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Posted - 26 Oct 2007 :  17:44:06  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message

We have been focusing on Politics in this column and that motivates us to follow the narration of events from pre-colonial to post-independence era.
The objective is to show that the independence that was fought by our fathers such as Edward Francis Small and colleagues was to usher in a democratic state. This also means that as an independent state, each citizen should be sovereign with an obligation to exercise his or her right and conscience in making an independent decision for the good of her country.
The struggle that continued to be waged in the first republic Gambia, and even now was, is to free the individual by way of education and enlightenment from what Barbara Goodwin called ‘obeying the sovereign however tyrannical’
In her book, Goodwin quoting from Locke said Locke located the origin of the government in a state of nature but as he said that was a peaceful, semi-civilized state; that for greater security of their life, liberty, and estate; men consented to form a political community. The result of this contract was a government whose duty was to protect and further their interests. The people however would remain sovereign.
So the battle that was waged in the late 1980s was an attempt to help the individual to discover his or her individuality and the rights and obligations attached to it so as to take her rightful place in the democratic process of her country.

In the last issue we have stopped where we said it was at this time that a clandestine publication was discovered in circulation against the PDOIS, captioned, ‘A Banjul Political Observer Writes To Enlighten Public On PDOIS.’

Let us continue from where we stopped.

The first paragraph of the clandestine publication reads as thus; “The emergence of a new so-called political party in the Gambia’s Political history to pose as “lawyers” “journalists,” “intellectuals,” “writers” and “educationists| for the Gambian people does really pose some pertinent questions on the mental well-being of the antagonist of this party bearing the name PDOIS which in every respect means ‘peoples Devilish Organization for the insane and the senile.”
“The writers of PDOIS will never hesitate to express a very high degree of idiocy saying that PDOIS is too clean to engage in such dirty tricks”etc., that Gambians need not worry much about moon Tiger or other mosquito-repellents to be free from noises created by the PDOIS.

The sad fact about these lost brothers is that they are now bothering on three inter-related forms of detachment from the society—neurosis, psychosis and schizophrenia. Nobody really knows what the members of this party are. They claim to be politicians whilst at the same time reading the lawyers gown even though they are not recognised by the Bar Association. They claim to be intellectuals distributing all kinds of incomprehensible verbiage. They now claim to be journalists by running a so-called paper when they cannot even justify any of their claims they make.

All that is needed is a small cage; remember there are more people in a Renault 4 Taxi than the PDOIS members. It would be better to take them to where they belong and then carry on with some psychiatric treatment on them.

The Foroyaa, which was the organ of PDOIS, commented that the PPP government dominated the National media. They could have called PDOIS to debate issues there instead of hiding behind insults to cover-up their emptiness; that PDOIS was ever ready to debate with the PPP on all fundamental issues such as the budget, the SeneGambia Confederation and so on. They cited PDOIS’ performance at the National Conference on Education, which they said confirms PDOIS’ capacity to lead this country. They encouraged the PPP to invite PDOIS for debate on any fundamental issue to clarify matters. They however said the fact that their friend or friends had to hide to criticize them confirms PDOIS’ intellectual competence. They expressed hope that Mr. Pesseh Njie MP, and leader of the PPP agents and a Mr. Jome would write to dissociate themselves from Mr. No name’s infantile publication. This surprised many because this was the first time a clandestine leaflet was seen circulating in town against an opposition party in the Gambia.

Despite all the exposures through leaflets and Newspapers and rallies, the practice continued unabated. A representative of PDOIS had to go and see the Deputy supervisor of elections headlong on several occasions to get him to stop the PPP Agents from issuing claim forms, but he could not be made to act.
A letter was again written to the supervisor of elections copied to the president, the vice president, the minister of Justice and the Deputy supervisor of elections warning the supervisor that if he failed to act they would take further steps to expose his negligence of responsibility.
According to Foroyaa instead of acting, the electoral office issued out a statement broadcast over Radio Gambia distorting their views.
According to the electoral office statement over Radio Gambia, PDOIS was objecting to the presence of PPP Agents at the registration Centres who they claimed were merely assisting illiterates to fill forms issued by the registering officers. According to Foroyaa, this was a naked lie. How could they object to the presence of PPP Agents at the registration Centres when their own Agents were present in all Centres? Foroyaa asked.
By September 30th, PDOIS Representatives joined their Agents at the McCarthy Square where registration was taken place with the objective to prove that the electoral office was indeed telling lies; that PDOIS Release of The 14th September was accurate or truthful.
Unbeknown to the PPP Agents, the PDOIS Executive had invited independent observers to witness the scene. Many people were around at the center and the PPP Agents were busy issuing out claim forms as usual. According to Foroyaa the Registering officer was helpless. The PDOIS representatives stood their ground and told the PPP Agents that the electoral office had already been spreading lies that no political party was issuing forms. They insisted that the practice had to cease.

The PPP MP for Banjul central, Hon. Ebrima Pesseh Njie said,’loolu duul la’ in wollof,’ meaning’ that is ****.’ meaning the unlawful practice of issuing claim forms would not cease. Foroyaa commented that the phrase was laughable because the PPP representatives thought that they were above the law. According to the PDOIS they are too clean to respond to such vulgar language; that all they were interested was to see that the law prevailed.
Somehow the police were also around observing the whole scene. According to Foroyaa as the tension grew the PPP Agents adviced the MP to leave the scene probably to avoid embarrassment knowing that the police were coming, which he instantly did. Foroyaa observed that few minutes after his departure, new police reinforcement arrived and questioned the PDOIS Agents who explained that all they wanted was to prove that the statement from the electoral office contained nothing but lies and further put a stop to the PPP Agents unlawful practice of issuing claim forms. The police officers assured the PDOIS after receiving confirmation from the registering officer that no political party was allowed to issue claim forms that the practice was going to cease.
The question is, why was the electoral office siding with the PPP Agents’ unlawful practice up to issuing false statement to misinform the public? The Foroyaa asked.

According to Foroyaa it was proven that the electoral office was telling blatant lies. They analyzed that three options existed before the government to restore public confidence in such an important office. Ie.1. Allow PDOIS to issue out a statement over the air to state facts, which would give Radio Gambia an independent appearance.2. The electoral office could be made to re-track its statement or 3. The Authorities could dismiss the liar or dishonest person who issued the false statement.

See next edition of Focus as we shed light on issues leading to the year 1988 registration.

Source: Foroyaa Newspaper Burning Issue
Issue No. 126/2007, 26 – 28 October 2007

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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