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3485 Posts |

3485 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jan 2013 : 01:57:40
"On the contrary Sidia was later proven to be an absolute hobgolin,hoitytoity, dictator and a tyrannt, seeking for a mere glory and self recognition. He is nothing but a holligan, without political foresight. He is a panjandrum, and hocuspocus teetotaller. He is not the type of leader I am looking for. He is ambitious for money and popularity. Infact I dont trust him any more, and surely many will follow me if really they are members who love the Gambia and not for egocentricity. For several times I have asked him to send me his profile and educational qualifications so that I know who is leading me, which he has never done. I have told him several times to avoid press on sensitive matters, he refused. I have told him to make sure his press releases are vetted before publications he never concur with me. I have asked him why did he write and published the constitution that is to be used by the Gambians if their is a political turn over, he could not explain, He kept giving Gambians velvet promises, which I asked him to stop, because Gambians are very sensitive to issues and are very much aware just that they are very meticulous with issues, he does not accept, I told him any day you said some thing that is not correct I will keep you at arms legth. Now fellow Gambians, is this type of leadership we are looking for?NOOO! Some will find my words axiomatic,luminous and didatic, while others will find them vapid,pestiferous and adnauseam, but lets give it time and see if he is the type, Gambians are looking for. sidia is sleeping in his house in france and telling Gambians he is in the Gambia. His wife just gave birth to a baby girl three day back and he was with the wife at the hospital how can he tell Gambians that he is in the Gambia? what a fallacious statement. H e gave president yaya Jammeh an ultimatum twice and failed without our notice and consent. Hon. Bamba Mass was trying to cover him up in his interview with Gainako because Bamba Mass knows him to the finger tip, but I will not conceal him an atom."Alhajie Nyabally
"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:

3485 Posts |
Posted - 07 Jan 2013 : 02:26:32
Updates on CNTG: Bayo Fired from CNTG
Best Regards, Yero
"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:

3485 Posts |
Posted - 07 Jan 2013 : 04:12:43
This is a very interesting moment. Bayo fires back to his former ministers.
Who got the whistle guys?? We need a fair referee.
Good night!
"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:
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