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 Rest in peace Sukai Dahaba
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11665 Posts

Posted - 19 Aug 2023 :  14:28:52  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The leading symbol of later part of the struggle against Yaya Jammeh dictatorship passed away today. May Allah (SWT) grant you Jannah Sukai Dahaba the woman of Kalama Revolution.


A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone


11665 Posts

Posted - 19 Aug 2023 :  15:30:14  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A heroine is no more. Sukai Dahaba fearlessly stood for a country when it was most difficult and inconvenient. When many chose to be indifferent or hobnobbed with Jammeh and his murderous regime, Sukai remained resolute. This iconic picture inspired a people to finally believe that Jammeh’s cowardice could be challenged. Of course, through sheer thuggery, Sukai was arrested by Jammeh’s goons at the NIA and mercilessly tortured. Her ordeal together with her colleagues could very well be credited with the democracy we enjoy today.
Her legacy as a fearless patriot will never be in doubt, yet her death is another stain on our conscience as a people, particularly on President Adama Barrow, whose presidency was made possible by the heroism of Sukai and others, for his neglect of the victims in favor of Sukai’s victimizers. Rest in eternal peace, Sukai Dahaba! The Gambia is definitely in your debt.

By PaSamba Jow

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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11665 Posts

Posted - 19 Aug 2023 :  15:31:33  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I join fellow Gambians in mourning the passing of Sukai Dahaba. May Allah grant her jannah. She stood and fought for our country at a time when that took courage and determination. She paid a price that contributed to our freedom and ended tyranny and a grateful nation will always remember this brave and humble patriot .

By Dr. Karamba Touray

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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11665 Posts

Posted - 19 Aug 2023 :  15:32:48  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It is with great sadness I read about the demise of Sukai Dahaba. One of those National heroines who suffered tremendously the effects of Yaya Jammehs tyranny and which the present government failed to assist. A person who brought dynamics to the struggle and lit up our lifes with laughter with her actions during the Kalama Revolution.

Our Heroes and Heroines are passing without adequate help and treatment from the government. Individuals who sacrificed tremendously to uprooting dictatorship and liberating Gambia. Instead the perpetrators and rape apologists are reaping the fruits of heroines like Sukai Dahaa and others.

I got to know Sukai during her time as a refugee in Senegal. She was indeed a strong Lady with a strong personality and man she was funny! We had some good laughs! I am sure Heaven will be a much funnier place with you!

May Allah grant you the highest of Jannah!

By Ebrima Toubab
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11665 Posts

Posted - 19 Aug 2023 :  19:12:13  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I woke up today with this sad and unexpected news of the death of a Shero Sukai Dahaba. It raises many questions in my mind and the most profound was the Government's failure in helping and supporting the Victims of Jammeh and APRC’s brutal regime. I started having direct contact with Sukai during her exile in Senegal. Today, a voice that was so vibrant, a woman that showed great courage, a woman that was so brave, is still.

Sukai was the legend that bonded us together in that crucial moment of the struggle, sustained hope and encouraged confidence in the struggle against Jammeh and APRC’s brutality. When She was arrested by the NIA, she did not buckle. She endured unspeakable cruelties that were inflicted on her. But, while the NIA could torture her body, they could not break her will, or corrupt her honour. That, by itself, was remarkable.

But her biggest acts of Sheroism were contained in her steadfast refusal to compromise on who she was. Till the end Sukai remained fiercely true to herself, a woman of deep conviction and a patriot of the highest order. A patriot and Shero whose sacrifices for her country inspire many of us. We will forever be grateful for her Sheroic sacrifice and her steadfast integrity during the Struggle for Change in The Gambia.

Thankyou for your sacrifice!!
Thank you for giving your life to the country!!
Thank you for the change we are enjoying today!!

My sincere condolences to her family.
My sincere condolences to UDP party and the entire nation!!

Rest in peace a freedom fighter, Shero and change maker.
May God give you Jannah!!


By Ndey Jobarteh

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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11665 Posts

Posted - 19 Aug 2023 :  20:37:09  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
*Old Man Musing*

Short memorial tribute to an unsung female Gambian political, human rights activist and freedom fighter, Sukai Dahaba, of blessed memory!

While thousands of men defend human rights, women face particular challenges for their activism.

Indeed, they are more often than not targeted for who they are, as women, not just because they are protesting or resisting.

In countries that view a woman’s role as being in the home, female political or human rights defenders are therefore more prone to attack than men because they are seen as breaking social norms and stereotypes.

Nonetheless, today, we, therefore, pay a special homage and reverentially honour, with indebted gratitude, the selfless and exemplary life of one of our galant and heroic women, in the person of a titanic figure, our most beloved and highly respected Sukai Dahaba, who passed away yesterday night of the 18th August 2023, while still nursing herself physically and mentally from trauma and agony; indeed painfully recovering from those very wounds dastardly and cowardly inflicted on her and her comrades during their fearless and valorous “Kalama” resistance protest after the disgraceful and criminal killing of the late Solo Sandeng by Yaya Jammeh and his korkor hekkus of state-sponsored murderers and rapists.

Needless to painfully recall that these brave and valiant women were brutally victimised and physically manhandled, on that fateful day of 9 May 2016, in the course of their social and political activism for the respect of human dignity and the rule of law, nay for a better and peaceful Gambia.

In short, Sukai Dahaba and her comrades as well as other victims of other forms of maltreatment who all suffered physical and mental abuse would forever be remembered for standing up against the hand of tyranny, injustice and barbarity in our beloved Gambia.

Finally, the names of such victims like the late Sukai Dahaba, who, are the embodiment of our collective and uncompromising resistance as well as of all that is best in us, and, in so being have provided us with role models, inspiration and understanding for generations yet to come, will therefore figure prominently in embolden print whenever the true history of our beloved country and her people is written.

Beloved Sukai Dahaba: -

RIP (Rest In Peace)

RIP (Rest In Power)

By Hassan Gibril

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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