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 President Jammeh Gives another Ultimatum
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Posted - 13 Sep 2010 :  12:23:36  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message
President Jammeh Gives another Ultimatum
By: Saikou Jammeh

Gambian president Yahya Jammeh has given a week-long ultimatum to the Supreme Islamic Council to bridge the divide between Gambian Muslims regarding activities in the Muslim calendar.

President Jammeh was speaking on Friday at statehouse during a meeting with Muslim elders of various communities in the country and cabinet ministers on the occasion of the Muslim feast of Eid El Fitr (Koriteh), a practice that dates back to the colonial era.

The ultimatum came after the council’s president Momodou Lamin Touray accused some Islamic scholars of trying to create conflict in the country.

Daily News recalls that The Gambia’s apex Muslim body has come under fire for advising Gambians to observe ‘Ramadan’ the same day with Mecca, although the moon was not sighted here.

The pronouncement created division among Muslims as most people defied amid rum ours that the council was under political influence.

Some Islamic scholars also heavily criticized the council for the move.

But the council’s president insisted that the decision was right, adding that it was based on pure Islamic teachings and a resolution of Muslim elders across the country.

He warned those that refused to fast on Wednesday to fast an extra day in order to have a complete month.

Imam Touray vowed to put a stop to scholars he said are trying to create violence in the country and even branded one of the Imams as a fool.

Although he did not mention names, it is widely believed that he was referring to Imam Ba-Kawsu, a controversial scholar, who was reportedly banned from preaching at state-owned radio for similar attacks last year.

President Jammeh said the council is mandated to take action against such people he referred to as "dogs" and urged the council to deal with them "before turning into evil dragons."

He vowed to intervene if the council fails to.

Source: DailyNews

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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