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 Info minister: Cybercrime is growing rapidly
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Posted - 03 May 2018 :  15:27:59  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Info minister: Cybercrime is growing rapidly

The point: Thursday, May 03, 2018

The minister of Information, Communication and Infrastructure has stated that cybercrime is growing rapidly and the threats it posses to our economics and social activities is unprecedented to the extent that efforts at national level are just not adequate enough in combating it, saying that there is need for a unified, coordinated and collaborated global approach.

“To sustain the gains registered in using cyberspace in spurring socio-economic growth, ensuring the security and stability of cyberspace is paramount. However, for this to happen it is absolutely necessary to develop robust legislation, security protocols, mechanisms, tools and systems at all nodes and edges of the cyberspace so as to affectively fight against cybercrime.”

Minister Jawo was speaking at a local hotel in Banjul during a capacity building workshop on cybercrime legislation and electronic evidence.

He said a robust legal mechanism such as legislation on cybercrime and electronic evidence is always important to ensure proper investigation and prosecutions of such crimes at the right time and as well as facilitate international cooperation on the fight against cybercrime.

Jawo added that in efforts to ensure protection, security and stability at all phases of the connectivity ecosystem his ministry has formulated a National Cyber Security Strategy and is on the verge of establishing a Computer Incidence Response Team (CIRT) and Centre.

The EU ambassador to The Gambia, Attila Lajos, said as we witness most countries around the globe rolling out broad ICT strategies in order to reap the digital dividends, “we realise that our growing dependence on ICT is also coupled with potential vulnerabilities. Threats posed by malicious cyber activities, such as cybercrime and attacks to digital services and infrastructure or accidental failures, demonstrate that the economic and social benefits of ICT materialise in a vacuum.”

“Fighting criminal activity carried out in cyber space is a complex challenge in particular because cybercrime ignores borders. Criminals take advantage of the territoriality of legislation to make their crimes harder to investigate and prosecute.

The deputy permanent secretary Ministry of Information, Ebrima Darboe, said all our business processes are being transformed to digital or electronic service. “It is for this reason the cybercrime, cyber attacks and cyber wars are fare order of the day. You tend to see and hear more of such phenomena that those of physical attacks. These sometimes do more harms to our resources than physical attacks, those there is need to establish legislations to support the fight against cybercrime and cyber attacks.”

Author: Momodou Jawo

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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