mandinka here by 1240. (Mbegan Ndure founded Saloum which is a much younger state).

This is why I believe that the Mandinka in our area is the original Mandinka because we were here before there ever existed a Manding Empire which was not until 1235. If Maisa Wally Manneh was already king, having migrated from the area TODAY called Guinea Bissau, then he probably found the Mandinka here in large numbers to have a following and who would have been here long enough to disrupt the social fabric.

The Serere settlements of Kular (1210), Mbissel (1230), and Fabura (1228) were built by Mandinka who have been assimilated into Serre society.

Although not verified, the settlement of Jamkular, which may be old kular (again a hypothesis) was said to have been founded by the Tambajang. No wonder you have many Mandinka last names among the Serere like Jassey, Jahateh, Manneh etc

Even the Serere royal drum, the Jung-Jung was made by the Gelewar in 1302. Jung-Jung is a Mandinka terminology for a collection of drums played for the noble and interestingly, it means the same in Serere tradition.

They also founded Diakhao in 1312.

The Bambara never chased the Mandinka to Gambia. In fact Gambia never existed by then. Tiramakan was successful because he found Mandinka here who most probably helped in his victory.

Remember, Siin was the oldest state of Jollof Federation and it being ruled by Gelewar of Mandinka origin, means that to a large extend, no further fighting could continue between the Manding Empire and Jollof. Matter of fact, Jollof and Manding are cousins

No wonder, we struggle to hear of any other encounter of significance between Manding Empire and any state in our neck of the woods. The conquest of 1240 was mainly an annexation of the brethren into the fold.

Let no one confuse you because we share more in common than divides us.

Source: Grand Ndiaye, Chef d'arrondisement Sokone interviewed in 1975.

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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