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Posted - 05 Dec 2011 : 02:58:53
[quote]Originally posted by kisley
quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Every Believer man is equal (for marriage purpose) to every believer woman in Islam." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Can that also be said of people who do not practice the Islamic faith...are they considered equal? Note from links forwarded above and summary of the main points for your answers; - The quote above is between muslim to muslim ("believers of Islam" and "for marriage purposes")! Islamic rules for "marriage purpose" varies in terms of guidance on that venture; and but with regard to equality (i.e. against racism/discrimination), it should not be taken out of context; for "Islam declares equality among people as one human race, one humanity, that is because Islam respect a human for being a human not for any other reason; Islam does not distinguish between two races, or two groups of people, or between two colour"; addressed in holy quran as "Yaa baani Adam" or "Oh Children of Adam"!The message of Islam is for the entire human race. According to Islam, Allah (SWT) is the God of the entire world and the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is a messenger for the whole of mankind. Islam unites the entire human race under one banner without any kind of discrimination."
What does the koran state about people who are non muslims/ atheists? These verses apply to whole of mankind ("Yaa baani Adam")
- " Allah (SWT) says in Surat Al-Hujurat, "O Mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is he who has most "Taqwa" (i.e. most fear of God and most righteousness) among of you. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware." Noble Qur'an (49:13)"
- ""And mankind is naught but a single nation. Holy Qu'ran 2:213"
- "In surah Al-Room Allah (SWT) says, "And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your tongues and colors; most surely there are signs in this for the learned." Noble Qur'an (30:22)"
- "Allah's (SWT) Messenger came with the Divine Message and proclaimed that no Arab is superior over a non-Arab, and no white is superior over black and superiority is by righteousness and God-fearing alone (Holy Qur' an Surat Al-Hujurat, 49:13).
- ""All men(includes women) are from Adam and Eve; equal in Islam, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white, except by piety and good action (save in the fear of God)." Last sermon of Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him."
"He also declared that even if an Abyssinian Black Muslim were to rule over Muslims, he should be obeyed"
- "Not only did Islam emphasize the equality principle theoretically, but did it practically in some of the worship acts that translated this principle into a sensible fact that does not escape people minds, thus: in the mosques where Friday prayer is held once every week, as well as the five daily prayers; equality is exercised practically and all the differences vanishes among people. That is, whoever came to the Mosque first, took his place in the front rows despite his financial states or position, and whoever come late, his place is late and if you look at any row among the prayer's rows, you would find in that row the rich and poor, the knowledgeable and the one with no knowledge, the Arab and the non Arab, no differences all the same in sight of Allah (SWT), their direction during prayer, as well as their reveled book, as their Lord is one and also their movements during the prayer following one Imam."
"Anyone well versed to recite Holy Qur'an and knew how to lead pray can always confidently step forward before and during prayers; to lead as Imam without any hindrance and/or rejection from others"
- "Also in the holy land where the annual Hajj pilgrimage and the Umrah is performed, the equality is even clearer and stronger that is because during prayer people may differ in their clothes but during Hajj pilgrimage and Umrah the Ihram situation oblige every one to only wear simple white clothes which equates the rich and the poor, the governor and governed, all walking around the Holy Kaaba asking one lord."
"(The Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca) was an exhilarating experience to see people belonging to different colours, races and nationalities, kings, heads of states and ordinary men from very poor countries all clad in two simple white sheets praying to God without any sense of either pride or inferiority. It was a practical manifestation of the concept of equally in Islam." Cassius Clay, now Muhammed Ali memoirs.
And same simple white sheet to wrapped for burial of every muslim and buried in soil as organic without caskets; and same coffin for all depending on sizes and one that fits to carry deceased to graveyard; irrespective of who you are (status,rich, poor, race, colour)!
- "Also, another practical application of equality in Islam, is the equality among people in front of the law and regulations. What is allowed is for all people and what is forbidden as well upon all people. The obligations are upon everyone, and whoever deserved punishment gets it, regardless."
Edited by - kobo on 06 Dec 2011 00:26:35 |