[In his introductory remarks Alieu Ceesay Campaign Officer CHRG-UK described the meeting as timely to discussed the continous human rights challenges in Gambia. We hope to build on this momentum to continue to engage with the international community to prioritise the Gambia situation and through the European Union, pressure is being brought to bear on the Gambian Government to adhere to international laws on human rights and freedom of speech that the country has signed up to.’ Amnesty International Ayodele Ameen called for action from the international community noting Gambia must adhere to the international laws it has signed.]
Please feel free to send rejoinders/observations to editor@gainako.com. Gainako team in its entirity is much appreciative for the well researched contributions and helping focus on the things that matter for the sinking Gambia. If you are unable to write, join us on the radio as time permits.
The struggle continues!!
Best of 2013,
"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (: