One of the most challenging questions that any can raise in our era would be which route to take- Freedom or Slavery ?
That's why nations and humans all over the world want to be independent. We saw the struggle of Americans to be free from a British rule, and the same for South Africa. We certainly know slavery hurts, and it is truly disgusting, but any that is with their true mental faculty should stay away from being enslaved or enslaving others.
Freedom would mean being "free", and slavely means "not free". Now, lets look at these two, not in Shakespeare's or some Lincoln's context, but the undoubtable fact about it. "Freedom" like the free air, for humans have a barrier or a stop line drawn, which is it's limits. Everyone is "free", in as much as you are not covered up in garments of slavery.
Categories of slavery *slavery of the mind/mental slavely: This is where your ability to think on your own is being tampered with, as such it become bro. Malcolm's famous joke "The master is sick, so we are all sick in the house." This is the slavery practiced by dictatorship Gov'ts and tyrants, worse still people who believe in underestimating others' ability . *Physical slavery: This is where a human is a used tool for another human, in which case, he sings and dances by tone, without calculation of leaps and bounds. This is one of the oldest slavery of our time, and most recentlly as observed in Sudan and Mauritania. This is the slavery practiced by kings, traditional rulers etc..
Though, mental slavery is worst to my imagination, but physical slavery like the one practised during the slavery era is both unforgiveable and unforgettable.
Every man of true conscience should avoid being in either the defensive or offensive of slavery, because slavery is not right. Sometimes we cannot blame those enslaved or about to be enslaved, because they are keeping a trust, secondary to not being able to sense the big rope that is about to be put on their neck. No one should be lazy to be "free", and any price that your freedom will cost you, please go in for it. Freedom doesn't mean fighting, or some push and pull though it creates a state of freeness and and reference to comparisons.
We know people get enslaved because they are *powerless, in which they are overpowered in their rights. *poor, as in no jobs, where they would depend on people for their survival whom they will turn to demi-gods. *lacken in knowhow, where in what they know cannot compete the standard. *Sick, where in they are sponsored or fed, and inturn used tools *affiliates of certain groups, tribes or organisations *Subordinates or employees of organisations, where in the boss have the over say, regardless of good reasoning or not.
Now, we know from the authobiography of Frederick Douglas, that freedom have to be sought for. When Frederick's master said to his wife "when you give ***** a penny, they take a dime.", and nothing could be a truer statement. When Douglas had an encounter with his master and swept him to the ground with slaps, then he was a free man, free through virginia, newyork, to canada then to Europe.
E.g:When i was going to high school, i observed two friends. One was from a rich family, and the other was my type, a comfortable villager. The one from the rich family always used the advantage of his father's wealth to intimidate the other, by sending him on errands, forcing him on things, and even not respecting his side of things. The poor friend had to live with this state of slavery because of the money and food benefits he was getting from him. But that things changed later, when Jawara's Gov't was overthrown, and the poor boy already get a job at the MRC, while some compounds were seized by the Gov't, and there now the game changed.
Prayer adopted from professor Quinton Cummings, during his assembly prayers.
God give us men, and real men. men, men, men who will not die. Men, men, men who will live for ever. Men, men, men who will not enslave us. men, men, men who will not be enslaved...ameen.
D end
My respect for sedat Jobe that he tendered his resignation when he was about to be enslaved, and he saw the hang before it got to him. He can raise his head and hands anytime.