A group of economists is conducting research on remittance corridors from the United States to the Gambia. The objective is to obtain data on how Gambians in the United States are helping in economic development through the monies they send home. If you are a Gambian and live in the United States, please take two to three minutes to complete this anonymous survey. The findings will be used in order to promote supportive and friendly policies that allow the smooth flow of remittances to the Gambia. The findings will also enable researchers to improve the country’s data collection for balance of payments compilation.Thank you for your support.
Yes it does work in UK but maybe not in Denmark,I really think that you are collecting too much personal information that can be of great use to commercial companies,and others
Who are the "group of economists" ?
And:"The findings will also enable researchers to improve the country’s data collection for balance of payments compilation."
Copy and paste from the intro to the survey:
"Dear Sir/Madam, A group of economists is conducting studies on remittance corridors from the U.S. to the Gambia. The objective is to obtain data on remittance flows and understand how Gambians working abroad send money back home. The findings will be used in order to promote supportive and friendly policies that allow the smooth flow of remittances to the Gambia. The findings will also enable researchers to improve the country’s data collection for balance of payments compilation."
"Simple is good" & I strongly dislike politics. You cannot defend the indefensible.
Ok I was behind a coperate firewall which did not solow me to open the link. Anyway, its for those in the USA. I hope you one day share the results with us here.
A clear conscience fears no accusation - proverb from Sierra Leone