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 Costs of Containers and vans estimatly
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T-Road Gal

16 Posts

Posted - 08 Nov 2008 :  15:29:49  Show Profile Send T-Road Gal a Private Message
After beeing fooled so many times I just like to ask "again": Does anybody have the estimate prices of taking out 20ft and 40ft Containers in the Gambia! I also heard that I have to pay for the vans (LT28 and MB100) which I put inside the containers! Please, ones again needing your help!



3300 Posts

Posted - 10 Nov 2008 :  08:33:43  Show Profile Send jambo a Private Message
is from UK.
this is where the fun starts, you pay for the documentation, fees for storage, for unloading with a car there is a lot a paper work. both robert clare and redcoats have a good connection between UK and banjul, the problem is who will do the running around on the ground in gambia for you, who will go the port, inspect the cargo, stand there while they check list everything, who will unload and take it to its destination, this is time consuming and this is where it can go wrong.
also watch the rate of exchange.

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United Kingdom
202 Posts

Posted - 11 Nov 2008 :  23:30:11  Show Profile Send tapalapa a Private Message
Could members estimate how much it would cost to ship 1 x generator weighing 20kg from the UK to Banjul.

Someone has kindly offered to pay for this shipment cost

I also have about 600 boxes of natural soap (no animal fats) made out of palm oil/frankincense, ylang ylang, almond being shipped. I intend to set up local villagers with their own business selling these.They could also be shaved down to privde washing powder?
Any ideas for this venutre are welcome.

The soap factory I am involved with are interested in getting their palm oil source direct from Gambia so Im looking for contacts.

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4380 Posts

Posted - 11 Nov 2008 :  23:36:44  Show Profile Send kondorong a Private Message
There is no credible palm oil producerin the Gambia. Its imported mainly from Guniea Bissau. You stand a better chance of importing it yourself and it would be cheaper.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
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United Kingdom
202 Posts

Posted - 11 Nov 2008 :  23:54:44  Show Profile Send tapalapa a Private Message
Hi Kondorong

Thanks for your advice........

Could you clarify when you say I am better importing Palm Oil direct myself as this is what Im trying to do..........


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4380 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  00:25:45  Show Profile Send kondorong a Private Message
There is no palm oil producer for your type of business in the gambia. Palm oil is imported from Guninea Bissau. You can cut cost by eliminating the middleman and import from Bissau yourself.

The embassy in Bissau can help you with this.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
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3300 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  08:34:27  Show Profile Send jambo a Private Message
hi taps, SHIPPING

both redcoatand and robert clare charge by boxes, so you you have measure the length, width and height and then they will charge accordingly.


if it is air freight it will be £2.70 per kilo plus £25.00 admin fee (robet clare) in UK.
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3300 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  08:41:59  Show Profile Send jambo a Private Message
AS FOR THE SOAP BUSINESS, you can get palm oil in gambiam, it is the logisitics of getting from the farm to the market that is the big costs.
where is the factory to be based. my villagers are based in Niumi on the way to Roots (Albreda/juffreh) it can be sourced but to get anywhere adds on cots both financial, time and labour.
BUT STICK WITH IT. my problems lay with providing basic supplies and then the market dried up because the rate of exchange affects how much "spare money" they have, supply DEMAND etc.
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4380 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  17:12:49  Show Profile Send kondorong a Private Message

May be we are talking about a different Gambia. Palm oil sold in one liter bottles is no solution for an industrial soap making business. gambia does not have that large quantity. 95% of domestic consumption of palm oil is imported.

I am giving him a very honest advise. He cannot get a local supplier. Its avialable in Guniea Bissau. The poultry feed machine at Abuko closed beacuse Gambia does not have enough local corn to supply the mill. This is something i have good knowledge about. I have tried it and failed. I dont just want to raise his hopes in the face of reality.

Guinea Conakry has become a recent supplier of palm oil. If you want to know how the palm oil business works, go the fruit market in Serrekunda just behind the Mosque. You will find the importers there and may be you will be lucky to see the trucks that bring them into the country.

The place is locally called SANDI KA.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
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United Kingdom
202 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  18:25:42  Show Profile Send tapalapa a Private Message
Hi Jambo
They SOAP factory is based in the UK. They are curious to find out about importing palm oil direct as opposed to buying it in the UK

I SOAP factory give me their off chuts and I have about 100 boxes of it with about 50 bars of soaps in each, and a constant supply

Do members think it is worth importing these for local people to start their own soap selling business ? or am i "just taking coals to Newcastle" as the saying goes..

I really appreciate everyones comments so far

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4380 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  19:07:17  Show Profile Send kondorong a Private Message

I guess i am confused. Importing to where? Is this factory in Uk or are you talking of a factory in the Gambia? can you be more explicit?

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
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United Kingdom
202 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  19:25:07  Show Profile Send tapalapa a Private Message
Hi K
The Soap factory is based in the UK
I am shipping soap to the Gambia to set locals up in business selling it
The soap factory are interested in obtaining Palm oil direct from the Gambia to the UK

Hope this clarifies it

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4380 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  20:31:29  Show Profile Send kondorong a Private Message
There you go.

You can depend on a local suppliert at the Serrekunda Market who most likely will be buying it from Guinea Bissau.

However, one probllem will be faced is that palm oil is considered as a "Dangerous Good" in accordance with air travel rules and require special handling. Its most likely that you will not get a shipper to send it by air. Palm oil is a flammable liquid and therefore a hazard to air travel.

Just you know.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it--always.”
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3300 Posts

Posted - 13 Nov 2008 :  08:53:28  Show Profile Send jambo a Private Message
i think i get it, you are taking soap to gambia t ohelp with a soap making factory okay, business development.
but on the flip side you want to export palm oil.
is that correct.
How much are you looking to export.
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130 Posts

Posted - 24 Nov 2008 :  18:11:25  Show Profile  Visit admin's Homepage Send admin a Private Message
Reply author: tapalapa
Replied on: 15 Nov 2008 22:29:30

You got it Jambo - exactly. Im importing Soap to The Gambia and looking at sourcing Palm oil from Gambia to the UK

I am not sure how much Palm oil will be involved - i will get back to you.

What are your views about the benefits or otherwise of importing soap ?

Thanks for your interest



Reply author: shaka
Replied on: 18 Nov 2008 00:10:39

The route you are taking will cost you dearly. Unless you are a registered charity in both the UK and Gambia i would suggest you think about another alternative, because by the time the Tax Man in both country are done with you, you will be screaming blue murder. My advice is for you to register as a charity in the Gambia and set up a local factory with the village folks you want to help (who would be pleased to contribute free labour). I am sure soap had been made from palm products in the Gambia, don't waste your money on the services of a UK soap factory when you could make it a lot cheaper yourself and the beneficiaries of your charity. If you want to go large scale then consider Kondorong's source of supply, he knows what he is talking about.

The following links might help:


Reply author: jambo
Replied on: 18 Nov 2008 08:35:22

hi tps, lots of god advise, one of the main things you have to considered OUTSIDE OF THE TAX MAN, some inside hints and tips, BUT STILL LOOK AT YOUR IDEA FOR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT.
TRANSPORTS, from farm/plantation/land to road/port/airport, it can be a nightmare in logistics.
think about your own travelling within in gambia, to get goods from the farm to market takes time
then you have to pack it properly, not sure how you source plastic containers but you have to get them to the farm, or get the goods to the containers
look at time, how many man hours will you will you need.
what is the rate of exchange, if it costs 1,000 dls today what is that in $ or £ today and what will it be next week.
paperwork/administration, who will be the form filling person in gambia etc.
labelling very important in any export business.

BUT PERSERVE, where are you looking to be based in GAMBIA.
shaka, YOU ARE correct palm oil products are available in gambia but you have to source them property otherise they are diluted and mixed with other types of oils.


Reply author: kaanibaa
Replied on: 18 Nov 2008 15:30:06

Please note also that there is an etablished soap factory in operation in the Kanifing Industrial Estates to wit Sankung Sillah's Factory, this might have to be taken into consideration especially as you would have to show the investment control agency who ever it may be that you are bringing in a viable business which would not simply interupt a sound business in place.At times the competition could create stumbling blocks on your part , a sure way of protecting their investment.I suggest you talk to the Ministry of trade or other business groupings to be sure that you do not get any blockade of the so nice idea of starting a new soap venture.I hope I was able to get my point across,just a thought shared ;peace.


Reply author: kondorong
Replied on: 18 Nov 2008 17:52:22


I forgot about SanKung Sillah's factory. I like his "Kumbija" brand. Very good and top quality.


Reply author: shaka
Replied on: 18 Nov 2008 22:43:25

Na Kebba don't frighten the poor lady. Sankung Sillah need not worry about Tapalapa's planned philanthropy because i don't think she is planning to operate at industrial level. If Sankung Sillah wants to worry about competition, it best reserverve its worries at the thousands of tonnes of cheap soap imported from China every year. If Tapalapa wants to help the village folks in the Gambia she need not give them fish all the time but to provide avenues and means for them to fish for a living. Like i said before, soap had been made from palm products at local level in the Gambia for many deacades before Sankung Sillah or the defunct GPMB before it, industrialised soapmaking. Setting up a small local soap "factory" for a village community to make their own soap to sell is a laudable idea. You are making both Tapalapa and Sankung Sillah worry over nothing now.

Originally posted by kaanibaa

Please note also that there is an etablished soap factory in operation in the Kanifing Industrial Estates to wit Sankung Sillah's Factory, this might have to be taken into consideration especially as you would have to show the investment control agency who ever it may be that you are bringing in a viable business which would not simply interupt a sound business in place.At times the competition could create stumbling blocks on your part , a sure way of protecting their investment.I suggest you talk to the Ministry of trade or other business groupings to be sure that you do not get any blockade of the so nice idea of starting a new soap venture.I hope I was able to get my point across,just a thought shared ;peace.



Reply author: kaanibaa
Replied on: 18 Nov 2008 22:49:30

I would not want to scare any one trying to help our brethren back home, i just thought he needs to study the needs before making such a move. Any way good luck to Tapa , if he feels that venturing into such a field without proper feasibilty studies is prudent, that is for him to decide. I just contributed my thoughts on the matter without any prejudice or ill will .


Reply author: shaka
Replied on: 18 Nov 2008 23:08:34

See, you are looking for trouble now. The lady is is signing off as Helen and you are calling her a "he and him". You better watch your back now. Anyway i hope you did not construe my comment in a negative light because it is certainly not. She asked for ideas about her venture and i am sure she will appreciate your inputs, which by the way i did not discount by any means.

Originally posted by kaanibaa

I would not want to scare any one trying to help our brethren back home, i just thought he needs to study the needs before making such a move. Any way good luck to Tapa , if he feels that venturing into such a field without proper feasibilty studies is prudent, that is for him to decide. I just contributed my thoughts on the matter without any prejudice or ill will .


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United Kingdom
202 Posts

Posted - 22 Jan 2009 :  20:10:05  Show Profile Send tapalapa a Private Message

The cost of sending a 40ft container is £2,750 to the shipper, plus customs taxes on arrival in banjul............approx £800

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