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 Papa's Land

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kaanibaa Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 22:19:59
It's Papa's land
So mine when he left
To farm and graze as I wish
That is before

It's Papa's land
That I inherit
My rightful own
That's my hope
That is before

It's Papa's land
On which he grew food
On which his cows graze
On which I played and hunted as a kid
On which My Mama grew vegetables
On which I hope to farm
When I grow to be a man
That was before

Now it's the King's land
Seized as of right
On it he grows all kinda things
He placed exotic animals
Which I only saw in pictures
He fenced off all that land
To stop me hunt and farm on it at will
I only get to see that land
As an unwilling volunteer
To work for his highness

During these times
I cry silently and curse
Yet the Gods silently watch
Me suffer this loss
Perhaps they enjoy my misery
But my heart threatens to burst
Yet the body holds it tight
So I live another day
In my sorry plight

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kaanibaa Posted - 08 Dec 2016 : 23:11:58
Originally posted by kaanibaa

It's Papa's land
So mine when he left
To farm and graze as I wish
That is before

It's Papa's land
That I inherit
My rightful own
That's my hope
That is before

It's Papa's land
On which he grew food
On which his cows graze
On which I played and hunted as a kid
On which My Mama grew vegetables
On which I hope to farm
When I grow to be a man
That was before

Now it's the King's land
Seized as of right
On it he grows all kinda things
He placed exotic animals
Which I only saw in pictures
He fenced off all that land
To stop me hunt and farm on it at will
I only get to see that land
As an unwilling volunteer
To work for his highness

During these times
I cry silently and curse
Yet the Gods silently watch
Me suffer this loss
Perhaps they enjoy my misery
But my heart threatens to burst
Yet the body holds it tight
So I live another day
In my sorry plight

kaanibaa Posted - 21 May 2014 : 04:23:14
Thanks brother this is serious business and though we call it useless slogan is a method via which he steals land from the poor farming community
kaanibaa Posted - 21 May 2014 : 04:16:41
Brother..that is exactly what am talking about ..empty slogans as far as we are concerned but useful tools to outwit our poor farming community and usurp the land.
Momodou Posted - 09 May 2014 : 08:34:18
Kaaniba, thank you once again. The new slogan is nothing but a tool to grab more land from our farming communities.

A good tool to pinpoint and catalogue all his properties after 20 years as Head of State is this: Crowd mapping the many properties of His Excellency
kaanibaa Posted - 08 May 2014 : 22:16:24
Now all can see the new program of operation feed the nation etc.. the buzz in town is the promise of self sufficiency in agricultural produce rice sitting at the top..Brothers no end in sight for this land grabbing president in the guise of empowering the farmers. Forgotten is the cash crop to wit groundnuts ,of course dumped as he cannot buy from the poor farmers; poor not because they have nothing but because their crops were not being bought for cash as they were used to.This is a big wahala . I am not claiming any prophesy here but see what happened lately and connect the dots

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