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 Halifa, Can't You See or You Just Don't Care?
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United Kingdom
1382 Posts

Posted - 20 Oct 2011 :  11:12:17  Show Profile Send Nyarikangbanna a Private Message
Halipha can't you see?

by Fatou Jaw Manneh

Halipha can’t you see?
Silence fell over the horizon
As the inevitable scribes hit the platform
A sham document is brandished
Confirming all that we dreaded
That indeed after all this agitated noise
There is a coalition NOT.
Halipha can’t you see?

Over ten years and counting Gambians have given you respect fit for a king
Cause you showed up when needed
With courage and tenacity you persevered
I remember falling into the devil’s water while you swam along
And for that I am forever grateful
Endurance is your second name,
Perseverance your trademark
Your character in mandinka is called Foroyaa
And your pen never shied from the truth
We cajoled and begged and crawled but all was met with stiff rigidity
And we hailed and hailed and hailed you
Our highest and dearest Halifa
But time is running out
And indeed these are trying times
But Halipha can’t you see?

The prisoners’ roofs are leaking
Countless victims are killed and buried unnoticed
As presidential convoys become DEATH’s HIT SQUADS
Markets running dry, rice untouchable
As this golden coast of West Africa
Is turned into a kingdom of beggars
Where mediocrity is celebrated
Hypocrisy applauded and brutality condoned
Halipha can’t you see?

Even lawyers are jumping fence
Or was it the bar that got spoked?
Gambians hate to see any coalition
Without your stamp of approval
So open your heart and stay the cause on the people’s side
And do not take us for a fool Halifa
You took us for a long ride Halifa
And now we feel duped and suspicious
Of your actions and intentions
Halipha can’t you see?

Of PDOIS I am no member
neither do I identify with other parties
But if truth be told to you Halifa
Your strength and power
You have misunderstood or miscalculated
In the political arena Halifa
You are neither Mohammad nor the mountain
So Halifa please track back and follow the flow
Or else history will paint you ugly
Some fights are still worth the fight
Even when you know you lose in the end
Halipha can’t you see?

Nelson Mandela made the giant leap from prisoner to president
Not because he was more handsome, educated or concerned
But because a thousand other great men gave way and allowed him to pass
So that liberty reins supreme and terror is banished forever
Halipha can’t you see?

The restaurant is burning
Halifa so shocking you talk about setting the table
Sharing the cake with inadequate spoons and forks and
Please trash out this residual garbage
Omar OJ Jallow definitely my hero
He was arrested over 20 times, beaten and his house raided
Halipha can’t you see?

I interviewed OJ thrice and thrice I failed to produce the final draft
Cause I got shamed and emotional beyond belief
Anytime I tried to account for the trials and tribulations
Of this gallant son of The Gambia
It feels inadequate to address the ordeal of this brave son of the land
The country fell and he did not budge
And out of loyalty
He stood for his party
Even when he knows it was doomed
Halipha can’t you see?

Over ten years of the UDP
Ousainou Darboe we taunted, tormented and haunted
Abused and caricatured
With scandals of tribalism, naivety and timidity
Unfairly so for this humble man with great integrity
Out of love for you we hardly listened to Ousainou
But we shall not at the expense of our dear country
We cannot smooch smooch to our detriment
In The USA we call it tough love
And In reality, i mean country above ego
And some fights you fight even if you lose
Halipha can’t you see?

The humble man ran after you
Pleaded, stumbled and pleaded again
Cause we will not take anything less from him
But now and for now I say to OJ and Ousainou
You must move on and God speed!!
For Halifa and his band of flip-flops
I say good luck to you too and God bless you too
And history shall eventually be the judge
I shall leave you with some wisdom words from
Thomas Paine in the thick of the American Revolution
It gave inspiration to millions of Americans yearning for liberty
Hope it melts your heart and put you into Action too
Halipha can’t you see?

“These are the times that try mens souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis,
shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and
woman. “
Thomas Paine

Source; maafanta

I do not oppose unity but I oppose dumb union.

Edited by - Nyarikangbanna on 20 Oct 2011 11:12:55


270 Posts

Posted - 20 Oct 2011 :  17:32:54  Show Profile Send sankalanka a Private Message

The Saviour and The Puppet King
by Shaka, a Bantaba contributor

The debate is heated,
the rage intensified and
the venom pofusely seep
through the bile ducts.

All directed at one man.
Their saviour and villain.

Yes it is the election season
in The Gambia again.
How so can this one man
be a saviour and villain at the same time?

Good question! Ask the kingmakers
of the Gambia diaspora.
For at their feet they have gathered
a pile of rocks and stones
for the pelting feast
and in front of them clamouring
to dodge their weapons is the man
they love to hate
at this time of the season since 2006.

The mob is wild as Halifa Sallah staggers
from pillar to post
trying to shield from their pallets for dear life.
His only crime is that
"he is not willing to endorse"
the process they have hatched
to annoit the king they wish to enthrone. The Puppet King.

The Puppet King, they say,
is their Last Chance Saloon
in these wee hours before the
great battle against the evil Emperor Professor.

He would not have made last
not to mention top in their order
of pick had "time not been against them"
it is only a month before the great battle you see.

They say the Puppet King
is not leadership material.
He has no set beliefs, ideas,
principles or policies to present
to the people as an alternative
to the Emperor's dictatorship.

He's a coward who scappers
to foreign missions for sanctuary
every time the Emperor barks.

The Yanks and Senegalese missions
are fed up seeing him run to their abode
"to complain about Jammeh or the APRC"
at the mere sound of thunder or a burst car tyre.

He is also, they say, remote
controlled by a minority of his supporters
in the diaspora and is never seen
to be firmly in control of himself or his actions.
Never-the-less he has the largest
group of supporters among the opposition
and he came from the biggest tribe some dare say.

For the deluded diaspora Kingmakers
they believe they wield the strongest
and the most superior constituent amongst the opposition.
They are the "most learned" and the weathiest of the lot.

By virtue of these assets
they wield the power to determine
who ascends the Presidency.

How dare Halifa Sallah refuse their proposal.

They want to usurp the right to choice
and freedom to determined
the kind of governance and leadership from the people.
This, they say is the surest
and quickest way to boot out the dictatorship
and end their long endured self-imposed
exile existentence in Babylon,
for the long due authentic Mbahals,
Cheb bu jenn, Super Kanja and Domodas
that awaits them back home.

How very dare Sallah deny them this right.

For Sallah and The PDOIS
the right and privilege
to determine leadership and choice of goverment
belong to the Gambian people as a collective
and not a sellected few.

The people must be seen to have choices
in front of them and to be able
to choose at their own free will
and not what a deluded few
in the diaspora choose for them.

The PDOIS is not in negotiation
with the rest of the oppostion
to elect a UDP government.

That privilege belongs to the people.

The PDOIS is in negotiation
to help form and usher in
a transition government
to set right and give back to the people
what have been stolen, manipulated
and mutilated by the Jammeh Dictatorship.

It is not for The PDOIS
to bring to power a UDP government
that inherits the excesses
and powers of the dictatorship
that is forcing the people into servitude.

The notion of a UDP led transion government
is not only farcical as it is stupid,
it also trounces the very essence
of independence and coherence of a transition government.

The only position that is elected
in the executive of a UDP led government
is the Presidency.

All other positions are
either nominated or chosen
by the UDP President if elected,
as well as other powers like
dissolving Parliament
at The President's whims and caprices
as the constitution stands todate.

Therefore to call
a UDP led coalition government
a transition government among equals
is the dumbest thing i have ever heard.

You can promise
Halifa Sallah the Vice Presidency,
Hamat Bah the Finance Ministry,
Henry Gomez Foreign Affair etc
but as long as President Darbo
has the power to kick their butts
even before they touch their respective seats,
the rule of "ma waax waaxeet" is superior to all else.

It is therefore absolutely ridiculous
and outright delirious
to attempt to spin a 'UDP led trsnsition goverment.'
Plain stupid.

For those of you tying
to engineer a faux democracy
inorder to attend to your needs
for authentic Gambian dishes,
i'd say there is still a bit of waiting to do.

You cannot force Sallah to forego
his democratic principles
and great visions of future progress
of our nation for you instant gratifications.

Call him all the names on this planet as you want.
Dogmatic, over-intellectualised, arrogant and selfish.
I'm damn sure he had grown a thick skin
to all these insults over the course of his political career.

He sat among his equal
men and women of the highest
intellectual standing and professional discipline
and help formulate the 1997 constitution
before it was butchered by the AFPRC,
yet every day of your life you single him out
to fault for a 'flawed constitution.'

And yet it is Sallah
who is over-intellectualised.

He sat among his peers
constitutional lawyers among them
and together drafted the NADD MOU
and its attendant documents.
Yet still for the self righteous imbeciles
he is the architect of everything bad
about NADD to suit his personal agenda.

Oh yes it is Sallah
who is over-intellectualised
not those who dissect his utterings
to shreds every day of their sorry lives
looking for pathetic soudbites,
faults, red herrings, dogma
and ideologies as the ultimate sins.

Now you want him to commit
even more 'sins' by helping
to usher in a constitutional coup d'etat
for you to mastubate intellectually
in the future as soon as
the abvious cracks begin to appear.

Can't you find better use for you brains!!

When the going gets tough
with the dictator
you look for nobody in particular
but Sallah as your intellectual saviour and guide.

When he does not toe your line
as quickly as possible he becomes a villain.

For a man and his party
you love to insult so much
as incapable of yielding 5% of the votes
in any elections
how do you come to put the burden
of 'saviour of the people' on his shoulders.

For a man with so little influence
in the voting exercise
surely he cannot possibly hold
to ransom any opposition coalition effort.

Hamat Bah told you categorically
that there is no way
he is joining a UDP-led coalition
and i see no hiss of fits
and he supposively is the heir
to more than 10% of any votes cast anytime.

Sallah says
"let's look for an alternative
to a UDP-led coalition;"
"bring the go damn cross,
lets crucify the tyrant"
becomes you deafening reactions.

Are you people well?
or do you expect Hamat
to be a Happy Larry you just offer
some mbiskit medina
for him to start screaming
"weeew Darbo, da ma don chahan rek"
Get a friggin life all of you Saddos.

Edited by - shaka on 10 Oct 2011 04:18:38

Another point of view. Shaka, please, excuse me for taking the liberty to arrange your posting in this poetic format.

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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 20 Oct 2011 :  20:32:44  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message

1. Halipha can't you see? - by Fatou Jaw Manneh

2. The Saviour and The Puppet King - by Shaka, a Bantaba contributor



Edited by - kobo on 21 Oct 2011 07:40:34
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United Kingdom
1382 Posts

Posted - 22 Oct 2011 :  22:53:39  Show Profile Send Nyarikangbanna a Private Message
Good poem Fatou J manneh!

Hello Fatou J manneh. You have said it all in your poem 'I am
Gambian.' Never have I had a kaabunka hero but for you and
Baanka Hmm .......i have now. You are brave like a kombokabaa.
Our socalled Interlectuals, PHD holders In Gambia especially the
one we call Ntonkong kari. I m afriad to name him cause if i do, he
will coment on my few lines for the rest of the year.

We have a Mandinka proverb that says, Neng Beteh Beh Kung
kurungkono. Good tongue in a bad head, That is how to
discribe most of our Politicians in the Gambia. All what they are
interested is in creating a show and thinking that we don't
understand anything. He but only he is best in Gambian politics.
Karifulana jatta wo mu ala mondoty! Keep it up with your good job,
may god bless you and your family. Fabs, Gambia


I do not oppose unity but I oppose dumb union.
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1350 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2011 :  02:11:51  Show Profile Send Janyanfara a Private Message
Originally posted by sankalanka

The Saviour and The Puppet King
by Shaka, a Bantaba contributor

The debate is heated,
the rage intensified and
the venom pofusely seep
through the bile ducts.

All directed at one man.
Their saviour and villain.

Yes it is the election season
in again.
How so can this one man
be a saviour and villain at the same time?

Good question! Ask the kingmakers
of the Gambia diaspora.
For at their feet they have gathered
a pile of rocks and stones
for the pelting feast
and in front of them clamouring
to dodge their weapons is the man
they love to hate
at this time of the season since 2006.

The mob is wild as Halifa Sallah staggers
from pillar to post
trying to shield from their pallets for dear life.
His only crime is that
"he is not willing to endorse"
the process they have hatched
to annoit the king they wish to enthrone. The Puppet King.

The Puppet King, they say,
is their Last Chance Saloon
in these wee hours before the
great battle against the evil Emperor Professor.

He would not have made last
not to mention top in their order
of pick had "time not been against them"
it is only a month before the great battle you see.

They say the Puppet King
is not leadership material.
He has no set beliefs, ideas,
principles or policies to present
to the people as an alternative
to the Emperor's dictatorship.

He's a coward who scappers
to foreign missions for sanctuary
every time the Emperor barks.

The Yanks and Senegalese missions
are fed up seeing him run to their abode
"to complain about Jammeh or the APRC"
at the mere sound of thunder or a burst car tyre.

He is also, they say, remote
controlled by a minority of his supporters
in the diaspora and is never seen
to be firmly in control of himself or his actions.
Never-the-less he has the largest
group of supporters among the opposition
and he came from the biggest tribe some dare say.

For the deluded diaspora Kingmakers
they believe they wield the strongest
and the most superior constituent amongst the opposition.
They are the "most learned" and the weathiest of the lot.

By virtue of these assets
they wield the power to determine
who ascends the Presidency.

How dare Halifa Sallah refuse their proposal.

They want to usurp the right to choice
and freedom to determined
the kind of governance and leadership from the people.
This, they say is the surest
and quickest way to boot out the dictatorship
and end their long endured self-imposed
exile existentence in Babylon,
for the long due authentic Mbahals,
Cheb bu jenn, Super Kanja and Domodas
that awaits them back home.

How very dare Sallah deny them this right.

For Sallah and The PDOIS
the right and privilege
to determine leadership and choice of goverment
belong to the Gambian people as a collective
and not a sellected few.

The people must be seen to have choices
in front of them and to be able
to choose at their own free will
and not what a deluded few
in the diaspora choose for them.

The PDOIS is not in negotiation
with the rest of the oppostion
to elect a UDP government.

That privilege belongs to the people.

The PDOIS is in negotiation
to help form and usher in
a transition government
to set right and give back to the people
what have been stolen, manipulated
and mutilated by the Jammeh Dictatorship.

It is not for The PDOIS
to bring to power a UDP government
that inherits the excesses
and powers of the dictatorship
that is forcing the people into servitude.

The notion of a UDP led transion government
is not only farcical as it is stupid,
it also trounces the very essence
of independence and coherence of a transition government.

The only position that is elected
in the executive of a UDP led government
is the Presidency.

All other positions are
either nominated or chosen
by the UDP President if elected,
as well as other powers like
dissolving Parliament
at The President's whims and caprices
as the constitution stands todate.

Therefore to call
a UDP led coalition government
a transition government among equals
is the dumbest thing i have ever heard.

You can promise
Halifa Sallah the Vice Presidency,
Hamat Bah the Finance Ministry,
Henry Gomez Foreign Affair etc
but as long as President Darbo
has the power to kick their butts
even before they touch their respective seats,
the rule of "ma waax waaxeet" is superior to all else.

It is therefore absolutely ridiculous
and outright delirious
to attempt to spin a 'UDP led trsnsition goverment.'
Plain stupid.

For those of you tying
to engineer a faux democracy
inorder to attend to your needs
for authentic Gambian dishes,
i'd say there is still a bit of waiting to do.

You cannot force Sallah to forego
his democratic principles
and great visions of future progress
of our nation for you instant gratifications.

Call him all the names on this planet as you want.
Dogmatic, over-intellectualised, arrogant and selfish.
I'm damn sure he had grown a thick skin
to all these insults over the course of his political career.

He sat among his equal
men and women of the highest
intellectual standing and professional discipline
and help formulate the 1997 constitution
before it was butchered by the AFPRC,
yet every day of your life you single him out
to fault for a 'flawed constitution.'

And yet it is Sallah
who is over-intellectualised.

He sat among his peers
constitutional lawyers among them
and together drafted the NADD MOU
and its attendant documents.
Yet still for the self righteous imbeciles
he is the architect of everything bad
about NADD to suit his personal agenda.

Oh yes it is Sallah
who is over-intellectualised
not those who dissect his utterings
to shreds every day of their sorry lives
looking for pathetic soudbites,
faults, red herrings, dogma
and ideologies as the ultimate sins.

Now you want him to commit
even more 'sins' by helping
to usher in a constitutional coup d'etat
for you to mastubate intellectually
in the future as soon as
the abvious cracks begin to appear.

Can't you find better use for you brains!!

When the going gets tough
with the dictator
you look for nobody in particular
but Sallah as your intellectual saviour and guide.

When he does not toe your line
as quickly as possible he becomes a villain.

For a man and his party
you love to insult so much
as incapable of yielding 5% of the votes
in any elections
how do you come to put the burden
of 'saviour of the people' on his shoulders.

For a man with so little influence
in the voting exercise
surely he cannot possibly hold
to ransom any opposition coalition effort.

Hamat Bah told you categorically
that there is no way
he is joining a UDP-led coalition
and i see no hiss of fits
and he supposively is the heir
to more than 10% of any votes cast anytime.

Sallah says
"let's look for an alternative
to a UDP-led coalition;"
"bring the go damn cross,
lets crucify the tyrant"
becomes you deafening reactions.

Are you people well?
or do you expect Hamat
to be a Happy Larry you just offer
some mbiskit medina
for him to start screaming
"weeew Darbo, da ma don chahan rek"
Get a friggin life all of you Saddos.

Edited by - shaka on 10 Oct 2011 04:18:38

Another point of view. Shaka, please, excuse me for taking the liberty to arrange your posting in this poetic format.

I like your poem.
I also belief you entitled to your opinion but can you tell us what you think what is the way forward now that a UDP led coalition is not your soup?

Leave the monster in power?
Choose Halifa to lead that he is only capable?


If PDOIS happens to get even 20% of popular Gambian support, I swear I would have loved it for oppositions to meet with equal representation and even for Halifa to lead a coalition but lets face it my Honourable Halifa not trusted by majority of Gambians voters who want Yahya Jammeh to go.(I mean those farmers in the Provence not we the educated and his power base.

Now you said Darboe is a puppet...... I think it would be fair to say it was not us but the Gambian people who rejected Halifa and think he is not presidential material for if truth is to be told,It was said Jawara destroyed them politically by accusing them of practising socialism which his explanations to the Gambian voters made them so suspecting that a PDOIS government would deprive them of every thing.

Since 1996, only Darboe (the puppet) has been the ONLY serious threat to the monster. So what do you want the majority of opposition voters who are suspicious of Halifa Sedia and PDOIS policies do?. Am talking in terms of what the Gambian voters have been saying and doing since 1996.

Not us who vote on line here on Bantaba by saying what ever we want which is not even read by ten percent of Gambians much more endorsed and considered by those farmers and petty traders.x
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2011 :  05:36:37  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message

1. "Good poem Fatou J manneh!

Hello Fatou J manneh. You have said it all in your poem 'I am
Gambian.' Never have I had a kaabunka hero but for you and
Baanka Hmm .......i have now. You are brave like a kombokabaa.
Our socalled Interlectuals, PHD holders In Gambia especially the
one we call Ntonkong kari. I m afriad to name him cause if i do, he
will coment on my few lines for the rest of the year.

We have a Mandinka proverb that says, Neng Beteh Beh Kung
kurungkono. Good tongue in a bad head,
That is how to
discribe most of our Politicians in the Gambia. All what they are
interested is in creating a show and thinking that we don't
understand anything. He but only he is best in Gambian politics.
Karifulana jatta wo mu ala mondoty! Keep it up with your good job,
may god bless you and your family."
Fabs, Gambia

2.“What else did Halifa not see?”by Al Jawara, New York

"I was going to ignore the online special forces (or is it the online seal 6) whose primary mission is to metaphorically hunt and take Halifa down. Some accuse him of being selfish and dogmatic while others throw at him any dirty thing they can find in the sink. Yet the man is just being who he is: concerned citizen, respectful, and living up to the values he preaches ever since we came to know him. The insinuations made in several of the attach lines made me asked this question: what should Halifa do that will please his attackers? They refused to acknowledge his effort whenever he bravely confronts Jammeh on some crazy arrests and abuse of power, but are relentless in knocking him from all corners for also not saying yes to Darboe. They accused him (and Foroyaa) of frequently quoting from the constitution as if they are the only people who read the constitution. Seriously? So what should poor Halifa do: Abandon his true democratic ideology? Be an unprincipled man? Be an opportunist? Attract votes through exploit of divisions among communities? Or just be a politician for who they are?

Since its inception, the PDOIS with all their flaws refuse to participate in a kind of politics that feeds on patronage, false
promises and in some instances through social discord and tribal alliances. They set out a very clear and socialist agenda as an alternative to the Jawara regime and the then NCP. They refuse to be hosted by “Yaye compins” but rather put all their faith in the ultimate political maturity of the regular Gambian people most of whom see no choice but to crawl after the patrons and powerful but corrupt leaders. They invested so much of their time, money and energy raising awareness among local Gambians about their citizenship rights and obligations through numerous civic education programs hoping that one day the Gambian electorate will be liberated from the yokes of political elites and be more capable to hold their governments accountable just as it prevails here in the US. Call it naivety, fantasy, over ambitious or unintelligent but the simple truth is that what they are trying to achieve is very noble and admirable, to empower people and strengthen the democratic process in the Gambia.

First it was a joint statement from all the opposition parties that they have failed to reach an agreement to unite under one leader to take on Jammeh in the coming election. Next comes a barrage of attacks from some of the diaspora UDPers who took to the online media to declare their villain – Halifa Sallah of NADD (or is it PDOIS). They deliberately ignore the facts clearly stated in the declaration signed by all the parties that only UDP and PPP refused to endorse a primary like election to choose the leader that will lead the united opposition front. Instead they hold fast to their ideologue, just what they accused Halifa of doing, that all other parties should follow Darboe as the leader into the election. Why? Well UDP is the largest opposition party in the country. Is it also not curious that only PPP is ever willing to follow UDP all the time no matter what? Aside from OJ, where are the former PPP loyalists who are still active in politics?

Then comes a poem “Halifa can’t you see”? And I kept asking myself what else is it that he is not seeing? The poem may be an expression of frustration at collapsed opposition talk, but why direct your venom at Halifa and for what? So he is dogmatic because he presented a proposal accepted by all others except UDP and PPP and by extension responsible for failure of the opposition talks? By the way, is any of these people actually listening to Hamat Bah who thinks Darbo should give him the chance this time around to lead their so-called coalition absent of which he and the NRP are going solo. But no, blame Halifa for Hamat Bah’s new position. Just blame him for everything not matter what that is. Is it hatred of Halifa as a person or his principle of not giving in to political patronage? This is purely childish blame game that has become the default response of diaspora UDP supporters to any political stalemate in the Gambia.

As Ousu Menteh well put it, how can Halifa be both our fall back hero who takes on Jammeh anytime he start acting crazy (e.g. witch craft episode) and also the villain so hated by some diapora UDP. Why are you so blatantly not interested in true democratic process, but rather want a continuation of the PPP style of democracy full of patronage and self-grandiose. Is that not what Halifa and the PDOIS fought so hard against during the Jawara regime? At the start of its inception, Jawara and his cronies were feeling the heat from the momentum that was gathering behind the PDOIS so fast especially among the youths, and so they concocted a very well intentional and malicious slander against the parties’ philosophy of governance among which is that “no husband will own your wife and she could be shared with other men”. I was then a little boy but could vividly remember my village elders believing in this nonsense and harboring so much contempt for the PDOIS. I later began to wonder how a matured and grown up-person could believe in a statement as dumb as this.

Oh yes I know why: a politically unaware and backward populace that came to see voting for an incumbent as either decreed by God or as a way of demonstrating their communities loyalty to the ruling government and to appease the corrupt local leaders and political elites to gain their favor. This very cancer still continues to plague our society because Gambians were left in the dark for so long time, being the only country in Africa I believe without a TV or a University during the Jawara regime. Why did Jammeh grow so uncomfortable that he decided to close down the Citizen FM radio and recently gave a last warning to Taranga radio? Because his politics, and previously that of Jawara, depended so much on how less informed and unaware the Gambian electorates are. The translations of breaking news into local languages by the two radios was having real impact of raising political awareness by keeping local people well informed of current events and therefore undermining his ability to win elections .

When it was reported that the opposition parties were having serious meetings to form an alliance, the memories of the forming of NADD quickly came to mind and I asked myself is this not NADD round 2? I knew that no amount of tricks or manipulation will make the conversations deviate from the original premises of forming NADD in the first time around. Is Halifa also responsible for the failure of NADD round 1? Why did Darboe left the table when it was clear that all other party leaders want the coordinator of NADD to lead the opposition front so that fair elections could be held after Jammeh falls? If you think PDOIS only attracts 5% of the vote, why bother about them since you have such a might to do it on your own or with NRP? Why can’t you embrace the suggestion made by Dr. Ayittey that in the event no other party leader could be agreed upon to lead the united front, then a neutral person from outside should be called upon to lead as done in other countries? But no, let us attack Halifa because “I am equally an intellectual like him”.Why did Halifa and Co. decided to log heads with Jammeh and his thugs from day one of the coup? Why did they not just accept the ministerial positions that were offered by Jammeh in the early days but rather keep to their principles? Was he too naïve and ideological to miss an opportunity of becoming a minister? Why is he constantly reminding Jammeh of his obligations and the accountability that awaits him through open letters and protests some of which land him in Mile 2. Why did he not shut up when other party leaders are wrongly jailed by Jammeh but choose to challenge the regime for their violation of rights of those people? Is this man not noble and sincere?

I think the diaspora UDP cyber warriors should ask themselves more hard questions and try to determine why things are not going the way they hoped to see- a case in point is why is Hamat Bah acting so strange recently? These are some of the questions that needed to be cleared rather than looking for a default enemy in the name of Halifa to vent all your frustrations and anger at. And please acknowledge the fact that democracy is a messy process in which no one is entitled to be the leader!!

I rest my case!

Al Jawara NY"

Edited by - kobo on 23 Oct 2011 05:57:51
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United Kingdom
1382 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2011 :  22:06:48  Show Profile Send Nyarikangbanna a Private Message
Al Jawara misses the point

by Ismaila Njie, Banjul

I just read Jawara's piece in defense of Halifa. I think he misses a point and he is yet to make a qualitative assessmentof PDOIS and Halifa. One of the fundamental questions is how come in 25 years of existence, this is all PDOIS and Halifa could achieve? Yes we are all proud of Halifa and we appreciate his intelligence and the principled path he hastaken since we know him, but this does not mean he has been making the right decisions in all this time.

The circumstances of the Gambia today require a new outlook for which most of us expect Halifa to have realized even before all of us. We are not proud of UDP and some of us really detest that party because they are as reactionary as APRC. But the fact also remains that the vast majority of Gambians share theUDP/APRC mentality in which case Halifa is expected to engage in strategic analysis and interventions to bring about change. All revolutionaries are clear about the fact that one can compromise on tactics and strategy
without giving up principles. The Gambian context is such that PDOIS and Halifa would have to compromise on tacticsand strategy in order to bring about change no matter how minimal. The emergence of NADD with Halifa leading it as a coordinator is in itself a manifestation of compromise by PDOIS and Halifa because PDOIS/Halifa and UDP/Ousainouare like the earth and the sky. But they coalesced into one group even for a brief period.

I just told a guest with me here that if PDOIS has set its objective for 2011 beyond anything more than a regime change then we cannot obtain that objective. In this hour the urgent objective is to see APRC go. The real task begins when they are gone. For them to go there is no need for anything other than unity and frankly UDP gives us the platform already. There are many risk factors with a convention. What if some refuse the results? Or refuse to still
endorse the winner? Thus UDP led coalition offers us a cheaper and less contentious option given the urgency of the

This shows that Halifa and Ousainou need each other in the context of the Gambia in which case some of us are of the view that the onus really is on Halifa to exercise higher intelligence, understanding and analysis. In order words some of us are of the view that PDOIS/Halifa are the brains of the opposition, while the body is the UDP. Thus we expect much thinking and better strategy from Halifa, not to come down to the level of UDP and contest the mundane things such as leading a coalition. At this stage of our development, the most important thing is not who the individual leader is, but
who understands the context to ensure that there is a program to follow. This is where the Gambia needs Halifa: to guide the opposition from behind as their brain and strategist, while UDP or anyone else stands in front as the voice and face of the opposition. This is for the sole purpose of bringing about regime change, after which the real work begins for which we expect exceptional work from PDOIS to produce what they could not have produced in the last
quarter of a century.

This is the point each and every Gambia must realize. Yes others may have attacked Halifa wrongly, just as they also attack any of the other leaders, but we think Halifa and PDOIS has a role already cut out for them. Our people have deep seated conservative culture which has infested our politics hence the patronage and dictatorship. To change this is the task in order to place the Gambia on the path of good governance and durable development. But this cannot be
achieved now and in the next 5 years. Am sure Halifa and PDOIS are not setting this as their objective for 2011. For me the objective for 2011 is regime Change to save the Gambia from this murderous regime and ensure our very existence and life of the nation upon which all other things are possible.


I do not oppose unity but I oppose dumb union.
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United Kingdom
7765 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2011 :  22:16:00  Show Profile Send kobo a Private Message
MAAFANTA.COM Al Jawara misses the point by Ismaila Njie, Banjul

"I just read Al Jawara's piece in defense of Halifa. I think he misses a point and he is yet to make a qualitative assessment of PDOIS and Halifa. One of the fundamental questions is how come in 25 years of existence, this is all PDOIS and Halifa could achieve? Yes we are all proud of Halifa and we appreciate his intelligence and the principled path he has taken since we know him, but this does not mean he has been making the right decisions in all this time.

The circumstances of the Gambia today require a new outlook for which most of us expect Halifa to have realized even before all of us. We are not proud of UDP and some of us really detest that party because they are as reactionary as APRC. But the fact also remains that the vast majority of Gambians share the UDP/APRC mentality in which case Halifa is expected to engage in strategic analysis and interventions to bring about change. All revolutionaries are clear about the fact that one can compromise on tactics and strategy without giving up principles. The Gambian context is such that PDOIS and Halifa would have to compromise on tactics and strategy in order to bring about change no matter how minimal. The emergence of NADD with Halifa leading it as a coordinator is in itself a manifestation of compromise by PDOIS and Halifa because PDOIS/Halifa and UDP/Ousainou are like the earth and the sky. But they coalesced into one group even for a brief period.

I just told a guest with me here that if PDOIS has set its objective for 2011 beyond anything more than a regime change then we cannot obtain that objective.
In this hour the urgent objective is to see APRC go. The real task begins when they are gone. For them to go there is no need for anything other than unity and frankly UDP gives us the platform already. There are many risk factors with a convention. What if some refuse the results? Or refuse to still endorse the winner? Thus UDP led coalition offers us a cheaper and less contentious option given the urgency of the moment.

This shows that Halifa and Ousainou need each other in the context of the Gambia in which case some of us are of the view that the onus really is on Halifa to exercise higher intelligence, understanding and analysis. In order words some of us are of the view that PDOIS/Halifa are the brains of the opposition, while the body is the UDP. Thus we expect much thinking and better strategy from Halifa, not to come down to the level of UDP and contest the mundane things such as leading a coalition. At this stage of our development, the most important thing is not who the individual leader is, but who understands the context to ensure that there is a program to follow. This is where the Gambia needs Halifa: to guide the opposition from behind as their brain and strategist, while UDP or anyone else stands in front as the voice and face of the opposition. This is for the sole purpose of bringing about regime change, after which the real work begins for which we expect exceptional work from PDOIS to produce what they could not have produced in the last quarter of a century.

This is the point each and every Gambia must realize. Yes others may have attacked Halifa wrongly, just as they also attack any of the other leaders, but we think Halifa and PDOIS has a role already cut out for them. Our people have deep seated conservative culture which has infested our politics hence the patronage and dictatorship. To change this is the task in order to place the Gambia on the path of good governance and durable development. But this cannot be achieved now and in the next 5 years. Am sure Halifa and PDOIS are not setting this as their objective for 2011. For me the objective for 2011 is regime Change to save the Gambia from this murderous regime and ensure our very existence and life of the nation upon which all other things are possible."


Edited by - kobo on 23 Oct 2011 22:29:30
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270 Posts

Posted - 24 Oct 2011 :  15:55:50  Show Profile Send sankalanka a Private Message
I like your poem.
I also belief you entitled to your opinion but can you tell us what you think what is the way forward now that a UDP led coalition is not your soup?"

Janyanfara, just a point of clarification. I am not the one who wrote the ideas expressed in that poem.

What is now seemingly a poem, was a contribution that Shaka, who is also a Bantaba contributor, made on the Gambian Politics section of the Bantaba. I only arranged his contribution in this poetic format. I have not added anything to it. You can look at the original posting for your perusal. I have no idea who Shaka is.

Nyari forwarded a poem about Halifa here by Fatou Jaw Manneh. I forwarded the contribution that Shaka made on the same issue, and take the liberty to arrange it in a poetic format so as to present another point of view. Those of you wo want to argue on the merits or demerit of both articles can do so, we can all become more wiser for it.

I hope I have made myself clear.

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