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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2012 :  19:52:36  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
Harken the call of revolt
Steep in reddish hue
Yet promising all the colors of the rainbow
That beautiful natural display
We all wonder at and love
Within reach if one dares
Yet out of reach to the weak hearted

Tahrir beckoned the suffering Arabs
Who rallied to the call
Summoning courage in the face
Of raging bullets teargas and terror
Unleashed to stiffle the movement
Yet the wall come crumbling down
Heraldic moments of freedom anew
That raged through the mediterranean

Yeah it was a huge awakening
Rude to the crude and cruel despots
Who rule with iron fists
Till their call was answered in kind
That is a bugle blown for the rest of their ilk
To rest their purile paws
And let freedom reign supreme
Deaf to this call
Some would cling onto power
Hoping the wind blowing
Would pass them by
Perhaps it would do so
But if it does come onto their path
Doom is what awaits them
Like chaff in a mighty gale
To be confined to the dustbins of history
Forever in oblivion and hell!

Edited by - kaanibaa on 01 Mar 2012 01:42:30


11644 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2012 :  21:25:42  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message
Nothing lasts for ever. Ours is that,everyone expects someone else to chew the pepper.

Thanks for sharing the poem with us.

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2012 :  22:16:22  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
Yes brother that's true indeed ! Expectations on that route is that other would chew the pepper for them and even suffer the effects of that chilly onslaught ask me buddy I know about that too and even had a go at by friends and family telling me that they did not delegate me to front for them ergo I should cook in my own broth ! Hey the mentality of our folks is such that what affects others does not concern them the least and they dire ahead in zealotry or bogus displays of nonchalance but in the dark confines of their rooms cry daily for deliverance from the evil yoke! No one will save us but ourselves that is if we do get up and tackle the matter as we should rather than pass the buck ! Respect to you and all! I have to edit that poem later as I read it showing sone misspellings and unwanted posts etc! I as you may know just write these poems straight up and post them on this site which requires editing at times . Thanks
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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2012 :  23:10:53  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
That's to correct a duplication of my posting above ! Miss the bantaba been too busy chasing the sterling darling of late

Edited by - kaanibaa on 18 Feb 2012 03:40:48
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11644 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2012 :  10:31:02  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message
Thank you. We missed you and many others lately.

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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12306 Posts

Posted - 18 Feb 2012 :  12:36:16  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message

"Miss the bantaba been too busy chasing the sterling darling of late"

Things can only get better,IF the Eurozone,manages to sort out its financial problems,but Germany at the moment doesn't really want to bail them out,france has been very quiet in recent times,politicians wondering about in a total daze like headless chickens,no change there then !

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.

Edited by - toubab1020 on 18 Feb 2012 12:37:32
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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 20 Feb 2012 :  20:15:42  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
Thanks brother Mo and Toubab i miss you too.The syndrome of ; had it and not knowing where it is or was, is causing many dizzy spells in the economic or financial arena. Once upon a time some given countries were looked upon as sources of wealth and were envied by the less previleged alas we now see that in truth that was a facade behind which is a nakedness which is now exposed for all to see. Countries and their people living beyond their means , I am talking about credit consumer societies etc . Reality came knocking at doors and it is this that is creating all those shockwaves. The truth embellished has now shown its face and we all in the farce are facing the music; lets hope it will be sorted out sooner rather than later.Bantaba will thrive brother this is my belief and the silence on my part was due to my busy schedule so i will try to keep coming in as usual thanks
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12306 Posts

Posted - 20 Feb 2012 :  20:25:44  Show Profile Send toubab1020 a Private Message
Kaan, a good summing up of the situation,I can only hope that Gambians at home realise that what you say is true and that this is the reason why remittances to those in Gambia have become smaller,things are expensive outside just like in Gambia everything is increasing in price and people have to economise just to stand still,we all miss you here, try to take a little time to visit bantaba and maybe post small.

"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
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3460 Posts

Posted - 16 Mar 2012 :  11:56:17  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
A good poem Kaani. Thanks.

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 17 Mar 2012 :  12:55:29  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
Thanks Santa i missed you , how is your city we are okay here and watching the developments back home, its refreshing to see the challenge made of late and that is an attack on the status quo, abuse of incumbency coupled or allied with corroupt activities which allows a free access to public funds by the ruling party gives them a sure advantage over their opponents . This cannot be fair at all and the opposition's stance of getting or asking for a redress before participating in elections was the right decision. Never mind other defering opinions i just cannot understand the view that this was wrong and a disservice since that participation would have been an exercise in futility and worse still ; one that would grant the ruling party legitimacy. The opposition got this right and should stay the course.Hey men we have been taken for a ride for far too long and if the international community is crying foul yet we go ahead with participatory election activiities without quering or challenging the attendant pitfalls , we can only blame ourselves. If the APRC wants to gain legitimacy they will redress the issues otherwise go it the mad way by going through bogus elections and face the world which shall look down on them as undemocratic jokers etc. Bravo to the opposition.
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3460 Posts

Posted - 18 Mar 2012 :  21:45:57  Show Profile  Visit Santanfara's Homepage Send Santanfara a Private Message
A very valid points Kaani. In fact, the system is always rigged against the opposition, hence it was wrong for them to trust the likes of Carayol, a product of the Jammeh gang. Now we hope, a new perspective can be formulated to usher in a new thinking, not centred around cult or dominant opinion, but a Gambian solution. Nice to see your mind flourish here.
As the Cassamance kuribo band would sing, "moro jan dun bee nyadi" Foo ban ban doron..

Surah- Ar-Rum 30-22
"And among His signs is the creation of heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. verily, in that are indeed signs for men of sound knowledge." Qu'ran
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11644 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2012 :  10:38:46  Show Profile Send Momodou a Private Message
I agree with you Kaani.
Originally posted by kaanibaa

Thanks Santa i missed you , how is your city we are okay here and watching the developments back home, its refreshing to see the challenge made of late and that is an attack on the status quo, abuse of incumbency coupled or allied with corroupt activities which allows a free access to public funds by the ruling party gives them a sure advantage over their opponents . This cannot be fair at all and the opposition's stance of getting or asking for a redress before participating in elections was the right decision. Never mind other defering opinions i just cannot understand the view that this was wrong and a disservice since that participation would have been an exercise in futility and worse still ; one that would grant the ruling party legitimacy. The opposition got this right and should stay the course.Hey men we have been taken for a ride for far too long and if the international community is crying foul yet we go ahead with participatory election activiities without quering or challenging the attendant pitfalls , we can only blame ourselves. If the APRC wants to gain legitimacy they will redress the issues otherwise go it the mad way by going through bogus elections and face the world which shall look down on them as undemocratic jokers etc. Bravo to the opposition.

A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone
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United Kingdom
1169 Posts

Posted - 26 Mar 2012 :  20:36:41  Show Profile Send kaanibaa a Private Message
Yes indeed this is a fact and thanks for concurring with my point of views guys. We now salute the valliant Senegalese electorate who stood firm in their quests for freedom, fairplay and a just democratic system wherefore they voted out; without equivocation, the octagerian joker who goes with the appellation of " matre whatever" Wada. Wadda wanted to overstay his welcome and so got the "degace" shove from the palace. Hey ! power belongs to the people and it only stays in one person or group of person'(s) hands till they ;the people wake up wanting it back. For our dreamers back home this is another wakeup call, but for the doomed , they shall neither seen nor hear or think about this for indeed their eyes , ears and hearts have been sealed" they are just like those foresaken by God, " summum buckmun umyun laa yubsirunna" I congratulate the Senegalese people for this wonderful show of maturity and patriotism, which is unlike that bogus display in poor Gambia ; which has been ******ised by the status quo and coined to mean the same thing as bootlicking etc. I hope the new Senegalese administration will consider the effects of sidelining their neighbour just as the former administration led by Wadda did , for indeed what affects us also affects them. The sounds of gunfire fueled by the supplies from a renegade soldier dressed in civies , has costed them lives of dearly beloved soldiers , who should have been alive if not for the support for the rebels via the illicit arms deals that I am alluding to etc.I know what am talking about here as so do the soldiers on the ground in Casamance. This war can be stopped but it has a clear cost and the Senegalese know this is true , though Wadda thought he had solved the problem in his thick foggy brain, which thank God will not now occupy the seat of power in Senegal. Long live democracy long live Senegal and down withcrazy dictators where ever they may be.
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