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Posted - 15 Dec 2016 :  21:34:10  Show Profile Send sankalanka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The people have spoken
their voices loud and clear
from the hamlet in remote places
to the city dwellers in the congested urban centers
their laughter marred in renewed optimism
that they have taken back their country.

The people have spoken
and there is no turning back
their songs of triumph pierced the silent night
and the drums of peace echo in the distance
and the warriors clad in their national regalia
stand as soldiers to guard their peace and dignity.

The people have spoken
a mighty giant has been awaken
a test of valor in the making
people are attuned with their conscience
and fear has been rendered impotent
cowardice slaughtered at the altar of patriotism.

A new day has dawned
the Sun arises with the yearning hopes and dreams
of a people long tormented
of a people angered and bruised
a people determine to claim their lost heritage
and build monuments of their shared destiny and glory.

The people have spoken
and they keenly await the drum of the town crier
that will summon them to the battlefield
to defend their hard fought victory
that they are the supreme makers of those who govern
and their voices are eternal and sacrosanct.


11649 Posts

Posted - 15 Dec 2016 :  22:41:00  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thank you Rene. Yes, the people have spoken loud and clear.

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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