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11665 Posts

Posted - 28 Oct 2022 :  23:00:53  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Monkey Park must be Protected!

By Madi Jobarteh


It is indeed extremely worrying that the governments of both The Gambia and the United States have decided to finally kill Monkey Park hence subject its inhabitants to a life of misery and destitution. The assault on this sanctuary manifestly and totally constitute cruelty to animals who are already ravaged by the construction of Kairaba international conference centre and other encroachments. For that reason, these animals can now be seen roaming and scavenging for food in homes, hotels, restaurants, and streets thus posing irreparable risks to their health.

Wild animals do not eat manufactured food because their system is not meant for that. This is why in nature reserves, there are signs urging visitors not to feed wild animals with human food.

Knowing this, yet the US and Gambia governments still went ahead to allocate the site for the building of the US embassy. This is an assault on this sanctuary thereby effectively bringing to an end the very existence of Monkey Park and its natural inhabitants. This decision is a direct threat to nature and shall hugely contribute to global warming simply because of the destruction of the vegetation there. No amount of tree planting will fully replace all of the plants and grass that are in this park. Building an embassy there will only kill more plants than replace them.

Furthermore, this decision is only good at denying future generations of Gambians and visitors the opportunity to experience the park with its vast biodiversity. It means future generations will not see these special and beautiful monkeys who would have either died or migrated to unsuitable locations thus not to be seen again. This is why the decision to build the US embassy in this place is grossly ill-advised and an utter act of irresponsibility by both governments.

With the US itself being a global perpetrator in producing emissions as well as leading the world in addressing climate change, it beats imagination how they could consider this site a proper place for their embassy. Was it not under Pres. Obama that the US led the Paris convergence on the climate that led to the emergence of the Paris Agreement?

The Paris Agreement is a binding international treaty aimed at strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change. It seeks to keep global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees and even bring it further down to 1.5 Celsius. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris, on 12 December 2015.

The US was a leading convener and player of that conference where Secretary of State John Kerry led the American delegation. It is that same Kerry who was picked by Biden as his climate envoy because of his efficiency, contributions, and commitment to climate change.

Both the US and The Gambia have signed the agreement since 2016. Even when President Donald Trump removed the US from the agreement in 2020, we saw how Pres. Joe Biden returned the US to it by singing it again in January 2021. Therefore, how can the US and The Gambia flatly ignore their international obligations to arrest global warming by attacking the Monkey Park?

Furthermore, this decision by these two governments is a direct affront to the efforts of Pres. Dawda Jawara who was a determined and committed environmentalist. It was his government that signed a unilateral commitment to the environment when he issued the Banjul Declaration in 1977 to protect and preserve the environment.

Here are some of his reasons for creating that declaration,

“I signed The Banjul Declaration in 1977 - to complement legislation to protect our flora and fauna. I was doing so perhaps many decades too late to save the lion and Leopard whose numbers had been so dangerously depleted to virtual non-existence. The remaining dozens of them roam the protected ranges of Nykolokoba in Senegal, as they used to do a century ago in upper Gambia. Our last elephant in Kantora was shot dead in 1900's by a European travelling commissioner.”

In his speech, Jawara expressed his concern and disturbance at seeing the environment destroyed, noting that the destruction of the forest is a threat to human survival, civilization and knowledge. Today, The Gambia and US governments have dealt a mercilessly destructive blow to Jawara and human survival and civilization. Clearly, just as my generation lost sight of the lion and leopard in the Gambia, with this embassy construction my grandchildren and their generation will also not see the Western Red Colobus Monkeys!

I therefore urge the US Government through its Ambassador in The Gambia to withdraw from this decision. There are many suitable locations around the Gambia for an embassy that meets the requirements of the United States Government. I urge the Ambassador to pursue those options. Monkey Park does not need any plant to be uprooted on the basis that US experts will come to manage it.

I urge The Gambia Government to remind itself of its obligations to Gambians, today and tomorrow. The Minister of Justice cannot claim not to be aware of these international obligations hence has the capacity to and should advise and guide the Government accordingly. Going ahead with this decision will constitute a violation of Gambia’s domestic and international obligations. The Monkey Park has been a gazetted and protected sanctuary since1951. It should not be assaulted.

I wish to call on CSOs more so our environment-related organisations such as ActionAid The Gambia, United Purpose, ADWAC, and with TANGO and many more including environmental activists to respond to this environmental onslaught without delay. CSOs should not stand by in silence and indifference to allow such blatant destruction of nature and the future to take place and in total violation of the law with impunity.

For The Gambia Our Homeland

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone


12306 Posts

Posted - 29 Oct 2022 :  23:20:36  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Monkey Park is NOT the right location for the NEW EMBASSy of THE United States Of America to be built, what will be, I have no doubt, a very impressive modern structure with the best communications in West Africa, surely a country's Capital is the CORRECT place for Embassies and other chief offices of international companies to be located.
I totally agree with the content of Madi Jobarteh in the posting above.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 29 Oct 2022 23:27:09
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11665 Posts

Posted - 01 Nov 2022 :  19:34:04  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Saving Monkey Park: GEA Holds Meeting With US Ambassador Sharon L. Cromer

Press Release:

Banjul, 1 Nov 2022. The leadership of the Gambia Environmental Alliance (GEA) alongside its partners and activists held a meeting with the US Ambassador Sharon Cromer and the Deputy Chief of Mission Eric R Mehler and other embassy officials on Monday, Oct 31 at her office. The meeting follows the announcement by the Ministry of Justice that the Gambia and US governments have entered into an agreement to allocate part of Bijilo Forest Park to be used for the construction of a new US embassy complex. The allocated space, according to the Ministry of Justice is the space occupied by the West Africa Livestock Improvement Centre (WALIC) which originally used to be ITC. In all, the Government will allocate 25 acres from within WALIC while WALIC itself and the visitors’ centre will be relocated.

As environmentalists, we join the public to express our disapproval of this agreement. It is in response to this development that we sought an audience with the Ambassador to share our concern with her and demand that they find a more suitable alternative site. In the meeting, GEA stated in no uncertain terms that we are committed to the protection and preservation of the entire Bijilo Forest Park which contains both the Monkey Park and WALIC as well as the visitors’ centre.

We welcome the Ambassador and her team’s assurance and commitment to transparency and engagement on this issue in the interest of the environment. However, we noted our concern at the increasing threats to the Gambia’s environment largely because of the Government’s failure to protect and preserve the environment by effectively monitoring and enforcing the environmental laws and better care for our flora and fauna. We noted that any further construction of any entity within any part of the forest park will only serve to expedite the eventual destruction of the forest park which is already hugely undermined by the construction of the Kairaba International Conference Centre. We reminded the US Ambassador of the domestic and international legal obligations of both governments to protect and preserve the environment.

GEA members took their time to highlight the impact of acquiring part of the forest on not only the animals and the ecosystem but also on the population of surrounding communities and the Gambia as a whole. We recalled that Bijilo Forest Park was gazetted in 1951 as a cherished heritage of the Gambia which also stands as a testament to the memory and great effort of former President Jawara, who was a champion environmentalist.

GEA will continue to engage all other stakeholders as well as mobilize CSOs, communities, and partners to ensure that Monkey Park is not subject to any further encroachment.

Gambia Environmental Alliance

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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12306 Posts

Posted - 02 Nov 2022 :  16:54:52  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

DoF debunks GEA’s release over new U.S. Embassy site

Nov 2, 2022, 9:57 AM

The Gambia’s Department of Forestry (DoF) has debunked as “inaccurate” and “misleading” a recent press release by the Gambia Environmental Alliance (GEA) that the portion of land in Bijilo, where the new US Embassy Complex is to be constructed, is in the Bijilo Forest Park or commonly Monkey Park.

A DoF press release sent to this paper yesterday to set the record straight on the controversy surrounding the land, states as follows:

Forestry Department Clarification on the Status of Monkey Park

Following the recently announced acquisition of a portion of land in Bijilo for a new U.S. Embassy complex and a subsequent press release from The Gambia Environmental Alliance (GEA), the Department of Forestry (DoF) wishes to inform the public that GEA’s press release is entirely inaccurate and therefore, misleading.

It is imperative to remember that theBijiloForest Park has been gazettedsince 1952 and the peripheral boundaries have never changed as indicated in the wrong Google map presented by GEA. The DoF is currently fencing the entire peripheral boundaries (3.5 Km) of the park with solid structuresto curb potential encroachment and to ensure the security and safety of visitors to the park. In fact, the boundaries of these two portions of land are physically separated by an access road of 4-5m serving as a firebreak and for staff patrol of the park. The former ITC, now WALIC, is on the Eastern side of the access road towards the main Bertil Harding Highwaywhile Bijilo Forest Park is on the Western side towards the sea front/beach.

The Bijilo National Park commonly referred to as Monkey Park is not part of the area marked in pink on The Gambia Environmental Alliance’s misleading Google map.

It is therefore,clear from the above satellite map that the Monkey Park is not affected even by a centimeter by the proposed development. The satellite imagery also shows that the area under consideration (WALIC) is almost completely occupied by buildings and limited vegetation or forest cover.

Furthermore, it is important to point out that the U.S Government will fully fund the relocation and construction of an ultra-modern premises for WALIC in a more suitable location, away from the new highway currently under construction.

We therefore, wish to reassure the public that the Monkey Park will not be in anyway affected by the proposed new US Embassy development. If anything, this project will add value to WALIC with a new state-of-the-art visitor centre and the paved road to the beach for better and safer public access.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 02 Nov 2022 17:16:02
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11665 Posts

Posted - 02 Nov 2022 :  18:30:28  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Department of Forestry Should not Mislead
By Madi Jobarteh

The Department of Forestry has issued a press release today claiming that no inch of Monkey Park will be affected by the construction of a new US embassy. The press release accuses the Gambia Environmental Alliance of misleading the public about this issue.

Apparently, it looks like it is the Department of Forestry which is actually misleading Gambians in order to justify the takeover of Monkey Park which is contrary to the Forest Act. It is important for citizens to realize that there is only one Bijilo Forest Park which is commonly called the Monkey Park. The Bijilo Forest Park was gazetted in 1952.

Bijilo Forest Park originally covers an area of 51.3 hectares. It includes the entire space referred to today as Monkey Park, the Bijilo Forest Visitors’ Centre, and the West Africa Livestock Improvement Centre (WALIC) which was originally occupied by ITC. It was opened to the general public in 1991 and an NGO, the Gambia-German Forestry Project created a nature trail across the park which is still there. If you look at the picture of the original signboard, you will not see ‘Monkey Park’ written on it because at that time they only know the place as Bijilo Forest Park only.

Hence it is misleading for the Department or anyone to claim that Bijilo Forest Park is different from Monkey Park, or they are two separate locations. Monkey Park is an integral part of Bijilo Forest Park just as the visitors’ centre and Wildlife offices inside Abuko Nature Reserve are part of the nature reserve. No amount of fencing can separate Bijilo Forest Park from Monkey Park.

Any inch taken away from the visitors’ center, or WALIC or any part of the forest means an inch has been taken away from Monkey Park! The Department should therefore not mislead the people.

Furthermore, while the Forest Act gives the power to the minister responsible to de-reserve a forest park provided it is published in the gazette, such a decision should not damage any other rights arising from de-reserving a forest park. The law expects that any attempt to de-reserve will be guided by the highest level of responsibility and common sense. The law also requires that the Minister establishes a Reserve Settlement Committee for each forest park. This means any decision about Bijilo Forest Park should therefore also include this committee. Hence the Government does not have the liberty to de-reserve Bijilo Park as they like.

What citizens must realize is that the attempt to assault Monkey Park is a consistent and continuous pattern of behaviour of this Government to mismanage and pillage the forests, seas, rivers, lands, and entire environment of the Gambia. For example, we have seen the Government blatantly erect a mighty edifice, the Kairaba International Conference Centre inside Monkey Park thereby destroying it. All around the Bijilo Forest Park, we see how public and private entities have constructed all sorts of structures thereby imposing more stress on the forest and the primates, birds, reptiles, insects, and vegetation in it. This is why it is common to see monkeys wandering on and around streets, homes, restaurants, and hotels just to get food because of the encroachments on their habitat.

Look around all forest parks in this country and you will see how they have become dumping grounds while the indiscriminate felling of trees can be seen all over. Furthermore, from Salagi to Nyambai to Furuya and all the way to the Kiangs, Fulladu and up to Basse and other parts of the country, one can see how public and private individuals and entities are encroaching on reserved lands and forest parks without any consequences. In many cases we can notice fires in forest parks and yet no one is held accountable.

What this means is that the Department of Forestry, the Department of Wildlife as well as the National Environment Agency among other public institutions mandated to protect and preserve our environment are failing to do their job well. They do not enforce the laws as they allow private entities and individuals to encroach and plunder the environment just like that.

Therefore, what we expect the Department of Forestry to say and do is to defend and preserve Bijilo Forest Park. They need to be seen and heard telling their Minister to stop and not to give away Monkey Park to any entity on earth to build anything on this land. But we do not expect that Department to justify an encroachment and plunder of that forest but have the audacity to rebuke the Gambia Environmental Alliance which has dedicated itself to defend and preserve the Gambia environment.

The Gambia is not short of suitable locations for the US Government to find and build an environmentally friendly embassy. Monkey Park and the entire Bijilo Forest Park deserve the full and total attention and commitment of the Department of Forestry to manage to excellent standards. Bijilo Forest Park is an employer, a revenue earner, a research facility, and a place of leisure while serving as part of the history and heritage of the Gambia. It deserves to be preserved and not to be plundered in the name of anything!

For the Gambia Our Homeland.

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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12306 Posts

Posted - 03 Nov 2022 :  17:47:21  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message  Reply with Quote


#National News

AESSA expresses concern over government's action at Monkey Park

Nov 3, 2022, 10:06 AM | Article By: Jankey Ceesay

Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Students Association (AESSA) have expressed concern about government's recent actions in the protection of the local fauna and flora population at Monkey Park in Bijilo.

In a statement issued on the 31st October 2022, the association expressed concern with the worrying decision taken by the Government of The Gambia and United States, which they believe would inevitably lead to the annihilation of Monkey Park.

“The decline of wild populations does not just translate into species loss, but can also heighten extinction risk, particularly for endemic species found only in very few locations. When wildlife populations decline to this degree, it means dramatic changes are impacting their habitats and the food and water they rely on. We should care deeply about the unraveling of wildlife systems because these same resources sustain human life."

The release added that the assault on this sanctuary manifestly and totally constitutes cruelty to animals, who are already ravaged by the construction of Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara International Conference Center and other encroachments.

"For that reason, these animals can now be seen roaming and scavenging for food in homes, hotels, restaurants, and streets, thus posing irreparable risks to their health.” said the association.

Protecting habitats like forest, the release added, would only increase species at the site and curb greenhouse gas emissions.

“Thereby effectively bringing to an end of the very existence of Monkey Park and its natural inhabitants is uncalled-for. Wildlife animals do not eat manufactured food because their system is not meant for that,” AESSA added.

“We (students) of faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Association unequivocally call on the central government to act now to safeguard the natural ecosystems,” the statement reads.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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11665 Posts

Posted - 09 Nov 2022 :  15:31:13  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Frequently Asked Questions About Plans for a New U.S. Embassy in Banjul


The United States Embassy has outgrown its current building on Kairaba Avenue, a location it has occupied for the past four decades. Our goal is to develop a state-of-the-art, environmentally sustainable embassy that provides our staff (both American and Gambian) the workspace they require to expand initiatives that assist the Gambian people and strengthen our bilateral partnership with the Government of The Gambia. The Bijilo Forest Park (often referred to as the “Monkey Park”) is a national treasure. The new U.S. Embassy will not be built inside the Bijilo Forest Park. Our intention is to contribute to the preservation and protection of the Park and its fauna and flora and preserve public access to the beach.

Over a three-year period, the U.S. Government meticulously reviewed more than 70 properties. We reached agreement with the Government of The Gambia in October 2022 on the recently announced new embassy location currently occupied by the West Africa Livestock Innovation Center (WALIC) on the Bertil Harding Highway. Respect for the neighboring Bijilo Forest “Monkey” Park and beach access were fundamental requirements for both the Gambian government and the U.S. Embassy. Consequently, the new U.S. Embassy will be constructed on the WALIC site in a manner that preserves the Bijilo Forest Park and ensures public access to the beach. To ensure that the surrounding environment is protected, the planning, design and construction of the new U.S. Embassy on the WALIC site will take at least eight years to complete.

With the Agreement now signed, the detailed technical assessment work can begin to determine whether the site is suitable to meet our goal. Over the next 16 months, experts from The Gambia and the United States will thoroughly investigate and assess many factors, including the environmental impact. Many Gambian and American experts from numerous technical fields will be involved in the 16-month due diligence assessment phase. We commit to being transparent throughout the years-long planning, design, and construction phases, sharing findings, and listening to concerns and ideas. Already, we have held productive sessions with local environmentalists and others and will continue these discussions through the formation of an advisory body. Our Ambassador has also signed the State Department’s Green Diplomacy pledge to protect the environment in every way possible.

Consistent with our promise of transparency, we will publish periodic updates. As we listen to your questions, concerns, and comments, we will regularly provide the best answers available at the time. Below, we are pleased to address the most frequently asked questions we have received to date.

What agreement has been signed between the United States and the Government of The Gambia regarding a new U.S. Embassy?

The United States and the Government of The Gambia signed an Agreement on October 6, 2022 as the first step toward the acquisition of property for a new U.S. Embassy. This Agreement allows the United States to conduct “due diligence” on the site, ensuring it meets all physical, legal, political, administrative, environmental, and technical requirements for the new embassy project.

What does “due diligence” mean?

Due diligence is an in-depth survey and analysis of the proposed site for the new U.S. Embassy, the results of which will form the basis for its design. Many Gambian and American specialists will participate and contribute their expertise to the process.

Where is the new proposed site of the new U.S. Embassy?

After a multi-year search process, we identified the proposed site, which is currently occupied by the WALIC, formerly known as “ITC,” off the Bertil Harding Highway.

What will happen to WALIC?

As part of the Agreement, WALIC will be relocated and rebuilt as a modern, functional facility. The United States will pay for WALIC’s design, construction, and relocation.

How long will it take to build a new U.S. Embassy?

The Agreement begins a 16-month due diligence process for the property, which will form the basis for the U.S. Embassy’s design. After the site is purchased, design and construction will take several more years.

What is the next step?

The next step is to start the due diligence phase, ensuring we can develop a safe, secure, functional, and environmentally sustainable U.S Embassy. U.S. and Gambian teams will work with local environmental and other experts to collaborate on the best way to preserve the natural surroundings and abundant plant life at the new embassy project site on WALIC.

WALIC is near the “Monkey Park.” Will the “Monkey Park” be affected?

The new embassy will not be located in Bijilo Forest Park. As part of our partnership with the Gambian people, we will help improve the Bijilo Forest Park, such as training guides, fixing trails, designing an upgraded and environmentally sustainable visitor center, and enhancing the preserve in many other ways that the Gambian people and its environmental advocates see as appropriate. Beginning in the due diligence phase and continuing throughout the construction project, we will work closely with the Ministry of Land’s Forestry Department and local experts to find ways to support the park. The Bijilo Forest Park and its fauna and flora will be a treasured neighbor of the future U.S. Embassy.

Is the land being purchased by the United States? How much is the United States paying?

The land on which WALIC is currently located will be purchased by the United States at a fair price to be determined through negotiations with the Government of The Gambia.

Will you hire Gambians to build the embassy?

Gambians will be included in the planning, design, and construction process. Our work will be a collaborative effort with Gambian and U.S. experts in architecture and design, engineering, and environmental stewardship. The construction project will employ hundreds of Gambians, providing jobs and training. We will use responsibly sourced local materials, helping local tradespeople and reducing the carbon footprint of our work.

I heard this is a “green” building. Is that true?

The new embassy will be an example of environmental stewardship for the entire region. The project will use best-in-class technology to improve on-site stormwater management and practice sustainable construction methods. Environmental diplomacy is a pillar of the U.S. Government’s work around the world, which our projects reflect at a local level. This project will, at a minimum, achieve LEED® Silver certification—a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices. As the project proceeds into design, and we work further with our partners in The Gambia, the team will explore additional opportunities for sustainable systems or techniques and identify opportunities for a higher level of LEED certification.

What is a LEED® Silver certification?

LEED provides a framework for healthy, efficient, carbon and cost-saving green buildings—it is a globally recognized symbol of sustainability achievement and leadership. To achieve LEED certification, a project earns points by adhering to prerequisites and credits that address carbon, energy, water, waste, transportation, materials, health and indoor environmental quality. LEED Silver is the second level of certification, but many of our projects around the world achieve LEED Gold or higher. We will explore opportunities for a higher certification through the design and construction process.

Will the new U.S. Embassy block the public’s access to the beach?

The public will continue to have access from the Bertil Harding Highway to the beach and ocean.

There is concern that this agreement falls short of taking into consideration issues raised by local environmental advocates. What is your response?

We began considering the environmental impact well before the Agreement was signed, including defining the site so that no part of the Bijilo Forest Park was included. Over the next 16 months, we will work closely with many Gambian experts and continue our discussions with environmental groups. During this process, the United States welcomes the views of all parties, including those who have expressed concern over the proposed project. We will continue to factor these concerns into our plans for the new embassy.

Environmental activists have launched a petition with a view to barring U.S. Embassy from going ahead with its plans. Is there any possibility for United States to go back on plans to build an embassy in a protected area?

The United States will work with the Gambian people to develop the location in a manner that respects the local environment, and, whenever possible, improves it. Our preference is to move forward and develop an environmentally sustainable project that protects and enhances wildlife habitats and becomes an example of global best practices.

Is the U.S. government ignoring its international obligations toward mitigating global warming with this effort?

The new U.S. Embassy construction project is closely aligned with the Biden-Harris Administration policy to address the climate crisis at home and globally. We will adopt methods to mitigate global warming in this location and achieve green certification. Ultimately, this project will advance the U.S. Government’s best practice for constructing and operating environmentally sustainable embassies.

Why does the U.S. Embassy need a ten-hectare land? Will it include a military base?

We are not building a military base. This is a new U.S. embassy that will allow us to enhance diplomatic engagement and increase technical assistance and development programs that support the Gambian people. The new chancery will be surrounded by landscaped areas, providing space for local flora and fauna to flourish, and creating outdoor event space. By securing a location with sufficient space, we will also be able to ensure visitors seeking consular services have a comfortable and appropriate waiting area.

The Gambia Environmental Alliance says WALIC is essentially part of the “Monkey Park.” The Director of the Department of Forestry says it’s not. Which is it?

According to the Government of The Gambia, Bijilo Forest Park is separate and distinct from WALIC, demarcated by a physical wall. We recognize there is disagreement on this point. We also understand and agree that both the Bijilo Forest Park and the WALIC site must be respected for the benefit of the fauna and flora in the area.

Out of all the lands in the country, why would the U.S. Embassy choose the “Monkey Park” as property for its new Embassy?

We reviewed more than 70 locations over a three-year period. According to the Government of the Gambia, WALIC and Bijilo Forest Park are separate and distinct properties. The WALIC-occupied property best meets the criteria needed for a new embassy. We took steps to define the WALIC site in a manner that does NOT encroach on the neighboring Bijilo Forest Park and ensures public beach access.


A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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