Coiled and sealed in a box The charlatan kept his captive reptile A wee little snake Which he feeds and nurtures as a shrine Travelling with it as his companion Showering it with goodies as prayer offerings This tiny serpent grows and grows As it does so does the tyrant too In the end it's a mighty dragon which is tame Towards a master who cared for it But its feeding needs now change It must be feed human flesh Thus the killing spree Until this serpent dies The tyrant hold sway over a cowed nation Whose fault also reside in the occult they practiced All culminating in this circus of sorts Any wonder cease to amaze the discerning For clearly a case is made to decimate The serpent Source of all the evil Pervading an erstwhile peaceful nation All this done in silence For any talk about the act Cancels the spell cast Least one forgets A bar is placed over a replacement too Eh hem..,might clear the throat of phlegm It is also a word of caution So take heed
Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22 "And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran