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 WCAG supports Tanka Tanka

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 11 Oct 2022 : 23:33:04

A much needed contrubution to the Tanka Tanka Hospital who provide care to mentally handicapped, and mentally ill people who unfortunatly are often shunned by society.

RELATED INFORMATION can be found here :

(It's written in the Language of The Netherlands)


WCAG supports Tanka Tanka

Oct 11, 2022, 11:28 AM | Article By: Jankey Ceeaay

Women and Children Aid - The Gambia (WCAG) on Thursday donated necessary items to Tanka Tanka Psychiatric Hospital.

The items donated included detergent, second hand clothes, and cosmetics.

Isatou Secka, founder and executive officer of WCAG said part of the organisation’s mandate is to provide guidance and counseling, and psychosocial support to those they deem necessary and therefore decided to support Tanka Tanka.

She stated that, during some of their counseling sessions with clients, some revealed to them that if not for the support they receive at the moment, they could have been out of control and be admitted in Tanka Tanka. She noted that, this motivated them to remember their brothers and sisters at Tanka Tanka.

She therefore urged everyone to show love to these people as they are ‘equally part of us’, adding that their rights need to be respected.

“We provide free counseling to people in order to prevent such situations,” she said.

Omar Bojang, Matron at Tanka Tanka psychiatric hospital expressed delight with the gesture aimed at improving and ameliorating the lives of the mentally ill.

“Being mentally ill does not mean you should be neglected. We are grateful to receive such support from you to make them feel loved and part of the community,” he said.

The organisation was founded in January 2022 and engages in guidance and counseling as well as in psychosocial support.

They also extend support to vulnerable groups such as Persons Living With Disabilities, children, and women.

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