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Posted - 02 Nov 2013 :  15:57:51  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message

Foroyaa Editorial: Published on Friday, 01 November 2013

The head line news in the media in Europe is the revelation that even the phone of the German Chancellor is tapped by US National Security Agency. This confirms that there is no privacy of conversation in the world today as long as one speaks over a mobile phone or use the internet. It means that those using the internet are now at the mercy of their service providers who could do anything they want with the information that passes through them to reach those it is intended for.Service providers could do anything with information channelled through them.
This means that the social media could be subjected to all sorts of manipulation to paint pictures that do not exist. Hence instead of clarity, confusion becomes the order of the day. The most vulnerable are the young people. They are just starting their lives and are on facebook which record the things they say for a lifetime even after they had changed.
There is need to look into the social implications of the social media and help young people make the right decisions on the type of image they want to keep for a life time in the media.
African leaders should also find out whether they are immune to surveillance or are also being tracked. Sooner or later the only sure way of living is to live as if one is in a transparent house where every action is visible to the naked eye.
When there is nothing to hide, there will be no need for surveillance. Until then no one is immune.

Source: Foroyaa

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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