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 Announcements: Gambian Websites
 New home for Gambia-L

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Momodou Posted - 12 Jan 2006 : 01:12:43
Following the announcement in 2005 that St. John's University will decommission the Maelstrom Listserv on February 1st 2006 several Maelstrom list owners started an organization called the “Information Center for Online Resources and Services, Inc.” ICORS with the aim to continue the service St. Johns University has been providing for several lists including Gambia-L. The migration has now been completed and the new home for Gambia-L is:

Gambia-L has been hosted by St. John's University since May 19th 1999. The list had earlier been hosted by University of Washington from January 31st 1996 until the migration to St. John's University in 1999. The honor belongs to Dr Katim Touray of Madison, Wisconsin. He first started a discussion group after the 1994 Jawara coup d'etat with a few friends.............
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ousman Posted - 21 Jan 2006 : 15:00:21
Dr. Katim Touray is now in the Gambia. He has been living there for the past few years. That might explain why the name doesn't ring a bell for you.
Dalton1 Posted - 12 Jan 2006 : 17:34:03
history will cheer him. D L connected a lot of dots, however it's being abused in some instances.

Sounds Gambian name, and i live in the neighborhood-but haven't heard of that name before.

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