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Posted - 01 Nov 2011 : 17:27:09
MAAFANTA.COM WITH Joe Sambou PDOIS should cut the crap
"Hamat is going to be the flagbearer. You do not have to be in Mauritania to know that dinner is served in the evening. Hamat had told the whole world that he will not be part of any alliance that he will not lead. Now Einstein, what does the crystal ball tell you? If Hamat will break ranks with the UDP that consistently had more votes than Hamat, can you please tells us why in God's green earth he will let PDOIS or GPDP lead the alliance. You see, this is what happens when you see the moon and insist that you saw the sun. Again, if Hamat is going to be the flag bearer, then PDOIS tell Gambians what the basis is. A convention is not a basis. If Hamat is the man, how did the PDOIS principles agree to that? Is it because they signed the MOU? This is not about what the Gambian voter requested of you, is it? Regarding the "five" parties, that is a joke, right? PDOIS and NADD, PDOIS is the only party left in NADD, thus, PDOIS and NADD are one and the same. What is also interesting is after calling for principles all these decades, PDOIS is now in bed with Henry and GPDP, are you guys serious? As for GMC, they are playing doubles. I think Mai Fatty needs to come out and straighten the record.( He just mentioned on Maafanta that he is no part of PDOIS convention. Maafanta.com)
However, information is floating that those that went to the Convention for GMC did their own thing. I do not care either way. Mai is claiming that he does not endorse your Convention, so which is which? You see, PDOIS cannot dictate to people how they should be viewed. What is unfolding is unbecoming and it is not to the interest of the voter but to feed an ego. It is also a fantasy to believe that the PDOIS folks are the only ones who are dedicated and mean well for Gambia. That is a lame argument that will not stand any test. PDOIS should be the last party to talk about electoral statistics. Register 6% and then start to preach to the choir. What basis will Hamat be a flagbearer except that he had more votes than PDOIS in any contest they entered? If so, what about the party that had trounced the NRP, as the NRP trounced PDOIS at the polls? The same party led that PDOIS used as defense against the UDP, is the same party led that they are accepting with NRP, do you see the apparent contradiction?
I am a citizen like any and will speak my mind on PDOIS or any other party and do not need anyone’s approval? The paranoia and denial should stop, no conspiracies here. Cause and effect. Hamat said he will not be a party to NO UNITED FRONT of all opposition parties that he does not lead, the reason why he will not ally with the UDP because Darboe also want to lead the alliance. Where is the magic in this low hanging fruit that even Ray Charles can see? The PDOIS Convention is just window dressing, for the outcome is predestined . Hamat to be the flagbearer or no Convention for Hamat. The million dollar question is on what basis outside his claim of being with the largest support and electoral track record, no matter how you slice it, did that came about? By default, the same claim that UDP made that PDOIS continues to fight. The party led that PDOIS denounced is the same party led that they are now supporting, or someone tells us Hamat is going to run under a NADD ticket, the same NADD Hamat helped decapitate and denounced. Someone also said if I am not mistaken that Halifa attributed politics of tribe to Hamat, Yet, Halifa has more in common with Hamat today. That is a contradiction. History is not going to be rewritten in front of eyewitnesses.
Regarding this pica boo game playing around is going to be reduced to Hamat. Halifa told us that he is not going to be a candidate and that PDOIS will not field a candidate. Henry does not have support aside from Kanifing and to be more specific, his street. Mai Fatty, if PDOIS care to insist that he is still in count is not in the country, unless they say Martin is your suspect. No one wants to go there am sure. On top of all this, Hamat swore by his parents that any alliance he joins, he must lead.
What is not logical about the above? I swear if I could explain in "Huntin" language I would have ventured. This jam that the opposition parties find themselves in is their own doing the paranoia that I am pitting PDOIS against the UDP gotta stop. When I say something about Darboe, you see pit-bulls from that end snap, the same with OJ, Mai, and Hamat. The only exception is my good friend Henry, and that is because he is the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, PR, and Vice Chair of GPDP. :-)! Folks here know what's up. You must realize that the business of the Gambian nation is not PDOIS exclusive domain, but all stakeholders - Gambians. Party leaders created this mess so no one should attempt to transfer blame.The whole of Gambia has been pointing the obvious to PDOIS and all their folks stuck their nose in the mud and when the results of their actions hit in the face , I hope no one shows up crying we hate you all. Accusing folks of hating PDOIS is a lame excuse and Pdois folks should own up to that negligence. You partisans have paraded here for too long and are now realizing the mediocrity and low standards you set for yourself. Instead of bearing responsibility, you want to come here to foam about haters as if I am on a guest worker program in the Gambia. Now that you get your United Front, your worry should not be Joe, but how many votes you will get with that rouse. Remember, all Yaya needs is one single vote to take it all. Why do you think folks here are quiet? Precisely because folks do not buy into the Bull **** that is being sold.
For directions, PDOIS should sell that to foreigners and those without rights to citizenship or freedom of thought. I do not have to wait for any convention to state the obvious. Who on these distro can honestly say they do not know Hamat is going to be the flagbearer? Who? Then why the facade? How come Mai was not there if I was speculating? A flagbearer also will come to pass and he will be Hamat, so please stop the games PDOIS. On Thursday and when Hamat becomes your candidate, please you folks leave us alone. What kills me is some of these PDOIs fo folks calling yourselves defenders of their party to clown around here as if the rest of us are not Gambians. You convince yourself with dilutions long enough and reality will elude you."Excerpts for maafanta - Forward from Joe