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 NRP 2013 End of Year Press Conference
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Posted - 04 Jan 2014 :  03:51:26  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
1. Opposition NRP holds end of year press conference

Published on Friday, 03 January 2014 By Muhammad Bah

The National Reconciliation Party (NRP) held its end of year press conference on Tuesday the 31st December 2013. NRP delegates in other parts of the country including the National Assembly Member Hon. Samba Jallow, Niamina East constituency were present. The Secretary General of the Party Hamat N.K. Bah took the opportunity to congratulate all Gambians of all political divide for their political maturity exhibited during the past year and further pleaded with all Gambians for continuous reconciliation; political, religious, and tribal tolerance; and above all unconditional love and respect for one another in the year just about to begin.

He congratulates the press for its continuous and remarkable work and hopes the relationship in the interest of national interest would be maintained during the current year. Mr. Bah speaking at the conference said the year 2013 though a peaceful year had failed to produce the desired result all Gambians in the opposition expected, i.e. a united opposition speaking and acting with one voice and taking up the challenges to restore democracy, human rights and rule of law in our dear motherland.

He said as parties registered to operate on democratic principles they would never be able to succeed without engaging in the democratic process and engage the APRC rash to rash. He said his party the NRP called for engagement to expose the weaknesses of the APRC and the electoral commission to further intensify the struggles for genuine electoral reforms, he opined.

Hamat N.K Bah said the difference in principles between his party and other opposition parties does not close NRP’s doors for any further genuine political collaboration with NRP in the interest of the nation.

He said for them they are not divided as their politics suggests that with common effort and common purpose, with passion and dedication, they can move on to the future with new a spirit of patriotism, service and responsibility where all of them are resolved to work harder and look after each other.

Mr. Bah went further to note that the NRP’s purpose is not just to hold political office but to work with all patriotic and dedicated Gambians here and abroad to transform our dear nation, fight for justice and opportunities for all.

“The NRP is resolute and will work passionately and unrelentingly for the goal of freedom, rule of law, democracy and good governance and will never despair or feel that the cause of righteousness and justice is doomed,” said the NRP leader. He said they have realised that while freedom is a gift from God, it must be secured on earth.

Mr. Bah, NRP Secretary General said, the Gambia remains a young nation but in the words of the scripture “the time has come to set aside childish things and re- affirm our enduring spirit to choose our better history and carry forward that precious gift and noble idea passed on from generation to generation.”

He said the God given promise that all are equal, free and deserve a chance to pursue their full measures of happiness and in re- affirming the greatness of our nation. He said that greatness we fail to understand is not given on a silver plate but to be earned. Mr. Bah then sent a message to his party supporters, sympathizers and all peace loving people of the Gambia, that 2013 had been a year of disappointment as opposition unity is concerned.

Therefore he said starting from the 2014 let them pick themselves up, dust themselves off and begin again the work of remaking The Gambia. He said for everything that is looked, there is work to be done and the state of the economy calls for action, bold and swift, create new jobs and to lay a new foundation for growth.

He expressed that there is the need to transform our schools and colleges and university to meet demands of the new age and those who manage the public Dalasi should be held to account and spend wisely and reform bad habits to do business in transparent and accountable way.

He said that is the only solution the country can restore vital trust between the government and the people.

Finally, Bah said as the year 2014 is just about to begin, the NRP sincerely urges all patriotic citizens of the Gambia to join them in “this improbable quest, feeling destiny, calling and seeing.” He said they see a future of endless possibilities structuring before them. He said that the time is now to shake off their slumber and slough off their fear and make good on the debt they owe of both the past and future generation.

He said the NRP undoubtedly is ready as ever before, to work with the people to finish the work that needs to be done and usher in a new birth of freedom in our dear motherland.

He took the opportunity to announce the NRP national convention to be held on 8 May 2014 and said very shortly they would be embarking on a nationwide tour to consolidate their political gain on the ground, he concludes.

Source: Foroyaa

2. Hamat Bah’s ( NRP) New Year’s Press Statement attacks the Victims – The Gambia People and Opposition to Dictator Jammeh - By: Kaba Sallah

Hamat Bah of the NRP must be suffering from either Stockholm Syndrome or he simply cannot bear the recent successes and preemptive moves by the opposition, following a successful rally against the brutal Dictator Jammeh. After mustering some courage to come for what was supposed to be a Press Conference, Hamat Bah turned his remarks into a full frontal, and scathing attack against what the opposition “failed to achieve in 2013“. This man will not cease to amaze, eh , naa waa oo! Blaming the battered wife for not being cooperative enough to the abusive husband, is tantamount to blaming the victim for the severe beating!

It is astonishing, that as a purported opposition leader, not once did Bah attack the policies of the Jammeh Dictatorship. How come Bah did not vociferously attack the wholesale Human rights abuses, the economic crimes, and the wholesale and wanton loot he is committing with his wives, with impunity? How come Hamat Bah, in his press statement, he failed to seize on the opportunity to tell the Gambian people that Jammeh owns luxury homes in some of the exclusive places on the face of the earth while people cannot afford a bag of rice, or pay their children school ? Not to mention that there is no functioning public bus transportation, or school buses.....

Source: & full report

3. Related Bantaba Gambian politics topic Why Opposition Failed Desired Results 2013?

Edited by - kobo on 04 Jan 2014 03:56:35
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