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3485 Posts |
Posted - 05 Sep 2010 : 21:42:44
An Inspirational Moment!
Muslims are celebrating ‘night of power’ today in many parts of the world. A lot is said about the virtue of such a night. According to authentic narrations, the night is worth many years of worship. Further, according to authentic narrations quoted by many disciples of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the night can be searched in the last ten days, more so the odd numbers. It makes the 27th night of Ramadan the day that many intensify worship to win the promised virtues of this night. Either way, you can’t be wrong overshooting than undershooting, to borrow a quote from a work friend.
As you pray to night, ask God to bring peace and tranquility. We also ask God to bring an end to tyranny all over the world. Jannah is most precious, therefore O Lord Allah; to you belong the best names. Please admit us to Jannah. Please forgive our shortcomings and accept us to Jannah by your mercy and grace.
Here is a lengthy post of a dua at Bantaba, please click to share the wealth. Share the link with your family and friends.
I wish you all a successful night of power and eid-ul fitr.
Kind Regards with love,
"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:
3485 Posts |
Posted - 05 Sep 2010 : 23:32:56
Hi Momodou et al,
On the extract from the shared dua, it mentioned twice of visiting the grave of the Prophet, but it didn't specifically mention who in particular. I assume this is refering to Prophet Muhammad or Ibraheem (PBUT both). Please correct me if I am wrong.If so, is there any supportive verse or hadith to this, in regards to visiting any of their graves? Or is it refering to the holy Kaabah, knowing that the Quran speaks in highly worded parables beyond our own understanding? Please excuse my ignorance. It is news to me that we can visit the grave of the prophet (Either Muhammad or Ibraheem- PBUT both) as way of tribute. If it is, i hear and I obey. Thanks. Yero.
O my Lord! This is the posture of the one who sought refuge through You and allied himself with Your generosity, and became accustomed to Your forbearance and favours, And You are the benevolent whose forgiveness is never strained, neither are Your bounties ever decreasing, nor is Your mercy ever lacking, And we have known with certainty of Your ancient pardon, great bountifulness and vast mercy, Would You, O Allah, ever disappoint our thoughts or let down our hopes? No never, O Most Generous! for it is not what we expect of You, nor is it what we aspire for, O Allah, we have a greater and ever lasting hope in You, We anticipate prolonged and immense prospect in You, We anticipate great desire in You, We disobeyed You and now we wish that You protect our secret (sins), And we prayed to You and we hope You would answer us, So fulfil our aspiration, O our Master, for otherwise, we realise (the punishment) we deserve as a result of our bad deeds, But Your awareness of our conduct and our knowledge that You indeed wont send us away from You, has motivated us to seek You, and even though we are not worthy of Your mercy, You are worthy of bestowing Your generosity on us and on all the sinners due to Your vast compassion, So, award us with what You are worthy of, and grant us for we are in need of Your bounty. O Most Forgiving! With Your light we were guided and with Your bounties we became richer, and with Your favours we are encountered mornings and evenings, Our sins are before You and we ask You, O Master, for forgiveness and we hereby repent, You befriend us with Your gifts but we reward You by sins, Your bounty to us is ever descending, but our mischief to You is (ever) ascending. And from before and until now , Your honoured angel still brings You the news of our ugly deeds but that does not prevent You from continuing to surround us with Your grace, and kindly provide us with Your holy features. So, I glorify and praise You for the extent of Your patience, greatness and generosity as a Beginner (of creation ) and eventual Claimer of this world. Holiest are Your names, And glorified is Your praise, And honoured are Your favours and good deeds. You, my Lord, are more vast in bounty and greater in patience and clemency than to judge me according to my wrong doing and fault, So I beg You : Forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness, O my Master, O my Master, O my Master. O Lord! Occupy our time with Your remembrance, And guard us from Your wrath, And protect us from Your punishment, And grant us from Your rewards, And award us from Your bounties, And provides us the means to conduct pilgrimage to Your house (Kaba), and to visit the tomb of Your Prophet, may Your peace, mercy, forgiveness and graciousness be bestowed upon him and his family, Indeed, You are close and forthcoming with Your answer (to our prayers). And assist us in abiding by Your obedience, and claim our souls while we are in Your (righteous) congregation and followers of the tradition of Your Prophet, may peace of Allah be upon him and his family. O Lord! Forgive me and my parents and grant them mercy as they have raised me since I was youthful, reward their good deeds with bountifulness and (pardon) their sins with forgiveness. O Lord! Forgive the believers, be they men or women, living or dead, and let us follow on their path with good deeds. O Lord! Forgive (for) the living or deceased of us, (believers) the present and the absent, our male and female, our young and old, our free and our slave, Indeed the antagonists of Allah lied and enormously wandered astray, and incurred a major loss. O Lord! Bestow Your peace on Muhammad and his family, and conclude my life in virtue, and resolve what worries me from the affairs of this life and in the hereafter, and do not allow anyone who wont treat me justly to come in contact with me, and provide me with Your everlasting protection and do not deprive me of the best of the amenities. You graced me with, and confer on me from Your bounties, vast awards that are lawful and good. O Lord! Guard me with Your safeguard, And protect me with Your protection, And ally me with Your alliance, And award me the ability to conduct pilgrimage to Your sacred house (Kaba) in this year and in every year, and to visit the tomb of Your prophet and the Imams, peace be upon them, and do not deprive me, Oh Lord, from visiting these honourable sanctuaries and noble positions.
"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:
Edited by - Dalton1 on 05 Sep 2010 23:41:26 |
3485 Posts |
Posted - 06 Sep 2010 : 10:58:46
Folks, I enquired on this…here is what a friend shared with me. It is really interesting on this one. It is said that both Omar and Abubacarr (RA) are laid next to the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) tomb. It happens to be where Aisha’s (RA) house was located. Further, it is added that the prophet advised Muslims to visit the graves in a way of increasing their faith. Some of the etiquettes require that one does not visit the grave in a way of seeking benefit from the dead, but praying to the deceased. In this case, once you visit the Prophet’s grave, you will say “Peace be unto you Muhammad (SAW), Peace be unto you Abubacarr (RA), and Peace be unto you Omar (RA).” Also to note, Muslims do it during “Umra” and “hazz.” In summation, it is entirely okay to visit the graves of loved ones with a view to offer them prayers, not seeking benefit from the dead.
"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:
11646 Posts |
Posted - 06 Sep 2010 : 17:06:19
Thanks for sharing!
Here is what I found from the collection of Books Fiq us-Sunnah - "Funerals and Dhikr" by As-Sayyid Sabiq
Volume 4, Page 83: Visiting Graves Visiting graves is desirable for men. 'Abdallah ibn Buraidah reported from his father that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "I had forbidden you to visit graves, but now you may visit them. It will remind you of the Hereafter." (Muslim, Ahmad, and the Sunan works) They were prohibited from visitlng the graves because of their proximity to the jahiliyyah (Days of Ignorance) when they used incorrect and obscene language. After they had fully entered the fold of Islam, became well pleased with it, and had fully accepted its laws, the Prophet, peace be upon him, permitted them to visit graves.
Abu Hurairah reported: "The Prophet, peace be upon him, visited his mother' s grave and cried, and everyone there cried with him. Then the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: 'I sought my Lord's permission to seek forgiveness for her, but He did not permit me. I then sought permission to visit her grave and He permitted me to do this. You should visit graves, because they will remind you of the reality of death.'' (Muslim, Ahmad, and the Sunan, except Tirmizhi)
Since the purpose of visiting graves is admonition and remembrance of death, it is permissible to visit the graves of disbelievers. Weeping when passing by the graves of the wrongdoers who were seized and punished by Allah for their evil deeds, and to express one's humility and one's need for forgiveness of Allah is desirable.This is obvious from a hadith, reported by Bukhari on the authority of Ibn 'Umar, that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said to his Companions, when they passed through Al-Hijr, the dwellings of the people of Thamud, "Do not go without weeping to the places of burial of those who are undergoing torment. But if you cannot weep, then do not enter these places lest what befell them should befall you."
Volume 4, Page 83a: Etiquette of Visiting Graves Whoever pays a visit to a grave should face the deceased, greet him, and supplicate for him. On this subject we find the following: Buraidah reported: "The Prophet, peace be upon him, taught us that when we visited graves we should say, 'Peace be upon you, O believing men and women, O dwellers of this place. Certainly, Allah willing, we will join you. You have preceded us and we are to follow you.We supplicate to Allah to grant us and you security'.'' (Reported by Muslim, Ahmad, and others)
Ibn 'Abbas reported: "Once the Prophet, peace be upon him, passed by graves in Madinah. He tumed his face toward them saying: 'Peace be upon you, O dwellers of these graves. May Allah forgive us and you. You have preceded us, and we are following your trail'." (Tirmizhi)
'Aishah said: "Every time it was my turn to be with the Prophet, peace be upon him, toward the end of the night, he would go out to the cemetery of al-Baqi' and would say,
'Peace be upon you, O abode of believers. What you were promised will come to pass tomorrow at a fixed time. We shall, Allah willing, soon join you. O Allah! Grant forgiveness to the people who are buried in al-Baqi' al-Gharqad',' (Muslim)
'Aishah also reported: "I asked: 'What should I say when I pass by a graveyard, O Messenger of Allah?' He replied, 'Say, "Peace be upon the believing men and women dwelling here. May Allah grant mercy to those who have preceded us and those who are to follow them. Certainly, Allah willing, we will join you"'."
What some people do, like wiping hands over the graves and tombs, kissing them, and circumambulating around them are abominable innovations. Such things should not be done, for they are unlawful. These things are permissible, however, if performed in relation with the House of Allah, the Ka'abah, for Allah has so honored it. The grave of the Prophet, peace be upon him, cannot be considered a similar case, nor the tomb of a saint. All good comes from azherence to his example whereas all evil flows from innovating new things in religion.
Ibn al-Qayyim said: "The Prophet, peace be upon him, visited the graves to supplicate for their inhabitants, and to seek mercy and forgiveness of Allah for them. Contrary to this, the pagans supplicated to the dead, swearing by them, asking them for their needs, and seeking their support and help. Such pagan practices are in conflict with the guidance of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and his teachings about the Oneness of Allah and about the manner of supplicating for Allah's mercy for the dead. The people who do such things are guilty of polytheism; they are indulging in sin, and bringing evil to the deceased.They may be divided into three categories: those who supplicate for the deceased, those who supplicate through the deceased, and the third who supplicate to the deceased. They think that making supplications by a grave is better than in a mosque. For anyone who looks to the guidance of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, and his Companions, the distinction between the two cited positions is fairly obvious."
Volume 4, Page 85: Can Women Visit Graves Imam Malik and some Hanafi scholars, and, according to one report from Ahmad, most of the scholars hold it permissible for women to visit graves. This is based on the following hadith from 'Aishah, "What should I say to them, O Messenger of Allah when visiting graves?" As mentioned above Abdallah ibn Abi Mulaikah is also reported to have said, "Once 'Aishah returned after visiting the graveyard. I asked, 'O Mother of the Believers, where have you been?' She said: 'I went out to visit the grave of my brother Abd ar-Rahman.' I asked her: 'Didn't the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, prohibit visiting graves?' She said, 'Yes, he did forbid visiting graves during the early days, but later on he ordered us to visit them'." This is reported by Al-Hakim and Al-Baihaqi, who also remarked that this hadith was narrated only by Bistam bin Muslim al-Basri. Azh-Zhahabi said that it is a sound hadith.
Anas reported: "The Prophet, peace be upon him, saw a woman crying by the grave of her son, and said to her, 'Fear Allah, and be patient.' She replied, 'What do you care about my tragedy?' When he went away, someone told her, 'Indeed, that was the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. ' The woman felt extremely sorry and she immediately went to the Prophet's house, where she did not find any guards. She called out: 'O Messenger of Allah! I did not recognize you.' The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, 'Verily patience is needed at the time of the first affiction'.'' (Bukhari and Muslim) This supports the argument in favor of the permissibility of women visiting graves, for the Prophet, peace be upon him, saw her at the grave and did not show his disapproval of it.
The purpose of visiting graves is to remember the Hereafter, which is something that both men and women need. Men are by no means more in need of this reminder than women. Some scholars disliked it for women to visit graves as they are less patient and too emotional. The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "May Allah curse the women who are frequent visitors of the graves." (Reported by Ahmad, Ibn Majah, and Tirmizhi, who said that it is a sound hadith)
Al-Qurtubi said: "The curse mentioned in this hadith applies only to those women who visit graves frequently. The reason for this curse lies perhaps in the fact that it involves infringement of the rights of the husband, and leads to adornment and exhibition of their beauty to strangers, and shouting, yelling, and other similar things." It may be said that, "If no such harm is feared from women visiting graves, then there is no valid reason for preventing them from visiting graves, for indeed remembrance of death is something that both men and women equally need." Commenting on Al-Qurtubi's view, Ash-Shawkani said, "This statement may form the basis for reconciling apparently contradictory hadith."
A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone |
3485 Posts |
Posted - 07 Sep 2010 : 01:25:03
Hi Mawdo Momodou,
This is an excellent rejoinder, self-explanatory.
Thanks for going the extra mile on this.
Kind Regards, Yero. |
"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:
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