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 UN: African Renewable Energy Projects Stagnating
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11665 Posts

Posted - 27 Jan 2013 :  11:53:09  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message
UN: African Renewable Energy Projects Stagnating Due to Investment Risk

By Anthony DiPaola, Bloomberg
17. januar 2013

Dubai -- Africa is lagging the rest of the world in obtaining funds for renewable energy projects because development banks aren't assuming enough of the political risk of working there, United Nations officials said.

Investors need more guarantees that their projects won’t suffer losses from political or legal changes in Africa’s poorest nations, said Mohamed El-Ashry, a senior fellow at the United Nations Foundation. International institutions should shoulder more of those risks, said Achim Steiner, executive director of the UN Environment Program.

“Funding for renewable energy in parts of Africa is not working,” Steiner said at the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi. “Public private partnerships are not working because of too much risk on the private investors.”

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A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone


12306 Posts

Posted - 27 Jan 2013 :  16:27:07  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
“Public private partnerships are not working because of too much risk on the private investors.”

Very true, Why,? because of endemic personal greed factors within the make up of MOST of the countries in Africa.

Why do investors want to invest in Africa ? again simple, to make money for themselves and the risks of failure and loss of their money in most of Africa is too great.

Will it change ? NO.

Will anybody bother to confirm or deny what I have written?I doubt it.
Will anybody want to carry on discussing this topic,I doubt it.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 28 Jan 2013 00:23:17
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11665 Posts

Posted - 29 Jan 2013 :  08:37:13  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message
The Chinese are taking a chance.

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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12306 Posts

Posted - 29 Jan 2013 :  10:11:01  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
I agree,also the Indians,the fact still remains that NAWEC I feel has a vested interest in trying to stagnate what it must see as "free" power,they ,NAWEC have spent large amounts of money in "smart" meters that ensure customers who want an electricity supply pay up front for it, a cashpower meter I understand that for a single household is running at about D6000 PLUS any electricity that the customer wants to buy such an expenditure for the average Gambian is by no means "chicken change".
I understand that for a fully fitted up and running solar system with PV panels would run to around D50000,that's a heavy initial outlay but not an unreasonable cost for "free" electricity for years to come,such a system is said to run a fridge TV fan and lights.
In Gambia the fact remains that the vast majority of the population cannot afford to have an electric supply,because they have no money and no jobs,result standstill. all plus VAT of course

Originally posted by Momodou

The Chinese are taking a chance.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 29 Jan 2013 10:15:00
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12306 Posts

Posted - 15 Feb 2013 :  12:54:57  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
Has someone in NAWEC actually realised that world resources are running out and that in order to conserve those resources renewable energy is the way to go it appears that someone, if not NAWEC, has and given the green light to NAWEC's involvement.

Note, that information on this has been available since 2009

"He further stated that ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is a dedicated centre, which was earlier established by ECOWAS Commission in 2009, mainly to mitigate barriers for increased deployment and applications of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the ECOWAS Region, with the centre based in Cape Verde.

Noting that the result of the project would be used to judge NAWEC, he said, the launched project is the first of its kind to be awarded to NAWEC.

He called on the management of NAWEC, to ensure effective, timely report and efficient implementation of the project. "

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 15 Feb 2013 12:56:29
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