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 Imam Baba Leigh: The Compassionate Letter
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Posted - 19 Dec 2012 :  16:54:24  Show Profile  Visit Dalton1's Homepage Send Dalton1 a Private Message
Imam Baba Leigh: The Compassionate Letter


I am personally glad to see many continuing to add their voices on Imam Baba Leigh. As of yesterday, a friend updated me that the Imam is hospitalized and families/friends are not allowed to see him. It is suspicious to say the least. While we have heard conflicting theories about him being tortured or not, I am getting more worried about the Imam's fate. I don't trust Jammeh and his terror administration. That is not because I despise them. It is because their track record is what I go by. Moreover, a citizen arrested and kept incomminicadoo without being charged within the constitution's stipulation is a serious violation of his right. That is torture in no small way. The Gambia has come to live under a horrible nightmare and it is time for all citizens to make their voices heard by which ever means available to them.

Please pass around this letter from Habib and you can possibly inspire thousand others.

Best regards,


"There is no god but Allah (SWT); and Muhammad (SAW)is His last messenger." shahadah. Fear & Worship Allah (SWT) Alone! (:
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