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Sister Omega

United Kingdom
2085 Posts |
Posted - 05 Aug 2006 : 18:54:22
Njucks those records you are referring to are by no means comprehensive in most cases they don't contain the surnames or locations of where the slaves were taken from apart from exceptions like the Ball family records who describe the slaves on therir plantations. The ship records mainly date ,geographical area of embarkment disimbarkment,numbers aboard the ship,Captain and finaners names.
Definition of Holocaust from Oxford English Dictionary - 1. slaughter or destruction on a mass scale i.e. Jews under the nazi's in WW1!2.historical a Jewish scarifical offering burnt on an altar.
With the above definitons both of geneocide and holocaust the main difference between them is semantics, As for the second definition can also be used as a metaphor and in alot of recorded cases in the US where Africans were literally burnt in the form of lynching both during and after slavery.
The methods of torture and mass murder perpetrated against Africans and later Jews may have been different both are indeed crimes against humanity.
The treatment meted out to the African and then justified by their European masters were that they were not human beings and therefore such acts were justifible was systematic. So was the gasing of the Jews and Gypsies under the Nazi's. Don't forget Njucks the Nazi kept records to of the Jews in their concentration camps, they also had a record of their occupations and assets under the yellow star system.
So what exactly is the point you are trying to make both acts of genocide were systematic and organised, both were deliberate, neither of these atorcities exteminated these races but left a terrible scare on humanity and the sheer number and length of enslavement of African people by Arabs Europeans and Africans from 10th Century to present day far exceed the total numbers of white Jews from 1939-1945.
Sister Omega
Peace Sister Omega |
Edited by - Sister Omega on 05 Aug 2006 18:58:44 |
1131 Posts |
Posted - 05 Aug 2006 : 19:40:29
quote: Originally posted by Njucks
........what this topic refers to was the organised systematic removal of people from the African continent from the 16-19th centurty to the american continent.
Originally posted by Sister Omega
......So what exactly is the point you are trying to make both acts of genocide were systematic and organised, both were deliberate,
i guess you realise we are saying the same thing, then i think its fair to say its not farcical????
i cannot accept that it was is inappropriate. and i dont think the argument is about a scale of human barbarism, its not a question of who suffered most jews or africans??
United Kingdom
3091 Posts |
Posted - 05 Aug 2006 : 22:02:48
I agree, its not a competition!!
The impact of what happened to the Jews was very intense, because it was over a very short time period. Also because for Westerners it was hapening on their doorstep. I worked with a German lady who said to me as a child she can remember hearing screams of people being dragged away in the night. It is in living memory. There are still people walking round with the branding from the camps on their arms. Also because it was one man putting into place a systematic plan of pure evil to destroy a group of human beings.
Slaves were seen as part of the economy and they enabled people to amass fortunes through their enforced free labour. All the deaths were essentially a BI PRODUCT of the system and wasn't the main INTENTION. I am not an apologist from slavery in any way, but I think that is how it differs from the way Jews were treated under Hilter. Also, it is further away in time and it was further away from Europe geographically too. Also there were some essentially nice people who had slaves, because socially it was the thing to do if you were wealthy at the time. Whereas Hilter was EVIL.
I have visited a rice plantation in Sount Carolina USA and I have seen the slave houses. It made me cry. Mans inhumanity to man. People were PROUD to have slaves as a symbol of how rich they were. The slave houses (a bit like horse stables) were built on show at the front of the house so the neigh bours could see!!! AWFUL!
I want to go to Georgetown to see where slaves would have taken their last steps on African soil. 
I also want to visit aushwitz (spelling?) I think ALL the people that perished in both these terrible man made catastrophes deserve to be remembered. We need to remember what humans are capable of doing to each other.
As I said before Sister Omega, it is not a competition. |

3300 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2006 : 19:08:19
slavery was seen as economic, they never set out to kill africans and wipe the race off the earth. It was all about money. the Jewish holocaust was a systematic plan to "rid the world of Jews", i would not put them together. The only time they should be classed are under the headings MAN AGAINST MAN, cruelty. Unfortunately for modern society the legacy of this two acts lives on today. |

1295 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 03:43:01
There is no god but Allah |
Sister Omega

United Kingdom
2085 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 11:56:44
This thread is about Emanicipation day honouring millions of African enslaved Ancestors. I don't necessarily expect people whose ancestors weren't enslaved to have empathy with this event. This thread went on a tangent as threads tend to do here on the bantabaa. However the initial thread was to illuminate and inform people about Emanicipation Day of African enslaved people in the British Empire on 1st August 1834. For me and others like myself born of African Descendant it gives us the opportunity to remember our forebears and give thanks that they survived the horrors of slave days or Dark Ages in the African Story, so that their descendent could live on today. So in that vain I remember my Ancestors and all the others who survived our Holocaust.
Peace Sister Omega |
Peace Sister Omega |
Edited by - Sister Omega on 07 Aug 2006 12:06:15 |
United Kingdom
3091 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 12:38:26
What is done to rememberthe people that didnt survive? Is that done on the same day or on a different day? |
Sister Omega

United Kingdom
2085 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 13:07:51
We naturally remember those who perished and those who survived in the same event.
The African Union official endorsement of Emancipation Day
Sister Omega |
Peace Sister Omega |
1131 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 13:43:00
descendant or not we are all affected and there is nothing wrong with reminding us of E. day. |

3300 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 14:50:29
sister omega, once again the forum was hi-jacked, as descendents of slaves i hope members of the bantaba did take a moment out to remember our history. i will look at thread. regards jambo |
United Kingdom
3091 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 16:34:33
Surely it is important for us ALL to remember, not just the descendants? There is a plaque to William WIlberforce in York that I walk past every time I park my car and I think about slavery everytime I walk past it. |

3300 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 16:52:25
definately, it would be nice if more people remembered. |

Western Samoa
462 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 21:46:54
Yes, Sister Omega you are right to bring us back and in focus. Its an important day for remembering the sufferings brought on by slavery. Its also a good way indirectly to educate others who were not directly effected. This day can also inspire many who continue to be enslaved to seek their freedom and support those who continue to be living in slavery. |

Western Samoa
462 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2006 : 21:48:55
My English not always so good Monday morning... ;) Being a supporter of people is what I meant.  |
Sister Omega

United Kingdom
2085 Posts |
Posted - 08 Aug 2006 : 13:38:00
I think we have a conscenus here that Emanicipation Day should be remembered by all. To make people aware of the significance of the day by exploring the issue of slavery and to stop contemporary slavery which is still in now.
Sister Omega |
Peace Sister Omega |
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