To steal the glory and respect bestowed on Baba Leigh, Yaya Jammeh decided to keep him out of contact thereby denying his congregation and entire Gambia benefit from vast knowledge that the eloquent Imam so generously shares with society. Baba Leigh is one of the most humble Gambian scholars. He is kind and responsive to social duty beyond the call.
Cutting the long story short, Yaya Jammeh holds bitter jealousy against Baba Leigh for selfish reasons. Baba Leigh on his part will not even discuss Yaya Jammeh as person of any significance. He addresses issues. Jammeh's many misconducts are linked to issues that any genuine truth advocate could not keep tight lips over. Does that mean Baba Leigh targeting Jammeh? Of course not.
Yaya Jammeh in his gluttonous psyche wants to steal everything from everybody including people's good names. Unfortunately Jammeh's own name is so badly tarnished that even after stealing all the good possessions and ghost names, he stays filthy unclean. Jammeh you must produce Baba Leigh from wherever your secret killer operatives handed him.
Imam Baba Leigh is not a victim but hero of people. Out of this nightmare, he will emerge the giant above crooked dwarf Yaya Jammeh. Imam's good deeds will shine on till end of time. Yaya Jammeh deserves to be condemned by all righteous and humane. There is no occasion to appeal for release of Imam Baba Leigh. Jammeh is responsible for any harmful encounter meted out to the people's Imam of very high honour. Long live Imam Baba Leigh. Shame on Jammeh for all the disgrace through his thick fingers of destruction.
"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (: