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11665 Posts

Posted - 20 Aug 2013 :  20:45:05  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message

by Salifu Touray in LRR

The Observer: Published on Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Senegalese oil tanker marked IVECO with registration number TH3411D Sunday caused a massive oil spillage at the Bambatenda-Yelitenda ferry crossing point in Lower River Region, creating some environmental concerns among the authorities and local dwellers in the area.
Eye witnesses have told the Daily Observer that the spillage occurred after the Rear Sheal cover of the tanker knocked the ferry ram while disembarking, thus causing the massive leakage.

Speaking in an interview with this reporter shortly after the incident, the governor of the region, Lamin Darboe, described it as unfortunate. He said bags of sand were put in place at the river shores to minimise the spillage of the heavy oil into the water.

The regional disaster management coordinator in LRR, Lamin Saidy, explained that his team together with the governor was on the ground to conduct a rapid assessment of the situation.

“The tanker was carrying approximately 25-30,000 liters of oil, all of which have spilled around the terminal and in the river,” he told the Daily Observer, while indicating that efforts were made to mitigate the situation.

He however stated that urgent clean up exercise is still needed so as to reduce the impact of the spillage.

Source: Daily Observer

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone


12306 Posts

Posted - 21 Aug 2013 :  10:29:15  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
Accidental? or, maybe someone working on the tanker or the docking point made an catastrophic error, or maybe, it was a person or relative of a Gambian who holds a prominent position in Gambian society,this person who had been given a job,had no idea what to do ,had NEVER been given the CORRECT training therefore totally unsuitable,to have such responsibility.
I should have thought that the responsible ministry for rivers and fisheries would have wanted to know how the incident happened so they could ensure such a thing never happens again.
The D.O. makes no mention of an enquiry into this incident, strange that.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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