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 What has happened to the FOOT DOCTORS?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
toubab1020 Posted - 14 Jan 2020 : 21:46:40
Early last year there were several foot doctors in the Gambia who would work on a person's feet with their specialised knowledge and tools ,later this year there were none at all in major towns,the foot doctor would travel from place to place to ply his trade,but could usually be contacted by mobile phone
Most foot doctors I have come across travelled to Gambia from Niger or Mali,and are an African version of a Podiatrist,the current word for what the people from UK used to call a Chriopodist.

Any stories about these foot Doctors Dear Reader ?

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toubab1020 Posted - 29 Dec 2022 : 16:50:44
Originally posted by toubab1020

OK I will have a go,far too many fingers in the internet pie offering specialist services these days....... Ah yes forgot it's all about MONEY !!!

I will have to wait and find a visiting expert who can download a picture I have taken in 2017 without stickey money oriantated internet entities trying to make me PAY THEM for showing MY PIC !!!!, Yep the world is broken that's certain !!!
toubab1020 Posted - 29 Dec 2022 : 15:53:03
OK I will have a go,far too many fingers in the internet pie offering specialist services these days....... Ah yes forgot it's all about MONEY !!!
Momodou Posted - 27 Dec 2022 : 16:51:46
Toubab, I’m unable to view the pictures because I don’t have Dropbox. I suggest that you delete the link and share it another way.
toubab1020 Posted - 17 Dec 2022 : 19:31:24
Within the past 3 weeks I have had the pleasure of having my toe tails cut and thinned by these excellent Chiropodists or to use the American name Podiatrist Hmmmmm....Any way enough of that, years ago these Foot Doctors used to visit Gambia and ply their expertise in the open air at markets and other plublic places most came from Mali and used razor blades and scissors in their work ,because of changes in the world covid 19 and inflated prices of fuel they did not come to Gambia.
.On my latest visit I was lucky enough to see a Foot Doctor working on the feet of a of a shopkeeper in SerreKunda this young man I found out originated from Niger and not Mali and used many different shapes of scissors which he Stored on the fingers of his left hand,after he had finished the Shopkeepers feet he proceeded to Cut polish thin and trim both of my feet...SUPER JOB costing D50 for both feet BARGAIN.
toubab1020 Posted - 15 Jan 2020 : 11:06:10
That is probably because your feet and toe nails are in excellent condition Foot Drs did exist in Gambia I assure you and they knew their business very well it maybe that as telephone buyers are now required to provide proof of who they are to sellers of mobile phones and SIM cards when buying a phone or sim card.
Foot doctors are nomadic travellers in Africa, this could be the cause of their disapperence from Gambia recently.
Momodou Posted - 15 Jan 2020 : 10:35:50
I can't remember reading or hearing about them anywhere.

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