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 Slave Caste in GAMBIA,YES TODAY !!!
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12306 Posts

Posted - 06 Sep 2020 :  11:42:12  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

"3. Suggest strategies through which the caste system and caste conflicts could be resolved and eventually eradicated in the country"


By Momodou Jarju on September 4, 2020

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has created a Task Force that would look into caste conflicts in Upper River Region (URR) and proffer lasting solutions to the seething problems affected communities are grappling with.

The Task Force on Caste System in URR brings together representatives from key Government Ministries and the Supreme Islamic Council who have the legal and policy authority, and the moral duty, to ensure individuals do not violate each other’s rights as well as contribute to the creation of protecting, enabling and non-discriminatory environment for all The Gambia.

The Rights Commission on Thursday 3 September, 2020 at its Secretariat in Kotu stated in its Zero Draft Terms Of Reference that they are aware of the caste conflicts which have taken place in the Kantora District of URR and other parts of the country where the practice is evident, and the physical assaults which those referred to as ‘slaves’ have been subjected to.

“In fulfillment of its mandate, the Commission also plays an advisory role to the Government on how to more effectively guarantee human rights. Thus, the Commission sets up this Task Force to come up with appropriate and durable strategies for the State to be able to address the caste conflicts while ensuring that the human rights of all are respected, protected and fulfill,” the Commission stated.

The Commission also stated that The Gambia, as a state party to many international and regional human rights treaties, including the Convention Against Racial Discrimination, CEDAW, ACHPH and ICCPR, has the obligation to respect and protect the human rights of all, in particular to ensure that no one is discriminated against on the basis of tribe, social status, disability, religion, language, etc.

It further said differentiation of people into ‘slaves’ and ‘nobles’ based on strict hierarchical social system, social status or nations of ‘purity’ and ‘contamination’ goes against the basic principles of universal human dignity and equality, and violates the 1997 Constitution and human rights treaties The Gambia has ratified.

“The Commission’s monitoring visits revealed that people who are referred to as ‘slaves’ in the communities visited are often assigned to perform certain work which are often deemed ‘polluting’ or menial by others, including manual labor for their ‘masters’ , slaughtering of cattle, and blowing horns to announce village meetings,” the Commission said.

The Specific Responsibilities of the Task Force include:

1. Identify the key factors precipitating the caste conflicts and the flash points in the country for caste conflicts

2. Examine the recommendations of report submitted by the NHRC to the National Assembly Standing on Human Rights Matters (dated 8th January, 2020)

3. Suggest strategies through which the caste system and caste conflicts could be resolved and eventually eradicated in the country

4. Suggest recommendations to the Government and the NHRC

5. Develop a work plan to address the issues of the Caste System in the URR and other parts of the country

Membership of the Task Force should include representatives from the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Lands and Regional Government, Supreme Islamic Council, National Assembly Standing on Human Rights Matters and three from the NHRC.

Meanwhile, during the sitting it was hinted that the civil society organizations be added into the task force. The commission is looking into that matter and the representative is likely to come from TANGO- the umbrella body non-governmental organizations.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 06 Sep 2020 11:50:07
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11649 Posts

Posted - 07 Sep 2020 :  19:39:32  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Did You Know...

Although the 1997 Constitution of The Gambia recognizes ‘customary law’, as part of the law of The Gambia, in common law jurisdictions, such as ours, customary practices are always subject to the “repugnancy doctrine and the incompatibility test”.
This means that courts shall not enforce any customary law, practice or rule if it is contrary to public policy or repugnant to natural justice, equity and by extension, fundamental human rights and freedoms as provided for in the Constitution, and international treaties and conventions ratified by the State.
Customary laws are enforced in Gambia only if they are consistent with fundamental human rights and freedoms. For example, if it is customary within a certain community to subject people to slavery, the incompatibility test will be applied and therefore it will not be enforceable in any court of law.

Source: NHRC

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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12306 Posts

Posted - 24 Oct 2020 :  21:05:44  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

By Amadou Jadama on October 22, 2020

A delegation of imams, alkalolu and community leaders from Baddibu on Monday visited Garowol, a big settlement in Kantora to mediate in a bitter caste dispute among some 53 Serahuleh communities.

Traditionally, the people of Baddibu and Serahulehs have strong relations that allow them to throw jabs at each other without raising hostilities.

The delegation hoped to use that age-old mutual respect to broker peace among the feuding Serahuleh communities over who is a noble or a slave.

The delegation, under the Upper Baddibu Development Association, went to Garawol to diffuse a tension that resulted in some 42 caste-related court cases between people from the same community.

Alhaji Alhaiba Hydara, the imam of Banjul International Airport, who was part of the team, recited an emotional verse from the Qur’an that moved the audience to tears. “This verse talked about Muslims, human beings and not tribes or races. This is what should guide all of us,” he told the gathering, adding that Prophet Muhammad had said anyone who engages in divisive actions shall never enter paradise. The Imam said God dislikes disputes especially anything that discriminates or divides people.

“The Qur’an also states that when two Muslim sects are in conflict, one should reconcile them and deal with them with honesty,” the Airport Imam added.

He said that Serahulehs are known to be knowledgeable and serious people who also keep close social ties and that must be the norm at all times.

Another speaker, Alhaji Seedy Mukhtarr Jaiteh, the Imam and Alkalo of Njaba Kunda who led the delegation, said the belief of nobles and slaves existed in all African traditions ages ago but it has since been replaced with new realities and education which makes everyone realise that all human beings are equal and must be treated as such.

He said the most effective way to stop the notion is to end invoking those traditions at naming ceremonies, burials and other events.

“As from today, we want this problem to end now, and we want to ensure that all the pending court cases are withdrawn immediately,” Imam Jaiteh assured the gathering.

Sulayman Dampha, a youth member of the delegation, said youths in the area should be the agents of change to ensure that this dangerous traditional belief is not handed down to the next generation.

Gambia’s Kora King, Jaliba Kuyateh who attended the mediation, urged the Serahuleh community to heed the appeal from Baddibu to settle this caste problem now and forever. Muhammed Magassy, the NAM for Basse, thanked the Baddibunkas for their intervention. He paid tribute to the late GRTS staff Sise Sawaneh, who he said had worked tirelessly for this type of mediation in the matter.

Tachineh Ceesay, the Alkalo of Garawol, thanked the people of Baddibu for showing interest in the matter and urged his community members to heed the call from the visitors and unite as one people. To mark the successful end of the mediation, two key members of the opposing groups Ebrima Ceesay of Garawol and Abubacarr Jaiteh from Misiraba Mariama, shook hands and promised never to refer to each other as slaves or nobles. Jaliba Kuyateh wrapped up the successful mission on a high note by composing a peace song on the spot, much to the entertainment and emotions of the group present.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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12306 Posts

Posted - 20 Jul 2021 :  15:01:18  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message  Reply with Quote


"The case which was appealed against before the Basse High Court, was returned to the Regional Group tribunal for re-trial after a decision of the Wuli East District Tribunal was made against Ba Yoro Camara."


Is this really about slavery OR is it more about a CLASS system that has survived since ancient times?

Have a read and make up your own mind,could even post Dear Reader


"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 20 Jul 2021 15:03:04
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12306 Posts

Posted - 31 Jul 2021 :  12:39:45  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
READ FULL article in the link below.

“In fact, there’s no slave and noble issues within the Sarahulleh communities. However, we have a culture and tradition which need to be respected but this is not about the caste system. But there are certain people within our societies who bent on insulting our elders and such will not be accepted.”

“We want the government to mediate and resolve such kinds of issues or else we will do something about it. We are equally urging the police to always act accordingly especially in mediating between two parties.”

Muhammed Sanneh Gumaneh said: “There are no slave issues within our areas but there are people who are out to destroy our culture and tradition which is unacceptable. In fact, some on daily basis are out and insulting our elders and we can’t tolerate it anymore.”

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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